This example describes the Perimeter determination procedure and its effects on Isolated units. Actions that each side takes in the various steps (11.605-.6066) are detailed. The illustration on the facing page shows the southwest corner of the RB map; it is important to note that for purposes of this example no other hexes exist (i.e., the edge of the map area depicted represents the "true" edge of the map). Perimeter markers are placed at ground level in the hex whose coordinates have been printed in bold in the EX text. The format "A38 -> C39" indicates that a marker is placed in A38 pointing towards another Perimeter marker in C39 along Hex Grain A38-B38-C39; "B38-C39 -> D38" indicates that a Perimeter marker is placed in B38 pointing towards D38 along the Alternate Hex Grain B38-C39-D38 (as per the E12.11 Alternate Hex Grain diagrams).
In RePh step 11.6052 each side places a friendly Location Control marker in the Strategic Locations shown with such markers in the illustration. Not every eligible Location is so marked as it is only necessary to mark a Strategic Location that might affect the Perimeters' alignment. Then, as per step 11.6053, the German player places a friendly Perimeter marker in A41 and M44, pointing them towards each other along the A41 -> A45, A45-B45 -> M45, M45 -> M44 map-edge (Alternate) Hex Grains (the 9-0 Commissar in hex I45 cannot disrupt the A45-B45 -> M45 Alternate Hex Grain since a SMC cannot Control a hex; A26.11). The Russian player likewise places Perimeter markers in A40 and M43, pointing them towards each other along the A40 -> A38, A38-B37 -> M38, M38 -> M43 map-edge (Alternate) Hex Grains.
Next, in step 11.6054 the German player starts by placing a Perimeter marker in L43, pointing towards the map-edge marker in M44 (Hex Grain L43 -> M44). He continues by placing markers in the following order: J41-K42 -> L3; G42-H41 -> J41; F42 -> G42; B42-C43 -> F42; and finally H42-B41 -> A41. This completes a "loop" of connecting (Alternate) Hex Grains comprising the following hexes: M44, L43, K43, K42, J41, I42, H41, G42, F42, E43, D42, C43, B42, B41, A41, A42, A43, A44, A45, B45, C45, D45, E45, F45, G45, H45, I45, J45 K45, L45 and M45. These hexes are all of the German Front Line Locations and enclose the German Perimeter Area.
At the same time the German side is marking his Perimeter the Russian may be doing likewise. First, the Russian player places a Perimeter marker in K41, pointing towards the friendly map-edge Perimeter marker in M43 along Alternate Hex Grain K41-L41 -> M43. He continues by placing further Perimeter markers in the following order: G41-H40 -> K41, C41-D41 -> G41; C42 -> C41; C42-B41 -> A40 (map-edge Perimeter marker). The Russian Perimeter (Front Line Location) "loop" consists of the following hexes: M43, L42, L41, K41, J40, I41, H40, G41, F41, E41, D41, C41, C42, B41, B40, A40 and the remaining map-edge Perimeter hexes. These hexes are most of the Russian Front Line Locations; however, several more will be added during the subsequent steps in order to enclose "cut off" units.
In step 11.6056, the German player notes that all of his units are already successfully enclosed within/
The Russian player notices that friendly squads D & T are in upper-level Pockets #2 and #3, respectively; as per 11.6057, no Perimeter markers are placed. Note that even though Pockets #2 and #3 are adjacent to Pocket #l, they are independent of that Pocket. H41 and G43 become Russian Perimeter Area hexes and therefore their ground levels become Isolated since they are now part of both Perimeters (the first levels were already Isolated because they are Pockets). Hex E42 is a No Man's Land hex and becomes un-Controlled (as it is outside both sides' Perimeters), while hex J38 passes to Russian Control (note that the German player could not form a Pocket with just the friendly Control marker in J38, as there must be friendly unit present). The 9-0 Commissar is Eliminated (the Russian player could not expand Pocket #l to include him because the leader is not an AFV/
The players now proceed to RePh step 11.606, "ISOLATION". The only Isolated German unit is squad A in H41, whereas the following Russian units are Isolated: the T-70 (H42), squad C (H44), squad D (G43) and squad T (H41). German squad A and Russian squad T are in a one-hex type D Isolated Area which includes Pocket #3 (but is not in its entirety a Pocket); Russian Pocket #2 and the ground level in G43 are a one-hex type C Isolated Area; Russian Pocket #1 is a type C Isolated Area; hex B41 is a type A Isolated Area. As per 11.6061, all the afore-mentioned Isolated units will suffer from Ammunition Shortage at the start of the next CG scenario (unless such a unit successfully Escapes; 11.6063). Hexes B41 and E42 become No Man's Land (11.6063).
In step 11.6063 Russian 5-2-7 squad D attempts to Escape; it has an Escape Table DRM of -1 (-1 [Russian] +1 [extra HS] -1 [≤ 2 hexes from friendly-Controlled, non-Isolated hex G41] = -1). The Original DR is 12, modified to 11, which results in the squad being Replaced by a 4-2-6 Conscript and then Casualty Reduced to a 2-2-6 HS, which Escapes and is Retained in the Russian OB. In step 11.6065 the German side now gains Control of the 1st-level Pocket in G43 (vacated by the Escaping Russian squad) since the only ADJACENT Location (ground level of G43) is German-Controlled. Hex G43 is no longer part of the Russian Perimeter and is no longer Isolated.
This enlargement of the reduced-size RB map shows how the players have marked their perimeters (11.6066). The Soviet Perimeter is in red; the German in blue. Note that both Perimeters have been recorded on the same reduced-size map.
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