counters listed below are removed from the map at this time:
- FFE, SR and Barrage markers.
- Acquired Target markers.
- Radios and Field Phones.
- DM, Disrupted, Fanatic, Berserk, Wall Advantage and HD markers, Dummy stacks and Dummy Cloaking counters.
- CX, Motion, CE, BU, Stun.
- All still hidden/Cloaked units and Equipment are placed on-map concealed in their setup Location [EXC: hidden Set DC (11.621) may remain Hidden until step 11.6073].19 Still-hidden Fortifications need not be revealed at this time.
- Sewer markers. Each unit/SW beneath such is Retained.
- Snipers.
11.6031 CG SCENARIO VICTORY DETERMINATION: The winner of the just-completed CG scenario is now determined (11.6235; see 11.51 -.53 for Initial Scenario Victory Conditions). A Location Controlled solely due to having been deliberately set on Fire by the opponent (as per A26.13) does not count toward scenario Victory Conditions. Units/Equipment Eliminated in the RePh after this step (11.6031) never count for CG scenario Victory Determination nor for MMC Battle Hardening DRM (11.6112), but can be used for CPP DRM determination purposes (11.616).
11.6032 RALLY: After the scenario victor is determined, all currently broken units of both sides automatically rally, even if Disrupted. No DR are made. All Passengers/Riders are unloaded into their Vehicle's Location (a unit unloading into an A-P minefield is not immediately attacked, but 11.6042 will apply).
11.6041 ENCIRCLEMENT: Each Encircled unit [EXC: prisoner] must take a 1TC (Leader DRM apply). Failure of the 1TC results in the unit's immediate Elimination [EXC: the Encircled Vulnerable PRC of an Immobile AFV are Eliminated, leaving the AFV Immobile and Abandoned]. Each prisoner that an Eliminated Encircled unit was Guarding must if possible be claimed by another unit in that Location friendly to the Eliminated unit. If the prisoner is not claimed, it may automatically possess any Equipment dropped by its Eliminated Guard and is considered Rearmed (A20.551). Otherwise, any Equipment that an Eliminated Encircled unit possessed is left in the Location unpossessed.
Each Encircled unit that passes its 1TC remains in its present Location (Encircled markers are not removed until step 11.6064).
11.6042 MINEFIELDS: An AFV in any type of minefield undergoes the appropriate type(s) of mine attack(s), fully resolved in the normal manner, as if attempting to exit the minefield Location. Each Infantry unit in an A-P minefield hex (including a crew that just disembarked as a result of a minefield attack) must take a NTC ([non-armor] leader DRM apply); failure of the TC causes Casualty Reduction. [EXC to both: A unit theoretically (even via Sewer Movement) able to exit the minefield hex without being attacked by the mines and without having to enter a minefield/enemy-Controlled hex need not take the NTC]. In all cases, each surviving unit remains in its respective Location in that minefield hex until removed in RePh step 11.607.
11.605 PERIMETER DETERMINATION: The Front Line between the Germans and Russians is now determined. In general, each side attempts to draw a closed "loop" (or "loops") of adjacent Locations around a section of the map by marking out connecting (Alternate [as shown in the E12.11 diagrams]) Hex Grains. The section thusly enclosed is the Perimeter Area. When fully completed (at the end of step 11.6066), the Perimeter Area must contain every friendly unit, and may contain some enemy units. Each side is free to try to enclose as many Locations within its Perimeter Area as it is able to, without violating any rule. If the "loop" is determined properly, each side will be able to start at any Front Line Location and, by moving only into an adjacent Front Line Location, and never reentering the same Front Line Location, eventually end up back at that starting Front Line Location. Q&A
11.6051 NO MAN'S LAND: Since each side is marking a Perimeter, there will often be sections of the map outside of both Perimeter Areas and sections where the two Areas overlap. Hexes outside of both Perimeter Areas are No Man's Land, as are hexes within both Perimeters that contain no units; 11.6062. The overlapping hexes containing units are Isolated Areas. A Strategic Location can never be a No Man 's Land Location, as one side will always Control it (at the start of CG I/III the Russians Control all non-German-entry-hex Locations; 11.51, SSR I.4).
11.6052 CONTROL MARKERS: Each side may (at any time during/after a CG scenario) place a friendly Location Control marker (supplied in the RB counter mix) in a Strategic Location (see Definitions; 11.2) that it currently Controls (or is awarded Control of, as per A26.13), if that Location's Control might affect victory determination or the alignment of either Perimeter. The Control marker must be removed (or flipped over) if the Controlling side loses Control of that Location. Note that non-Strategic Locations may still be Controlled (as per A26.11-.12) but never receive a Control marker.
11.6053 MAP-EDGE MARKERS: First, a Perimeter marker is placed in each friendly-Controlled non-Water-Obstacle map-edge hex that is adjacent to an enemy-Controlled map-edge hex. Each such marker is then pointed towards another friendly Perimeter marker along a map-edge (Alternate) Hex Grain that is devoid of enemy-Controlled hexes [EXC: If a map-edge hex is adjacent to two enemy-Controlled map-edge hexes, place a single marker in that hex, facing off the map]. This map-edge (Alternate) Hex Grain may even go "around the corner(s)", and along Shore Hexes, of the map if necessary (and therefore change from a normal to an Alternate Hex Grain, or vice-versa). Since the Control of map-edge Locations are especially important, players are urged to leave the map-edge Perimeter markers on the map during play (whereas others, at the player's discretion, may be removed after setup). Note that map-edge Perimeter markers usually occur in pairs, pointing towards each other.
11.6054 PERIMETER MARKERS: Each side now places Perimeter markers, one at a time, in ground level Locations that contain a friendly Infantry-MMC/Control-marker; it makes no difference which side places first, or if both sides place simultaneously. As each Perimeter marker is placed, it must be pointed towards a Location containing another friendly Perimeter marker, along a(n) (Alternate; E12.11) Hex Grain that is devoid of ground level non-SMC enemy units/Control-markers. In addition, the new (Alternate) Hex Grain may not overlap another friendly (Alternate) Hex Grain (even on the map edge) [EXC: in a hex already containing a friendly Perimeter marker]. The placement of Perimeter markers must continue in this manner until each side has formed a closed "loop" of connecting (Alternate) Hex Grains (including map-edge [Alternate] Hex Grains) which that side is satisfied encloses the largest Perimeter Area legally possible (though at this point not always encompassing every friendly unit). It is possible to have ≥ one such closed "loop" in this manner. The markers placed in this step "build on" the map-edge markers placed in the previous step. See the 11.6066 Perimeter EX.
11.6055 READJUSTMENT: Each side is free to remove or readjust their previously-placed Perimeter markers until it is satisfied with its Perimeter, as long as all of the markers are legally positioned. A side may even start over, but it must begin again with step 11.6053.
11.6056 POCKETS: Each friendly unit still outside its Perimeter Area is in a Pocket [EXC: SMC alone cannot create a Pocket; see 11.6059]. See 11.6057 if the unit is not at ground level. In order to enclose a ground level unit(s) within a friendly Pocket, two (if possible) Perimeter markers are placed simultaneously in hexes that contain such a friendly non-SMC unit/Control-marker.21 The two markers are pointed towards each other along a(n) (Alternate) Hex Grain that is devoid of ground-level non-SMC enemy units/Control-markers. After the two markers are thusly positioned, additional Perimeter markers may (if possible) be placed (as per 11.6054) in order to expand the Pocket and enclose other friendly unit(s). However a Pocket can never include any Location that was enclosed in the friendly Perimeter Area during step 11.6054, nor any map-edge hex (if the latter should happen, see 11.6058). If a Pocket consists of only one hex, no Perimeter marker is needed since the units enclosed will remain on-map and must set up in that hex for the next scenario [EXC: Escape; 11.6063]. All Pockets are Isolated Areas and part of the friendly Perimeter Area, even though physically separate from the main Perimeter Area.
11.6057 NON-GROUND-LEVEL POCKETS: Upper level, as well as RB Cellar, building Locations can also form a Pocket if an MMC present in such a Location cannot reach the ground level of that building hex except via enemy-Controlled Location(s). Such a Pocket is not indicated by Perimeter marker(s) since those markers are always placed at ground level; therefore, this type of Pocket is best recorded by direct notation on a photocopy of the reduced-size RB mapsheet (the appropriate circled level-number should suffice). All upper-level/RB-Cellar Pocket Locations (whether enemy- or friendly-Controlled) ADJACENT to another such Pocket Location in the same building constitute one Pocket, distinct from other possible Isolated Areas within that building or in adjacent hexes outside that building. Q&A
EX: If one side Controls the ground- and 2nd-level Locations in a building, while the other side Controls the 1st level (and has an MMC there), the 1st and 2nd floors together constitute one Pocket. This upper-level Pocket is separate from any possible Isolated Area that the ground level might be part of.
11.6058 If the process of expanding a Pocket adds a map-edge hex to a Pocket, that section of the Perimeter Area ceases to be a Pocket and is considered to be a "normal" section of the Perimeter Area (i.e., as if it had been marked out in step 11.6054). The Isolated status of any Location within that section does not change.
11.6059 At this point, each side gains Control of all non-Isolated Locations within their Perimeter Area and removes all enemy Control markers from such Locations. Each friendly SMC that is still outside of the friendly Perimeter Area is Eliminated.22 Each Location of an Isolated Area maintains its present Control status; all No Man's Land hexes become un-Controlled. See the 11.6066 Perimeter EX.
11.606 ISOLATION: Isolated Areas are of four types (A-D), based on the units enclosed therein:
- No unit(s);
- Only SMC of one or both sides;
- MMC/Vehicle(s) of one side;*
- MMC/Vehicle(s) of both sides.*
*The presence of SMC (of either side) does not alter the classification.
11.6061 EFFECT ON UNITS:23 In a type B Isolated Area each enclosed SMC must attempt to Escape (11.6063). In a type C Isolated Area each enemy SMC must attempt to Escape. In a type C/D Isolated Area each unit/Weapon enclosed begins the next scenario with Ammunition Shortage (A19.131) [EXC: Escaped (11.6063); Eliminated (11.6094-.6095, 11.6101, 11.6132 and 11.6134-.6136)]. The ID of some may need to be recorded to distinguish them from others not suffering the same penalties. See 11.6242 for setup restrictions in Isolated Areas.
11.6062 EFFECT ON HEX CONTROL: Each type A, and each type B, Isolated Area becomes No Man's Land. [EXC: If all of the Controlled Locations (i.e., ignoring No Man's Land) ADJACENT to a type A or B Pocket (only) are Controlled by one side, all Locations of that Area become non-Isolated and pass to the Control of that side. If this occurs, the enemy Front Line Locations that delineated the Pocket are no longer considered Perimeter Locations for that side.] Each Location of a type C Isolated Area is Controlled by the occupying side. Each type D Isolated Area has some Locations Controlled by each side. Q&A
11.6063 ESCAPE FROM ISOLATION: Any unit in an Isolated Location may attempt to Escape by making a DR on the Escape Table. If more than one Infantry unit in the same Location wish to Escape, they may combine themselves into one or more stacks. Each stack then makes its own Escape DR. One German squad stacked with each leader may freely Deploy. Any SW/Gun may be dropped or transferred/dismantled-(if-possible) prior to its possessor's Escape attempt. Guns cannot accompany an Escaping unit [EXC: if dm].
Final DR | Infantry: | AFV: |
≤8 | Escapes1 | Escapes |
9 | Escapes, Replaced2,3 | Escapes |
10 | Escapes, Casualty Reduced3 | Abandoned4 (crew Escapes) |
11 | Escapes, Replaced then Casualty Reduced2,3 | Abandoned4 (crew Eliminated) |
≥12 | Eliminated | Eliminated4
(CS NA) |
1 Original 2 DR always results in Escape and Heat of Battle (A15.);
however a subsequent result of Berserk or Surrender Eliminates the unit(s).
2 A unit that would become Disrupted is Eliminated instead.
3 Use Random Selection for a stack.
4 In current hex and facing.
DRM: |
+x | (Armor-)Leader/Heroic DRM (NA to lone SMC) |
-1 | If Russian* |
-1 | If lone surviving SMC |
-1 | If ≤2 hexes from a friendly-Controlled non-Isolated hex |
-1 | If adjacent to friendly-Controlled, non-Isolated hex |
+1 | Per HS equivalency >1 HS using the same Escape DR* |
+1 | Per PP > IPC being carried (unit with most excess PP determines this DRM for a stack (a stacked leader may combine to increase a MMC's IPC)* |
+2 | If Encircled* |
+2 | Captured AFV |
*NA to AFV.
11.6064 ESCAPE RESULTS: If a unit survives the Escape attempt it and each SW portaged by it are Retained. An Original DR of 2 results in Escape and Heat of Battle; use Random Selection to determine the unit(s) affected if a stack is involved. [EXC: Any result other than Hero-Creation/Battle-Hardening results in the selected unit(s) Elimination.] All Encircled markers are now removed.
11.6065 If the Escape of a unit(s) changes the type of an Isolated Area 11.6061-.6062 must be consulted again to determine the effects on remaining unit(s) and hex Control. Q&A
11.6066 DRAWING THE PERIMETER: The Perimeter determination procedure is now complete. Both sides should now record their Perimeter on a photocopy of the reduced-size RB map found on the back of the Chapter O divider (e.g., both sides draw their Perimeter on the same photocopy, using a different colored marker for each Perimeter drawn). Mark each hexside that a friendly Front Line Location shares with a No Man's Land or non-Isolated, enemy-Controlled Location. This procedure converts the connecting (Alternate) Hex Grains into a more understandable form on the reduced-size map.24 The type (A, B, C, D) of an Isolated Area should also be recorded. Q&A
(Go to Example)
11.607 CLEARING THE MAP: Each player now removes all remaining non-Isolated units/Equipment from friendly-Controlled Locations and places them in their proper box on his copy of the Chapter O divider (11.15) [EXC: A Gun/AFV in either a Fortified Building Location or Pillbox (SSR CG5; 11.4) and Immobile vehicles are left on the map].
11.6071 ISOLATED AREAS: Units/Equipment in Isolated Areas are not cleared from the map, and each must be left on the map in its current Location.
11.6072 RETAINED EQUIPMENT & SCROUNGING: All removed items, as well as all Equipment left on-map, are considered Retained by the side Controlling its Location [EXC: hidden Set DC; see 11.6073]. Each such item may be Eliminated [EXC: an AFV becomes a Wreck or Burnt-Out-Wreck] if its Retainer wishes to do so, after any desired Scrounging attempt (D10.5).
11.6073 HIDDEN FORTIFICATIONS: Each still hidden Fortification, including all Fortified Building Locations and tunnel entrance/exits in Locations currently Controlled by its purchaser's opponent, is placed on-map [EXC: A tunnel is revealed only if both its entrance and exit Locations are currently enemy-Controlled]. Each minefield in such a Location is revealed by placement of a Known Minefield counter (i.e., one which indicates the presence but not the strength/type of the minefield)25. The minefield's strength/type need not be revealed. Each on-map Fortification (i.e., from previous CG scenarios) is Controlled by the side Controlling its Location, regardless of which side Controlled it previously. A friendly-Set, hidden Set-DC in a friendly-Controlled Location may remain hidden or be "removed" and Retained; if in an enemy-Controlled Location it is now Eliminated instead.
11.608 PRISONERS: Each prisoner Guarded by a non-Isolated unit is Eliminated.26 An Isolated Guard may retain possession of his prisoner(s) (though the latter may be freely transferred to another friendly unit in the same Isolated Area), execute them, or free them. If executed, Massacre (A20.4) will be in effect during the next CG scenario. If freed, a prisoner is automatically Retained by the side friendly to it. An unarmed MMC is Replaced by a friendly Conscript MMC of the same size; a freed SMC is Replaced by its original SMC type.
11.609 EXTINGUISHING BLAZES: Each Location currently marked with a Blaze (not Flame) counter is considered fully consumed by the fire. Players must remove each Blaze counter and make the appropriate terrain alterations when performing the following sub-steps (11.6091-.6097).
11.6091 BURNING WRECK: Each Burning Wreck (including a burning armored cupola; O.7) has its Blaze marker transferred to the Burnable Terrain (if any) in its Location (one of the following sub-steps will apply to the newly created terrain Blaze); otherwise, that Blaze marker is removed. The Wreck itself is replaced with a Burnt-Out-Wreck counter (see SSR CG7; 11.4) [EXC: an armored cupola that was burning is removed]. Q&A
11.6092 BRUSH, ORCHARD, WOODEN RUBBLE: Place a Shellhole counter in the Location; the other previous terrain no longer exists.
11.6093 STONE RUBBLE: The stone rubble still exists, and the Location may catch Fire again in later scenarios.
11.6094 NON-FACTORY BUILDING: Place the correct Rubble counter (without a Cellar counter beneath it; 6.6) in all ground-level Locations of a non-Factory building that has at least one Blaze in any of its Locations. This rubble may catch Fire again in later scenarios. Each Isolated unit/Equipment that would have been confined to setting up again in that building is Eliminated, and those formerly Isolated rubble hexes become Controlled by the opponent.
11.6095 FACTORY BUILDING: A Factory is not reduced to rubble rather, place a Gutted marker in any hex of it (5.5).27 Each Isolated unit/Equipment that would have been confined to setting up again in that Factory is Eliminated, and those formerly Isolated Factory hexes become Controlled by the opponent.
11.6096 FLAME SPREAD:28 Each Flame is now flipped over to its Blaze side [EXC: Each Flame in a now-Gutted non-rubble Factory Location is removed], and another Blaze counter is also placed in each Burnable Terrain hex that is adjacent to it and does not currently contain a Blaze/Flame counter. All such Blazes will be in effect at the start of the next CG scenario and are assumed to occupy all existing Burnable Terrain levels in those hexes. Each Isolated unit/Equipment confined to setting up in a Location now containing a Blaze is Eliminated (replace an AFV with a Burnt Out Wreck).
EX: At scenario end there is a Blaze at ground level in W10 and a Flame at 1st level in X10 (both being hexes of building W10). In RePh step 11.6094 the Blaze in W10 is removed and all three hexes of the building become stone rubble at ground level. The Flame at 1st level in X10 is now transferred to the ground-level rubble. In RePh step 11.6096 that Flame becomes a Blaze, and additional Blazes are placed in adjacent hexes W10, X9 and X11.
11.6097 FORTIFICATIONS: Each Fortification/Equipment (including a Fortified Building Location) in a non-Factory terrain Blaze Location (including a building just reduced to rubble as per 11.6094) is Eliminated [EXC: Entrenchment and Pillbox, though all Equipment therein is Eliminated]. Each item of Equipment (but no Fortification) in a newly-Gutted Factory (11.6095) is Eliminated.
11.610 WOUNDED LEADERS: Each side makes a dr for each currently Wounded leader. On a Final dr ≤2 the leader is Retained in his wounded state. On a Final dr ≥ 3 the leader is considered to have sustained wounds serious enough to require his evacuation (or, if Isolated, to have died of his wounds) and is Eliminated. There is a +1 drm if the leader is confined to setting up in an Isolated Area (11.6061; 11.6242).
11.6111 RECOMBINING: All Retained same-class HS with the same strength Factors must now Recombine (A1.32) so that no more than one of each HS type is Retained. [EXC: Isolated HS may only Recombine with other Isolated HS of the correct type allowed to set up in the same Isolated Location(s); 11.6242.]

11.6112 HEROES & MMC: On each side, each Retained Hero [EXC: heroic leader; 11.6113] is Eliminated; however, each such Elimination enables that side to Battle Harden one non-crew MMC of the owner's choice (in the same Isolated Area as that Hero, if applicable). Each side also makes one Secret DR to determine the number of Retained Infantry non-crew MMC eligible for Battle Hardening. In all cases, an Elite MMC (deleted by errata) that Battle Hardens becomes Fanatic (but only for the duration of the next scenario; 11.602e). No MMC may Battle Harden more than once per RePh. Q&A
Final DR | # of MMC |
≤-1 | 5 |
0 | 4 |
1 | 3 |
2-3 | 2 |
4-5 | 1 |
≥6 | - |
DRM: -3 Friendly side won this CG Day's scenario -1 If Russian -1 Per 20 CVP amassed by friendly side in the previous scenario |
11.6113 LEADER: On each side, each Retained Heroic leader Battle Hardens and loses his heroic status [EXC: a heroic 10-3 or 10-0 loses his heroic status with no additional effect]. Each side also makes one Secret DR to Battle Harden a Retained Infantry leader, using that side's column on the following table [EXC: 11.6114]. If the leader selected is not currently Retained by that side the player then must Battle Harden the lowest-grade Retained non-wounded leader (if any).
Leader Type | German DR | Russian DR |
10-2 | ≤2 | ≤2 |
9-2 | 3 | 3 |
9-1 | 4 | 4 |
9-0* | - | 5 |
8-1† | 5 | 6 |
8-0 | 6-7 | 7-8 |
7-0 | 8-9 | 9-10 |
6+1 | 10-12 | 11-12 |
DRM: -2 Friendly side won this CG Day's scenario (optionally, the player may, after the DR, choose to ignore this DRM, or apply only a -1 DRM)
* Always Battle Hardens to a 10-0
†Always Battle Hardens to a 9-1
11.6114 PROMOTION OUT OF THE RANKS: In lieu of making a DR on the 11.6113 Table, the player may choose to either:
- exchange one non-Isolated unwounded 8-0 Infantry leader for two 7-0s; or
- exchange one non-Isolated unwounded 8-1 Infantry leader for one 8-0 and one 7-0.
However, a player may not use any option (a/b) that would give him > one leader per four squad-equivalents (if German), or per eight squad-equivalents (if Russian) of his currently Retained units.
11.6121 NEW CC DAY: Each passage of this RePh step represents the start of a new CG Day. Should no scenario be generated (RePh step 11.623) players return to this step and repeat RePh steps 11.612-.623 until one is.
11.6122 SAN ADJUSTMENT: Each side whose SAN is currently ≥ 4 must make a dr, with a + drm equal to that side's current SAN minus 4. A Final dr of ≥ 5 immediately reduces that side's current SAN by one. Each side whose SAN is currently zero has it automatically raised to 2 (no CPP expenditure is necessary).
The Russian SAN is currently 6; there is a +2 drm to the Russian SAN adjustment dr (6-4=2). Therefore, an original dr of 3, 4, 5 or 6 will lower the Russian SAN to 5.
11.6123 BOOBY TRAP DEACTIVATION: If Booby Trap Level A or B is currently in effect, the Russian player makes a dr: an Original dr of six decreases that Level by one (i.e., Level A goes to Level B; Level B reverts to Level C). Any other dr has no effect.
11.6131 AFV: Each side performs the applicable step(s) below for each AFV in a friendly-Controlled Location.
- Each abandoned non-Isolated AFV may remain abandoned, or may be remanned and operated (as per A21.22) by any Retained unit of that side. Such remanning unit must begin the next scenario manning that AFV.
- Each Shocked/UK AFV must have the necessary dr (C7.42) made for it until it is no longer under the effects of Shock/UK.
- Each manned, bogged AFV must undergo Bog Removal attempts (D8.3) until it is either unbogged or immobilized. MP expenditure is immaterial. If unbogged clear from the map if non-Isolated.
- Each manned, immobilized AFV must make a dr on the table below to determine if the Immobilization is repaired.
Final dr | Effect |
≤2 | Becomes Mobile* |
≥3 | No change |
+x Per armor leader DRM
+l If only Non-Qualified use (A21.13) possible
+1 If Isolated
+1 If manned by Inexperienced Crew (D3.45; 11.6207)
* Retained; clear from the map if non-Isolated
11.6132 WEAPON REPAIR: Each side makes a separate dr on the table below for each malfunctioned non-Captured Retained Weapon.
Final dr | Effect |
≤2 | Repaired |
≥3 | Eliminated* |
-2 If Vehicular-mounted
-1 If Russian MG/ATR29
+1 If only Non-Qualified Use (A21.13) possible
+1 If Isolated
* If Vehicular-mounted, the Weapon is Disabled; if MA, the AFV is placed under RECALL (11.6141).
11.6133 AFV MG EXCHANGE: A Disabled non-Captured, non-Isolated AFV MG (even if Disabled in step 11.6132) may be automatically repaired by the Elimination of a friendly, non-Isolated Retained LMG.

11.6134 FT/DC: Each FT/DC removed from play during the preceding scenario (regardless of why it was removed) is Retained by its original owning side only if the Original effects DR causing its removal was ≤ 10; otherwise, it is Eliminated. Place each such Retained SW in the friendly side's "Retained" box on the Chapter O divider. However, the side may never Retain in this manner more friendly DC, nor friendly FT, than it has friendly non-Isolated Assault Engineer (only) squads at this point in the RePh.30 Q&A
11.6135 CAPTURED WEAPON: Make one dr for each functioning Captured Retained Weapon: if ≥ 3 it is Eliminated (Disabled if vehicular mounted). Each already malfunctioned Captured Weapon is Eliminated (or Disabled). Disablement of MA by either means does not cause Recall.
11.6136 CAPTURED AFV: A Captured AFV may remain in play if it has any functioning Weapon (even if its MA is Disabled); otherwise, it becomes a wreck. See also 11.6072.
11.6137 SPECIAL AMMO: Each non-Captured, non-Isolated Retained Gun (including vehicular-mounted) has all of its Depleted ammunition types (if any) restored to normal availability.
11.6138 LOW AMMO REMOVAL: Each Low Ammo counter on each non-Isolated unit is removed.
11.6139 AMMUNITION SHORTAGE REMOVAL: Each non-Isolated Infantry-unit/Weapon currently suffering Ammunition Shortage (11.6061) now has such restrictions lifted.
11.6141 RECALL: Each Mobile, non-Isolated Retained AFV under Recall is Eliminated. If Mobile, under Recall and Isolated, it begins the next scenario under Recall (as well as suffering Ammunition Shortage; 11.6061).
11.6142 AFV PLATOON WITHDRAWAL: Each side makes a Secret dr on the following table for each friendly (including Captured) non-Isolated, non-Dug-In Retained AFV Pltn (or part thereof) [EXC: German SPW Pltn] that has had ≥ one AFV of its Pltn on the map in at least one CG scenario to determine whether the Pltn (or remainder thereof) must be Withdrawn. A Withdrawn result Eliminates each remaining non-Isolated AFV (even if abandoned/immobilized) of that platoon, as well as each armor leader originally entered with that Platoon (if any).31
Final dr | Result |
≤5 | Retained |
6 | Withdrawn |
-1 If friendly side's win:loss ratio is ≤1:2*
* Not applicable until ≥ two CG scenarios have been completed.
11.6143 ISOLATED AFV: An Isolated Mobile AFV that belongs to an AFV Platoon forced to Withdraw is not Withdrawn. Instead, such an AFV makes a dr in each friendly RPh of the next scenario. A dr of ≤ the current turn number immediately places that AFV under Recall. If, at scenario end, such a non-Isolated AFV is still on-map, it is then Eliminated (it is not Retained for the next scenario unless still Isolated).

11.615 FORTIFICATION REMOVAL:32 Attempts may be made to Eliminate any Known wire/minefield/Entrenchment - (including an A-T Ditch) in any friendly-Controlled non-Isolated Location. A roadblock may also be rolled for removal, but only if the removing side Controls both ground-level Locations that share that hexside. If a Location contains more than one type of the above-mentioned items (all mines are considered the same "type"), the side may roll once for each, but must announce which one is currently being rolled for [EXC: all A-P mines must be Cleared from a Location before a removal attempt may be made for another same-Location non-mine fortification]. Only one attempt may be made per "item" per each such Location per completion of this RePh step. Pre-existing Labor drm are not applicable, nor does the dr create or increase Labor drm.
Final dr | Result |
≤3 | Eliminated* |
≥4† | No Effect |
drm: |
+2 | Wire/minefield/Entrenchment is in a Front Line Location. |
+2 | Roadblock is along a hexside of ≥ one Front Line Location. |
+1 | Wire/minefield/Entrenchment is ADJACENT to - not in - a Front Line Location. |
+ 1 | Roadblock is not along a hexside of a Front Line Location, but is along a hexside of a hex that is ADJACENT to a Front Line Location. |
-1 | Friendly side currently Retains ≥ three non-Isolated Assault Engineer squads. |
* vs a Known minefield, this result Eliminates all mines (A-P and A-T) in the Location. † An Original dr of 6 results in Casualty Reduction of a non-Isolated elite MMC (Assault Engineer if possible, otherwise owner's choice; if no elite MMC is available, Reduce a First Line MMC, etc.). |
11.616 CPP REPLENISHMENT: Each side now makes a Secret DR to replenish its CPP.
Final DR | CPP Increase |
≤2 | +18 |
3-4 | +17 |
5-6 | +16 |
7-8 | +15 |
9-10 | +14 |
11-12 | +13 |
≥13 | +12 |
DRM: |
-y | As per CG scenario Balance provision (11.32) in effect. |
+/- x | Friendly Historical DRM (11.6161) for the current CG Day |
+ 1 | If the friendly side selected the "Attack" Initiative chit on the previous CG Day |
-1 | Per each 20 Casualty VP (A26.2) suffered by the friendly side on the previous CG Day (including friendly units[s] Eliminated since the last scenario during the current CG Day's RePh; e.g., Recalled or Withdrawn AFV; 11.614, etc.) |
11.6161 HISTORICAL DRM CHART:33 The DRM given in the chart below are used as DRM for the following Tables: CPP Replenishment (11.616), ELR Loss/Gain (11.617), and RG Strength determination (11.6201 & 11.6204), and also inversely to adjust the maximum number of Infantry Companies a side may purchase per CG Day (11.6195). Players may wish to write in the pertinent DRM for their side in the "Hist DRM" column on the CG Roster. Each side uses only the DRM listed for its side for the current CG Day.
Date | German DRM | Russian DRM |
17 Oct | -2 | -1 |
18 Oct | -2 | -1 |
19 Oct | -1 | 0 |
20 Oct | 0 | 0 |
21 Oct | -1 | -1 |
22 Oct | -2 | 0 |
23 Oct | -1 | -1 |
24 Oct | -1 | -1 |
25 Oct | -1 | 0 |
26 Oct | 0 | 0 |
27 Oct | -1 | -1 |
28 Oct | 0 | -1 |
29 Oct | +1 | 0 |
30 Oct | +1 | +1 |
31 Oct | 0 | -2 |
Date | German DRM | Russian DRM |
1 Nov | +1 | -1 |
2 Nov | +2 | 0 |
3 Nov | +1 | +1 |
4 Nov | +1 | +1 |
5 Nov | +1 | +1 |
6 Nov | +1 | 0 |
7 Nov | 0 | 0 |
8 Nov | 0 | 0 |
9 Nov | -1 | -1 |
10 Nov | -2 | -1 |
11 Nov | -3 | -1 |
12 Nov | -1 | 0 |
13 Nov | 0 | 0 |
14 Nov | +1 | +1 |
15 Nov | +1 | +1 |
11.6162 CG ROSTER UPDATE: Record the final result of the CPP Replenishment DR in the "Repl" column, and on the proper line for the current CG Day, on the CG Roster. (Note: The "17/10" [17 October] CG Day's "Repl" box is shaded-in as CPP replenishment is not possible on that day). Add the current CG Day's "Repl" number and "Start" number (the latter is the number of CPP unspent from the previous CG Day), and record this sum in the "Total" box of the same line. This is the total CPP available for purchasing RG/Recon.
EX: Players have just completed the 17 October Initial Scenario of CG I, which ended in the Russians winning and amassing 44 Casualty VP. In RePh step 11.6121 the CG Day changes to 18 October. In RePh step 11.616 each side rolls for CPP Replenishment. The German Original DR is 10. This becomes a Final DR of 6 (-2 DRM [Historical DRM] + -2 [Germans suffered the loss of 44 Casualty VP] = -4), giving the Germans 16 CPP. Because the Germans also have two unspent CPP from the previous CG Day (as evidenced by a "2" in the "Start" box on the 18/10 CG Day of the German CG Roster), they now have 18 CPP to spend. The German player records "18" in the "Total" box for the 18 October CG Day.
11.617 ELR LOSS/GAIN: Each side makes a DR to determine if its present ELR changes. On a Final DR of ≤ 2 that side's current ELR increases by one, to a maximum of 4. On a Final DR of ≥ 13 its current ELR decreases by one, to a minimum of 0. Update any change in a side's ELR in the "ELR" column of the CG Roster for that CG Day. A side's ELR applies to all non-crew Infantry units of that side [EXC: 8-3-8s/3-3-8s always have ELR 5]. Normal Battlefield Integrity [A16.] rules should not be used in the RB CG. The following cumulative DRM can apply to the ELR Loss/Gain DR: Q&A
DRM: |
-1 | Friendly side won yesterday's CG scenario |
-2 | Per Idle Day since the last-completed CG scenario |
-2 | Per friendly elite Infantry Coy purchased on the previous CG Day |
-1 | Per friendly first-line-Infantry-Coy/AFV-Pltn [EXC: SPW Pltn] purchased on the previous CG Day |
+1 | If friendly side selected the Attack chit on the previous CG Day (Germans are assumed to select the Attack chit for each Initial Scenario (11.5) |
+2 | Per scenario completed since the start of the CG or since the last Idle Day (friendly side's choice)34 |
+/- x | Historical DRM for friendly side |
11.618 WEATHER & EC DETERMINATION: The Russian side makes a DR on the RB Weather Table to determine the weather for the current CG Day, then makes a dr for the EC. Wind Force and direction are determined in RePh step 11.6241. Record the results in their respective columns, and on the proper line for the current CG Day, on the CG Roster.
Final DR | Result |
≤2 | Fog/Mist |
3-6 | Overcast |
7-9 | Clear |
≥10 | Clear & Gusty |
-1 If the previous CG Day was Overcast
Final dr | Result |
≤1 | Wet |
2-3 | Moist |
4-5 | Moderate |
≥6 | Dry |
-3 If the previous CG Day was Overcast.
-1 If the previous CG Day had Fog/Mist.
-1 If the month is November.
+1 If the previous CG Day had Dry EC.
Remainder of RePh (O11.619-.625)