7.1 Whenever PTO Terrain (G.1) is in effect, each marsh hex that is adjacent to ≥ one jungle hex becomes a swamp hex. Swamp is treated as "non-flooded" (B16.6) marsh except as stated otherwise. The effects of a swamp Location are not altered by the water depth of a stream/
7.2 LOS/
7.21 SIGHTING TC: Like woods, swamp provides a +3 DRM vs a Sighting TC (E7.3).
7.3 ENTRY: Swamp may be entered by amphibious vehicles as per B16.42, and by boats as if the swamp were a Water Obstacle (E5.3). When a boat is sunk in a swamp, E5.53 comes into effect as if the swamp were shallow; the surviving Passengers (if any) become Infantry (but not Fording Infantry; E5.32).
7.31 BOG: Each non-swamp/
7.32 AERIAL: All parachutes landing in swamp are treated as per 2.213 as if landing in dense jungle. A glider landing in swamp receives a +4 Crash drm (i.e., +1 for landing in "marsh" and +3 for landing in "woods"; E8.23).
7.4 MISCELLANEOUS: Special rules for FG apply in swamp; see G.3.