Rule sections #11.1-.5 RB Campaign Games
First part of RePh rules (11.6-.618)
11.619 PURCHASING REINFORCEMENT GROUPS: Both sides now secretly allot CPP for the purchase of RG. All CPP expended are subtracted from that side's current CPP total. The CPP expended, those remaining, and the RG(s) purchased may all be kept secret. Each side consults its respective RG chart for the different types of RG available, the CPP cost of each, the number of each that may be purchased during the course of the CG being played, and any special notes pertaining to each. Q&A
As each RG is selected, record its ID (and the CPP expended to purchase it) in the "RG Purchased" column, on the line for the current CG Day, on the CG Roster. After all RG are selected write the total CPP expended in the "Spent" column of the CG Roster for the current CG Day. Then write the number of CPP remaining, even if zero, in the "Left" column for the current CG Day. Any CPP remaining may be used in Recon (RePh step 11.622), or to purchase further RG in any subsequent RePh step 11.619 (-.6197).
Each RG chart contains the following columns:
11.6191 ID: Provides an alphanumeric identification for each RG. All AFV RG have an ID of "A#", all Infantry RG have an "I#" ID, etc.
11.6192 GROUP TYPE: Lists the name of the RG. This name and its ID are secretly recorded on the purchasing side's RG Purchase Record (RePh step 11.6197).
11.6193 FULL/
11.6194 CPP COST: Lists the CPP cost of the RG regardless of its (later determined) Strength. This is the number of CPP that must be subtracted from the purchasing side's current CPP total in order to receive that RG. AFV, and most Infantry, RG enter play during the course of a CG scenario if purchased on that CG Day (see SSR CG9; 11.4). Place all the counters for each such reinforcing RG in a section of the "Reinforcements" box on the Chapter O divider until the units are set up to enter. The listed cost of Infantry/
a) On-map Setup: Any AFV or Infantry RG (i.e., one whose ID on the Reinforcement Group Chart begins with an "A" or "I") may be used for normal on-map setup in a scenario played on the same CG Day they are purchased. Such an RG has its CPP cost increased by two (if Russian) or three (if German) [EXC: Russian RG I5, I7 and I8 and German RG I4 may always set up on-map on their CG Day of purchase at no additional cost] .
EX: Players have just completed the 17 October CG scenario of CG I. In the following RePh (step 11.612) the CG Day changes to 18 October. Later, in RePh step 11.619, the German purchases an A6 RG (Pz IVF1 Pltn) at normal (5 CPP) cost. Thus, that RG may only enter from off-map on 18 October; if no scenario is played (or the German opts to keep it out of play) on that CG Day, that RG will be available for on-map setup on any scenario after 18 October (that RG's purchase date). Alternately, if he wishes to have it available for on-map setup in the 18 October scenario, he must purchase it for 8 CPP on that same Day (5+3=8 CPP).
b) Reserve: Any Infantry RG (i.e., one whose ID on the Reinforcement Group Chart begins with an "I") may be purchased as a Reserve RG by spending one < its normal CPP cost. A Reserve RG must be set up on-map on the CG Day of purchase (should a scenario be played on that CG Day), using the principles of Cloaking (E1.4). [EXC: A Reserve RG (or part thereof) unable to set up on-map must instead be Retained off-map on its CG Day of purchase, but thereafter may be added to all other Retained friendly units.] Each Reserve RG purchased may (at purchaser's option) automatically include up to five Dummy Cloaking counters. Such an RG must have all its Cloaking counters set up at ground level ≥ six hexes from the closest enemy Front Line Location (on CG Day 17/
Should Cloaked unit(s) still exist at the end of the scenario, or should no scenario be played on that CG Day, all such non-Dummy Cloaked Reserve units are Retained in the normal manner but are no longer considered Reserves. Cloaked Reserve units are subject to Isolation in the normal manner.
EX: During the 18/
c) Dug-in: A Russian AFV Platoon may be purchased at 50% (FRU) of the normal CPP Cost if set up on-map as Dug-In (use D9.5-.53; see also O.7). A Dug-in AFV may set Up using HIP in Concealment Terrain (including Rubble) as per normal Gun HIP rules (A12.34), but firing any Weapon or changing TCA is Considered a Concealment-loss activity (A12.141). Such HIP must be purchased separately (RePh step 11.621). A Dug-In AFV's BMG (if any) is Disabled. (Such a BMG is automatically Scrounged successfully by the Russian. A number of Russian LMG, equal to the number of AFV received for the Dug-In AFV Pltn, are added to the Russian OB.) Such a Dug-in AFV may never become Mobile. Furthermore, any Retained Russian AFV may be freely Dug-in at the Russian player's option. Q&A
EX: The Russian player purchases the Russian A3 RG (T-34 M41 Pltn) as a Dug-in AFV RG (normal CPP cost of 5) at a cost of 3 CPP (5 x ½ = 2½ [FRU] = 3).
11.6195 DAILY MAX.: Lists the maximum number of RG of this type that may be purchased per CG Day. Additionally, a player may purchase no more than two Infantry Company RGs per CG Day [EXC: This maximum is modified inversely by the side's Historical DRM (11.6161) for that CG Day].
EX: On 12 November the German can purchase a maximum of three Infantry Companies (-1 Historical DRM). He can purchase two on 13 November (0 Historical DRM), but only one on 14 November (+1 Historical DRM).
11.6196 CG MAX.: Lists the maximum number of RG of this type that may be purchased during the course of the current CG. (Note that there is a separate column for each RB CG). Players must keep a written record (using the RG Purchase Record; 11.6197) of each RG purchased during the CG in order to know if additional RGs of that type are still available for purchase. RGs given in a CG's Initial Scenario OB (11.51-.53) never count against this maximum.
EX: The German side may purchase no more than seven Med Arty OBA RG during CG III.
11.6197 RG PURCHASE RECORD: After all RG for the current CG Day have been selected (and CPP expended for them), the RG Purchase Record must be updated. In order to record all units/
CG Day: The CG Day the RG is purchased (e.g. "17/10" for 17 October).
RG ID: The RG's alphanumeric ID (e.g., "I1" for a German Rifle Coy).
Group Type: The RG's name (e.g., "Rifle Coy" for German RG II).
#P (Number Purchased): The total number of friendly RG of this Group Type purchased thus far during the CG.
#R (Number Remaining): The number of this RG Group Type still available for subsequent purchase in the CG. This number is derived by subtracting the number in that RG's #P column from the number listed in the "Maximum" column (for that RG for that CG) in that side's RG Chart.
Str.: The RG's strength, as determined in RePh step 11.6201-.6204. Record "F" for a Full or "D" for a Depleted AFV/
# Units: The number of units received in that RG of the Unit Type listed in the respective RG Chart (e.g., "12" for a Full Strength German Rifle Coy).
Leader(s) Received: As each eligible RG's leaders are determined (RePh step 11.6205-.6207) record the Strength Factor (A10.7) of each Leader received with that RG.
Other: This column may be used to record miscellaneous information, such as an (Offboard) Observer's Location, Pre-Registered hex(es), MOL capability for that CG Day, etc.
On-Bd: If the RG was purchased as an On-map Setup RG, put an "O" in this box; if purchased as a Reserve RG write an "R" here; if purchased as a Dug-In (Russian) AFV Pltn put a "D" in this box. See 11.6194 for more information.
11.6201 INFANTRY & AFV RG STRENGTH: Using the RG Strength Table, each player makes a separate DR for each Infantry Coy, each HW Pltn, each MOL-P Pltn and each AFV Pltn he has purchased (as well as each friendly Infantry RG given in an Initial-Scenario OB; 11.5). A Full-Strength RG receives the number (of specified units) listed to the left of the "/" in its respective RG chart and line, a Depleted RG receives the number listed to the right of the "/" (11.6193).
Final DR | RG Strength |
≤ 8 | Full Strength |
≥ 9 | Depleted |
+/- x Friendly Historical DRM (11.6161) for current CG Day
-y As per CG scenario Balance provision (11.32)
11.6202 INFANTRY COMPANY SW: To determine the number of SW received by each Infantry Company RG, consult the chart below. A Full-Strength Infantry Company receives the entire complement of SW listed for it. A Depleted Infantry Company RG must have a Secret dr made for each SW listed as available to a Full-Strength Company of that same type. On an Original dr of ≤ 4 the SW is in the Company's OB; otherwise it is forfeit. Record each SW received in its appropriate column on the RG Purchase Record on that RG's line.
Nationality | Coy Type | HMG | MMG | LMG | ATR | Lt MTR | FT | DC | |
German | Rifle | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
German | Sturm | 1 | 2 | 2 | |||||
German | Pioneer | 2 | 3 | 5 | |||||
Russian | Gds Rifle | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |||
Russian | Gds SMG | 1 | |||||||
Russian | Rifle | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Russian | SMG | ||||||||
Russian | Militia | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Russian | Aslt Eng | 2 | 2 | 4 |
* Each SW received must set-up enter possessed by a unit of its respective RG only during the first CG scenario in which its RG participates [EXC: if it is Retained off-map for an entire scenario].
11.6203 HW & MOL-P PLATOON WEAPONS: A Full-Strength HW/
11.6204 GUN BATTERY & OBA MODULE RG: To determine the Strength of each Gun Battery and each OBA Module RG purchased, make a Secret DR for each on the appropriate table below, applying the appropriate DRM listed in the Historical DRM Chart (11.6161). Record the Strength of the RG in the "Str." column of the RG Purchase Record on that RG's line.
Final DR | Strength |
≤7 | Full |
≥8 | -1 each type* |
+/- x Friendly Historical DRM (11.6161) for current CG Day
-y As per CG scenario Balance provision (11.32) in effect
* A depleted Battery receives one less of each type of Gun listed in its respective RG chart.
EX: The CG Day is 18 October. On this Day the German side has purchased a Sturm Coy, a HW Pltn and a Btln MTR OBA module. Since each of these RG is subject to Strength determination, the German now makes a separate secret DR for each, applying the -2 Historical DRM (11.6161) for this CG Day. The respective Final DR are 10, 9 and 4, resulting in a Depleted Sturm Coy, a Depleted HW Pltn, and Plentiful Ammo for the OBA.
Since the Sturm Coy is Depleted, nine 5-4-8 are received but the types and numbers of their SW must still be determined. Five secret dr are required, one for each SW (one MMG, two LMG and two DC) allotted to a Full-Strength Sturm Coy. For the MMG the dr is 3; for the LMG they are 6 and 4: and for the DC they are 2 and 5, since a dr of ≤ 4 grants a SW to a Depleted Infantry Coy, this Sturm Coy receives one MMG, one LMG and one DC.
Now the units and weapons of the Depleted HW Platoon are determined. The German makes a separate secret dr for each weapon (two HMG, two MMG and two 81mm MTR) allotted to a Full-Strength German HW Pltn. For the HMG the dr are 2 and 5, for the MMG they are 4 and 6, and for the 81mm MTR they are 5 and 5. Since a dr of ≤ 3 grants a weapon to a Depleted HW Pltn, the only weapon this RG would receive is one HMG. Therefore, the German rolls again for each weapon, since, being a HW Pltn a minimum of two weapons must be received (11.6203). This time the six dr are 3, 2, 6, 3, 1 and 5 respectively, resulting in the HW Pltn's receiving two HMG, one MMG and one MTR - plus three 1-2-7 and one 2-2-8 crews (as per German RG Chart note "c" and 11.6203).
It is even possible, using this method, to receive all weapons for a Depleted-Strength RG (or even none for a non-HW/MOL-P-Pltn RG).
11.6205 LEADER DETERMINATION: For each Infantry Company RG purchased (or OB-given), make a Secret DR on the appropriate table below to determine the number and type(s) of Leaders received for that Company. Each Infantry leader must setup/
* +1 If this is the sixth, seventh or eighth German Rifle Coy purchased; +2 if this is ≥ the ninth German Rifle Coy purchased.37
11.6206 COMMISSARS: The normal limit of two Commissars per scenario (A25.22) does not apply. After all Infantry Coy RG have been purchased and all leaders for them have been determined, a number of these new leaders ≤ the number of Infantry Coy RG purchased in the current CG Day's RePh may be exchanged for Commissars if this is an October CG Day. However, the number of Commissars thusly received may not exceed one per each twelve (FRD) squads (including HS equivalents) in the total Russian OB.
EX: The date is 19 October. The Russian has purchased one Rifle Coy (Depleted) and one Guards SMG Coy (Full Strength), and is now ready to determine the leaders received for each. For the Rifle Coy, the Russian makes an Original DR of 5, modified to 7 since the RG is Depleted, thus receiving one 8-1 and one 8-0 leader. For the Guards SMG Coy an Original DR of 6 is made, resulting in a Final DR of 5 (-1 Guards Coy), resulting in one 9-1 and one 8-0 leader. Since the month is October the Russian elects to exchange his newly received 8-1 leader for a 10-0 Commissar.
11.6207 ARMOR LEADERS: For each AFV platoon [EXC: German SPW Pltn] received (even if Depleted), that side must make a DR on the following table to determine the crew's quality. Each armor leader received for an AFV platoon must begin each scenario in an AFV of that platoon if possible (and Withdraw with that platoon if it is Withdrawn; 11.6142).
Final DR | Armor Leader |
≤2 | 10-2 |
3 | 9-2 |
4 | 9-1 |
5 | 8-1 |
6-11 | - |
≥12 | Inexperienced* |
DRM -1 German + 1 Russian |
* All AFV of that Platoon have Inexperienced Crews (D3.45).
11.621 PURCHASING FORTIFICATIONS: Fortifications, which are received by spending FPP, may be purchased on each CG Day if the player has the requisite FPP (purchased in RePh step 11.619). All FPP unspent upon the completion of this step are forfeit. Q&A
As Fortifications are selected, the specific type (and strength, if mines) must be recorded on the CG Roster in the "Fortifications" area. However, the actual on-map positioning of Fortifications may be deferred until that side sets up for the next CG scenario.
EX: The Russian player has 40 PPP to spend on Fortifications. He buys one Fortified Building Location (10 PPP; for now, he simply writes a "1" in the "Total#" box at the bottom of the "Fortified Building Locations" area; we suggest you use a soft lead pencil, as these daily totals are erased after determining the specific map Location); he then spends 18 FPP on one 6-factor A-P minefield (at the bottom of the "Mines" area in the "Total # of factors", after "A-P:" he writes "6"; finally, he spends his remaining 12 FPP buying the ability to use HIP for two squads (6 FPP), two HS (4 FPP), one crew (1 FPP), and one SMC (1 FPP) (at the bottom of the HIP Locations area he thusly writes "2', "2", "1", and "1" after "Squad:", "HS:", "Crew:" and "SMC:", respectively). Note that no actual map Locations are recorded at this time, as actual on-map placement does not occur until that side is setting up. Later, during setup (RePh steps 11.6242 and 11.6244), the player uses the tallies written at the bottom of the various Fortifications columns to determine how many such "Fortifications" he has, and records the specific Locations on his Fortification record, and erases all notations made in the various "Total #" boxes so that the tally areas may be used for subsequent Fortification purchases.
Fortification Type | FPP Cost |
FoxholeI | 3/2/11 |
TrenchI | 7 |
A-T DitchR | 21 |
A-P Mine | 1/3 per factor2 |
A-T Mine | 3/9 per factor2,3 |
RoadblockI | 12 |
Wire | 15 |
PillboxR | (a + b + c) x34 |
Fortified BuildingFI | 105 |
Tunnel | 30 |
HIPFI | 5/3/2/1/16 |
"?"FI | 17 |
Booby TrapsR | 408 |
Set DC (A23.7)F | 159 |
1 | For 3-, 2-, and 1- squad capacity respectively. |
2 | German/ |
3 | Includes Daisy Chain. |
4 | Add the Capacity, CA DRM and NCA DRM, and multiply the sum by three. |
5 | Per building Location. A RB CG Fortified Building Location is never exchangeable for a Tunnel. |
6 | AFV/ |
7 | My be used as Dummy Reserve Cloaking counters (11.6194). See also SSR CG15 (11.4). |
8 | Increases pre-existing Level to next Level (Level C to B; Level B to A). Booby Traps affect all non-Aerial Locations on the RB map, and are triggered only by appropriate German TC. |
9 | Prior to play, a Retained DC (or a DC granted to an Infantry Company setting up on-map) may be set up using HIP in a friendly-Controlled building/ |
F | Only those Fortification marked with a with a"F" may be set up in a Front Line location. A TC taken in a Front Line Location can still cause a Booby Trap attack in the normal manner. |
I | These are the only Fortifications that may be added to an Isolated Location. |
R | Only the Russian may purchase this Fortification type. |
11.622 RECONNAISSANCE: Each side may now make a Recon dr, provided it first expends the required CPP for this purpose. If Recon can be purchased, that side deducts one (or two, for beneficial drm on its Recon dr) from its current CPP total (presently shown in the CG Roster's "Left" column) and records the new total in the "Start" column of the next CG Day. If a side cannot or opts not to use Recon, its current CPP total is simply copied in the "Start" column of the next CG Day. The number in the "Start" column always shows the side's CPP total at the start of that CG Day.
A Recon Final dr is the number of Locations which the opponent must reveal units and Fortifications (including Fortified Building Locations) in, if in fact he had set up in them. The Recon dr is modified by the following drm based on the reconnoitering side's Majority Squad Type.
drm: | |
Spent 2 CPP | +3 |
Russian | +1 |
Stealthy | +1 |
Lax | -1 |
The number of Locations that may be reconnoitered on each CG Day is recorded on the RB CG Roster sheet in the "Recon" column for the current CG Day, as the process of inspection does not occur until all on-map units have been set up for the next CG scenario. See 11.6245 for further information on the effects of Recon.
11.623 INITIATIVE DETERMINATION: Each side selects its Initiative for the present CG Day, either to "Attack" or stand "Idle", representing its desired tactical plans.
11.6231 ATTACK LIMITS: Over the course of each CG [EXC: RO CG III], the Russian may select no more than one Attack chit for every four (or part thereof) CG Days completed. Therefore, with this formula, each CG has a finite number of Attack chits that may be picked by the Russian as follows - – RB CG I: 4; CG II: 2; CG III: 8; CG IV: 2; and RO CG I: 3; CG II: 2. This limit applies to the Germans in RO CG III, in which they have a maximum of 4 Attack chits.
EX: In CG I, the Soviet selected an Attack chit for 18/
11.6232 PROCEDURE: Each side takes its respective Initiative chit and secretly places it on the playing area, hidden from the opponent's view, with the chit's face-up side displaying the side's choice for the next CG scenario. The selections are then revealed simultaneously and cross-indexed on the following matrix to determine if a new CG scenario is generated and, if so, what type it will be.
chit selected | ||
Dual Attack1 | German Assault1 | |
Russian Assault1 | Idle Day2 |
1 Scenario generated; consult proper scenario type below for further information.
2 No scenario generated for this Day; repeat RePh steps 11.612-.6231 until the next scenario is generated.
Dual Attack: Represents a CG Day when both sides have planned offensive action. Make a dr to determine which side sets up first: if ≤ 3 the Russians do; otherwise the Germans do. The side moving first, however, is not determined until after all setup is complete (RePh step 11.625).
German Assault: On this CG Day the German side is on the offensive, coming on doggedly against the prepared defenses of the Soviets. The Russian sets up first; German moves first.
Russian Assault: On this CG Day the Russians counterattack the regrouping Germans. The German sets up first; Russian moves first. At the Russian side's option, this CG scenario can be a Night scenario. See 11.6234.
Idle Day: Represents a CG Day in which both sides have chosen to remain relatively inactive, gathering strength and regrouping for the next attack. Repeat RePh steps 11.612-.6233 until the next CG scenario is generated.
11.6234 RUSSIAN NIGHT ASSAULT: If a "Russian Assault" CG scenario has been generated, the Russian may declare it to be a Night scenario (E1..) [EXC: maximum of 4 in RO CG III]. In such a scenario, the Russians are always the Scenario Attacker and the Germans always the Scenario Defender, despite both sides setting up on-/off-map. Reinforcements entering from off-map always have Freedom of Movement (E1.21). Determine the Cloud Cover and initial Base NVR as per E1.11 [EXC: use the historical Moon Phase listing on the Moon column of the CG Roster]. Note that a result of Overcast on the NVR table does not invoke E3.5; Overcast weather does invoke E3.5, and also makes the Cloud Cover Overcast and the Moon Phase irrelevant. Q&A
11.6235 RB CG SCENARIO VICTORY CONDITIONS: The following Victory Conditions apply to the pertinent type of CG scenario (as determined in 11.6233). However, the Victory Conditions for each CG's Initial Scenario, as well as those for each CG, are given with the other information for the respective CG and its Initial Scenario (11.51-.53).
Dual Attack: The Germans win if at scenario end they have amassed more VP than the Russians. Each side receives Casualty VP, and also receives one VP for each Stone Location that it currently Controls but that was Controlled by the opponent at scenario start.
German (or Russian) Assault: The Russian wins either "Assault" scenario if he Controls all Stone Locations at scenario end. Otherwise the Attacker wins if at scenario end he Controls ≥ 24 (if German [or Russian in RO CG III]) or ≥ 12 (if Russian [or German in RO CG III]) more Stone Locations than he has lost (or than he started with, if he lost none) or if he has amassed at least twice as many Casualty VP as his opponent. Q&A
11.6241 WIND: Prior to setup, roll for Wind Force/
11.6242 ISOLATED UNIT SETUP: The side that sets up first (RePh step 11.6233) sets up all its Isolated Retained units/
11.6243 AMMUNITION SHORTAGE REMOVAL: When a Good Order Isolated Infantry unit suffering from Ammunition Shortage begins a Friendly Player Turn in the same Location as a friendly Good Order armed Infantry MMC (that is not itself suffering from Ammunition Shortage) whose US# is ≥ that Isolated unit's, its Ammunition Shortage ceases to exist at the end of that Player Turn provided both units become TI and remain in Good Order throughout that Player Turn. A MG's Ammunition Shortage is removed whenever it is possessed by a Good Order, armed MMC not suffering from Ammunition Shortage.38 All other Weapons suffering from Ammunition Shortage can lose that status only by ending a CG scenario non-Isolated (11.6139). Note that Ammunition Shortage does not apply to the use of a captured Weapon (A21.11).
11.6244 NON-ISOLATED UNIT SETUP: The side setting up first may set up the remainder of its Retained units, Equipment, purchased Fortifications, and on-map setup RG in non-Isolated friendly-Perimeter-Area Locations [EXC: Only those Fortifications marked with the "F" footnote on the 11.621 Fortification Purchase Table may be set up in a friendly Front Line Location]. Retained-units/RG not set up on the map may enter as per SSR CG9 (11.4); those kept completely out of play are still Retained for the next CG scenario [EXC: An AFV Platoon RG is subject to Withdrawal (11.6142) if any unit of it has been on the map in any CG scenario]. While setting up units/
11.6245 RECON INSPECTION: After all setup is complete, each side may declare the Location(s) they wish to reconnoiter (11.622), if any. Each reconned Location must be ≤ four hexes from the nearest friendly-Controlled hex. The sides take turns declaring one Location at a time, with the Russians declaring first. "Reconned" hidden units are placed in their setup Locations concealed. The opponent also receives Right of Inspection of those units (A12.16), regardless of enemy LOS. If any hidden Fortifications are in the Location, they must be revealed and placed on-map [EXC: neither tunnels nor the type/
11.625 SCENARIO COMMENCEMENT: Players are now ready to begin the next CG scenario. Both sides announce their current ELR and SAN. If preparing for a Dual Attack scenario (only), determine which side moves first (if preparing to play an Assault scenario, the side setting up second always moves first; 11.633) by making a dr. If that dr is ≤ 3 the Russians move first; otherwise the Germans do.