2. Jungle

2.1 Whenever PTO Terrain (G.1) is in effect, all woods become jungle. If not defined as Light, the jungle is considered Dense (2.2). The term "jungle" by itself refers collectively to both types. Jungle is treated as woods except as stated otherwise. Jungle is a two-level obstacle.

If jungle is in effect for a DYO scenario but its type is not specified/agreed-upon, make a dr prior to setup. If the dr is ≤ 3 use light jungle; otherwise use dense.

2.2 DENSE JUNGLE: A dense-jungle hex has a +2 TEM [EXC:- 1 TEM vs Air Bursts]. Infantry/Cavalry stacking limits are reduced to two (Overstacking can still occur) in dense-jungle hexes that do not contain a road/building. A dense-jungle hex is Inherent Terrain (B.6), thus blocking LOS along its hexsides [EXC: same-level LOS may be drawn along any such hexside that is completely clear of land terrain (e.g., a hexside pond, or river hexside, that has no land terrain touching that hexside); such hexsides are not part of the dense-jungle Inherent Terrain]. A non-ADJACENT ground unit at a different level than that of a dense-jungle road hex's Base Level can have a LOS to/through that hex via its road portion only if that LOS is along a Continuous Slope. An Aerial unit has no LOS to any non-Aerial (including the in-hex road) portion of a dense-jungle hex. Reciprocity (A6.5) applies. Q&A

2.21 ENTRY: Normal woods entry costs (including those for path/TB if applicable) apply to entering dense jungle.12 However, horses may be "led" into a dense-jungle Location only if using a road, path or TB, while Cavalry may enter only if using a road or path (see also 2.4). The only vehicles that may enter a dense-jungle Location without using a road/TB are fully-tracked AFV [EXC: tankettes and Carriers are NA] and dozers. These vehicles can also create TB in dense jungle as per B13.421 (see also 2.211).

2.211 BOG: If a vehicle is required to take a Bog Check (as per B13.41) upon entering or changing VCA in dense jungle, a +2 DRM must be added to its Bog DR [EXC: this DRM does not apply to a dozer that declared it was dozing and then entered dense jungle by expending its entire printed MP allotment other than any for Starting/Stopping/changing-VCA; nor does it apply to a dozer that changes VCA while dozing in dense jungle].

EX: An M4 Sherman tank that enters dense jungle by expending half of its printed allotment (B13.42) while not using a road or TB receives a +6 Bog DRM (+3 [entry using half its MP allotment] + 2 [dense jungle] + 1 [normal ground pressure] = +6). If it instead enters by expending its entire MP allotment (B13.41) it will receive a +3 Bog DRM (+2 [dense jungle] + 1 [normal ground pressure] = +3). If the Sherman were a tankdozer, entry by expending its entire MP allotment would incur the same total +3 Bog DRM unless its owner had first declared that it would doze, in which case the +2 dense-jungle DRM would not apply. Nor would that +2 DRM apply if the dozer changed VCA in dense jungle, provided again that its owner had first declared it to be dozing. In all cases, a partial TB would be placed in the dense-jungle hex when (and from the hexside across which) the tank(dozer) entered, but that TB would be removed if the vehicle then bogged (B13.421-.4211).

2.212 BYPASS: Bypass is NA in a dense-jungle hex [EXC: an amphibious vehicle may use VBM along a water hexside (as defined in 2.2) by expending one amphibious MP].

2.213 AERIAL: Even a ½" parachute must take a Landing MC (E9.42) using a Morale Level of 7 when it lands in dense jungle. Any chute that fails its Landing MC in dense jungle is eliminated (along with its contents).

2.22 STRAYING: In a daytime scenario, a non-subterranean Infantry unit/stack that in its MPh is in an Interior dense-jungle hex (i.e., a woods hex adjacent to six other woods/brush/marsh hexes) and wishes to move to a new hex must make a Movement DR (and hence possibly a Straying DR as well) unless it has already done so in its current MPh, is conducting a Banzai Charge (1.5), or is/contains a unit defined as a Partisan. E1.53-.533 still apply [EXC: Illumination is NA], as do the following:

2.23 FIRE GROUP: A unit in dense jungle has restricted FG capabilities; see G.3.

2.24 MORTAR: No mortar may fire from a dense-jungle (including such a jungle-road) hex.13

2.3 NIGHT: No LOS exists at night between adjacent dense-jungle hexes except due to Illumination/Gunflash. Neither starshells nor IR can Illuminate the non-Aerial portion of a jungle hex [EXC: they can Illuminate the Bypass area of light jungle hexes in which E1.941 does not apply]. See also G.8.

2.4 CAVALRY: Cavalry may Gallop (A13.36) in jungle only along a road, and may not Charge in a jungle hex.

2.5 FIRE: The Kindling and Spread numbers for jungle are "12".

2.6 SHELLHOLES: Shellholes can occur in jungle, in which case the jungle terrain (and any Flame/Blaze already in it) is considered to no longer exist at all.

2.7 CLEARANCE: At the end of the CCPh, one armed MMC in each jungle/bamboo Location may make a Clearance (B24.7) DR in an attempt to Clear (i.e., create) a Path, provided that during the previous MPh/DFPh (whichever came last) it became TI in a declared attempt to do so. However, a unit may not make (or modify) a Path Clearance DR while pinned, entrenched, PRC, possessing ≥ its IPC or any ⅝ counter, in Crest status, in a hex with a non-captured Known enemy unit, in a wire/building/minefield Location, above a Panji counter (9.71), not in Good Order, and/or not TI for path Clearance purposes; nor may it do so if during the current Player Turn it has fired, directed fire, been marked for Opportunity Fire or expended MF. A unit is Lax and subject to Hazardous Movement while TI for path Clearance. The only DRM possible for a Path Clearance DR are +x for Labor Status, +y for leadership, +1 if CX, +1 if the hex is bamboo, and -1 if the hex is light jungle. If the Clearance DR is successful, a Path counter is placed in the MMC's hex connecting any two of its hexsides. A Path counter is removed only when its Location contains a Shellhole/Rubble counter or Terrain Blaze. All paths in the same hex are assumed to connect to each other, and to all roads/TB, in that hex. A Path counter is equivalent to a printed path in all respects. Q&A

2.8 MISCELLANEOUS: Special rules for Fortification HIP, Detection, Recovery and Ambush apply in jungle; see G.2, G.4, G.5 and G.6 respectively.