Close Combat Table

Odds Ratio: < 1-8 1-8 1-6 1-4 1-2 1-1 3-2 2-1 3-1 4-1 6-1 8-1 10-1 > 10-1
Kill Number 02 13 24 35 46 57 68 79 810 911 1012 1113 1214 1315

Red Kill Numbers apply to Hand-to-Hand CC only. NA by/vs vehicles/PRC/pillbox-occupants (G1.64, J2.31)

Sequential CC: Ambush, AFV, Prisoner    * Applicable only to CC vs vehicles; DR ≤ CCV
*CCV: Squad 5, Crew 4, HS 3, SMC 2
CCV Modifiers: Assault Engineers: +1, Inexperienced: -1. extra SMC: +1, halved FP: -1 (per each application)
CC or Firepower DRM:
by Ambush (NA during Melee)    (vs Ambush +1)-1 *With ATMM (C13.7)-3
vs Crest/ski/Truck Passengers    (by same: +2)-2 *vs Motion/non-stopped vehicle (A11.51)+2
vs CX/TI/Wire unit/Riders    (by same: +1)-1 *vs OT/partially armored AFV (A11.61)-2
Capture Attempt    (vs Inexperienced Infantry: -1)+1 *vs CE CT or abandoned AFV (A11.61)-1
vs Withdrawing Infantry (A11.2)    (per Covering unit: +1)-2 *vs vehicle with no manned usable MG (A11.51)-1
vs Broken Unit (A11.16)-2 *vs unarmored vehicle (A11.51)-3
by unpinned Gurkha (A25.43)/Japanese (G1.64) vs Infantry/Cavalry in HtH CC (unless ambushed)-1 *Per escorting Personnel HS/Crew (A11.51) (squad: +2)+1
vs Concealed unit (A11.19) *vs Immobile AFV (A11.61)-1
by Guarding/Motion/Pinned unit (per application) *Original 2 DR (A11.501)[dr 1:Burn, 2: Elim, 3: Immob]
by Overstacked per excess squad (FRU) (A5.12)+1 vs boat/amphibious passengers (E5.6)    (by same: +2)#
vs Bank unit (G8.212)/Panji unit (G9.21)    (by Same: +1)-1 Leadership (if not alone) (A11.141)/Heroic (A15.24) DRM+x/-1
by vehicle on Narrow Street (B31.132)+1
by Dare-Death MMC (G18.62) vs Personnel-1