2. Jungle
2.2 DENSE JUNGLE: A dense-jungle hex has a +2 TEM [EXC:- 1 TEM vs Air Bursts]. Infantry/Cavalry stacking limits are reduced to two (Overstacking can still occur) in dense-jungle hexes that do not contain a road/building. A dense-jungle hex is Inherent Terrain (B.6), thus blocking LOS along its hexsides [EXC: same-level LOS may be drawn along any such hexside that is completely clear of land terrain (e.g., a hexside pond, or river hexside, that has no land terrain touching that hexside); such hexsides are not part of the dense-jungle Inherent Terrain]. A non-ADJACENT ground unit at a different level than that of a dense-jungle road hex's Base Level can have a LOS to/through that hex via its road portion only if that LOS is along a Continuous Slope. An Aerial unit has no LOS to any non-Aerial (including the in-hex road) portion of a dense-jungle hex. Reciprocity (A6.5) applies. Q&A
2.21 ENTRY: Normal woods entry costs (including those for path/TB if applicable) apply to entering dense jungle.12 However, horses may be "led" into a dense-jungle Location only if using a road, path or TB, while Cavalry may enter only if using a road or path (see also 2.4). The only vehicles that may enter a dense-jungle Location without using a road/TB are fully-tracked AFV [EXC: tankettes and Carriers are NA] and dozers. These vehicles can also create TB in dense jungle as per B13.421 (see also 2.211).
2.211 BOG: If a vehicle is required to take a Bog Check (as per B13.41) upon entering or changing VCA in dense jungle, a +2 DRM must be added to its Bog DR [EXC: this DRM does not apply to a dozer that declared it was dozing and then entered dense jungle by expending its entire printed MP allotment other than any for Starting/Stopping/changing-VCA; nor does it apply to a dozer that changes VCA while dozing in dense jungle].
EX: An M4 Sherman tank that enters dense jungle by expending half of its printed allotment (B13.42) while not using a road or TB receives a +6 Bog DRM (+3 [entry using half its MP allotment] + 2 [dense jungle] + 1 [normal ground pressure] = +6). If it instead enters by expending its entire MP allotment (B13.41) it will receive a +3 Bog DRM (+2 [dense jungle] + 1 [normal ground pressure] = +3). If the Sherman were a tankdozer, entry by expending its entire MP allotment would incur the same total +3 Bog DRM unless its owner had first declared that it would doze, in which case the +2 dense-jungle DRM would not apply. Nor would that +2 DRM apply if the dozer changed VCA in dense jungle, provided again that its owner had first declared it to be dozing. In all cases, a partial TB would be placed in the dense-jungle hex when (and from the hexside across which) the tank(dozer) entered, but that TB would be removed if the vehicle then bogged (B13.421-.4211).
2.212 BYPASS: Bypass is NA in a dense-jungle hex [EXC: an amphibious vehicle may use VBM along a water hexside (as defined in 2.2) by expending one amphibious MP].
2.213 AERIAL: Even a ½" parachute must take a Landing MC (E9.42) using a Morale Level of 7 when it lands in dense jungle. Any chute that fails its Landing MC in dense jungle is eliminated (along with its contents).
2.22 STRAYING: In a daytime scenario, a non-subterranean Infantry unit/stack that in its MPh is in an Interior dense-jungle hex (i.e., a woods hex adjacent to six other woods/brush/marsh hexes) and wishes to move to a new hex must make a Movement DR (and hence possibly a Straying DR as well) unless it has already done so in its current MPh, is conducting a Banzai Charge (1.5), or is/contains a unit defined as a Partisan. E1.53-.533 still apply [EXC: Illumination is NA], as do the following: - A Strayer instead becomes TI if the ADJACENT Location it must enter next is not a jungle/bamboo hex;
- Jitter Fire (E1.55) does not apply.
2.23 FIRE GROUP: A unit in dense jungle has restricted FG capabilities; see G.3.
2.24 MORTAR: No mortar may fire from a dense-jungle (including such a jungle-road) hex.13
2.3 NIGHT: No LOS exists at night between adjacent dense-jungle hexes except due to Illumination/Gunflash. Neither starshells nor IR can Illuminate the non-Aerial portion of a jungle hex [EXC: they can Illuminate the Bypass area of light jungle hexes in which E1.941 does not apply]. See also G.8.
2.4 CAVALRY: Cavalry may Gallop (A13.36) in jungle only along a road, and may not Charge in a jungle hex.
2.5 FIRE: The Kindling and Spread numbers for jungle are "12".
2.6 SHELLHOLES: Shellholes can occur in jungle, in which case the jungle terrain (and any Flame/Blaze already in it) is considered to no longer exist at all.
2.7 CLEARANCE: At the end of the CCPh, one armed MMC in each jungle/bamboo Location may make a Clearance (B24.7) DR in an attempt to Clear (i.e., create) a Path, provided that during the previous MPh/DFPh (whichever came last) it became TI in a declared attempt to do so. However, a unit may not make (or modify) a Path Clearance DR while pinned, entrenched, PRC, possessing ≥ its IPC or any ⅝ counter, in Crest status, in a hex with a non-captured Known enemy unit, in a wire/building/minefield Location, above a Panji counter (9.71), not in Good Order, and/or not TI for path Clearance purposes; nor may it do so if during the current Player Turn it has fired, directed fire, been marked for Opportunity Fire or expended MF. A unit is Lax and subject to Hazardous Movement while TI for path Clearance. The only DRM possible for a Path Clearance DR are +x for Labor Status, +y for leadership, +1 if CX, +1 if the hex is bamboo, and -1 if the hex is light jungle. If the Clearance DR is successful, a Path counter is placed in the MMC's hex connecting any two of its hexsides. A Path counter is removed only when its Location contains a Shellhole/Rubble counter or Terrain Blaze. All paths in the same hex are assumed to connect to each other, and to all roads/TB, in that hex. A Path counter is equivalent to a printed path in all respects. Q&A
2.8 MISCELLANEOUS: Special rules for Fortification HIP, Detection, Recovery and Ambush apply in jungle; see G.2, G.4, G.5 and G.6 respectively.