RB Campaign Games Rule section #11.6 (RePh)
11.1 INTRODUCTION: The Red Barricades Campaign Games offer two or more players a series of interrelated scenarios pertaining to the bloody struggle of mid-October to mid-November 1942 for the Barrikady ordnance factory and surrounding terrain. Using this system, a variable number of scenarios are played, each simulating a microcosm of the actual battle occurring on those days of the campaign.11
11.11 BETWEEN SCENARIOS: Between Campaign Game (CG) scenarios, players make use of a special CG phase called the Refit Phase (RePh), wherein each side takes stock of what has happened and prepares for further combat in the next CG scenario. In the RePh, Reinforcement Groups (RG) in the form of infantry companies, AFV platoons, OBA modules, and gun batteries - to name a few - may be selected by the players and purchased through the expenditure of Campaign Purchase Points (CPP). Players will soon find that the last ditch, suicidal charge so often employed in a standard scenario may be needlessly costly to their chance of victory in the overall campaign.
11.12 CASUALTIES: Casualties suffered in a CG-scenario/ 11.13 TEAM PLAY: The three CG herein (11.51-.53) are easily adapted - indeed, recommended - for team play, with each player commanding either certain unit types (EX: one player commands all the armor and Guns, another the non-Gun-crew Infantry, of one side), or a mapsheet sector (EX: one player commands the forces on/ 11.14 CG ROSTER & RG PURCHASE RECORD: The enclosed printed copies of the RB "CG Roster" and "RG Purchase Record" should be photocopied and used by CG players to record important CG information. See RePh steps 11.617-.619 and 11.622 for information on updating the CG Roster; see 11.6197 for specifics on the RG Purchase Record. 11.15 CHAPTER O DIVIDER: The Chapter O divider provides spaces for keeping each side's Eliminated units, Reinforcements available to enter (one boxed area should be used per RG) and Retained units for the next scenario. As reinforcements (and even Retained units) for each side can be kept secret, it is suggested that players make two photocopies of this divider so that each side has one on which to keep its forces out of sight of the opposing side (photocopies of the reduced-size RB map on the back of the divider will also be necessary for RePh step 11.6066). During the RePh the divider can be used to place purchased fortification counters in the "Fortification Counters" box until they are positioned on the map. Wounded leaders and Captured and malfunctioned Weapons may also be separated until resolved in their respective phases. 11.2 DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS: The following glossary explains abbreviations and important terms used frequently in the RB Campaign Game system. CG: Campaign Game CG Day: One day of a CG (whether a scenario is played or not); e.g., 17 October is the first CG Day of CG I (11.51), 18 October is its second CG Day, etc. Each CG Day (except for the first in each CG) begins upon the passage of RePh step 11.6121 ("New CG Day"). CG Roster: The sheet used to record information for each CG Day. One line is filled out for each CG Day. Players are urged to photocopy the facsimile provided herein. Coy (company): A CG Infantry RG organization type. CPP (Campaign Purchase Points): Used to buy RG in RePh step 11.6119. Depleted: A RG not received at Full Strength. Eliminated: Units/ Equipment: Any SW/ Escape: The process by which a unit attempts to leave an Isolated Area (11.6063). FPP (Fortification Purchase Points): Used to purchase Fortifications in RePh step 11.621. Front Line Location: Each Location that belongs to a(n) (Alternate) Hex Grain of a Perimeter marked in RePh step 11.605. Each Front Line Location is part of a "loop" of adjacent Front Line Locations. Full Strength: An Infantry-Company/AFV-Platoon RG received in toto. Idle Day: A CG Day in which both sides have picked an Idle chit (no CG scenario is played). Initial Scenario: The first scenario of a CG (see 11.51-.53). A CG's Initial Scenario gives each side's setup/ Isolated Area: A group of adjacent Isolated Locations. Isolated Location: A Location that lies within the Perimeter Area of both sides. No Man's Land: Locations that are either outside both Perimeter Areas or part of a type A (i.e., unoccupied) Isolated Area (11.606). OB (Order Of Battle): All the units, Equipment and Fortifications of a side that are eligible to participate in the next CG scenario. Includes all Retained units and Equipment, plus all RG purchased since the last CG scenario. Perimeter: All of the (Alternate) Hex Grains formed by the placement of the Perimeter markers enclosing a section(s) of the map. Although the (Alternate) Hex Grains marked out in RePh step 11.605 might produce ≥ one Perimeter "loop" (i.e., one [or more] "main loops" and one [or more] Pockets), there is still only one Perimeter per side. Perimeter: All hexes enclosed by, and including, a side's Front Line Locations (11.605). Pltn (platoon): A CG Infantry or AFV RG organization type. Pocket: An Isolated section of the Perimeter Area created in RePh step 11.6056-.6058. A Pocket may never include any map edge hex. RePh (Refit Phase): The series of steps performed between CG scenarios. All Chapter O rules beginning with "11.6" are RB CG RePh rules/ Retained: All units/ RB: Red Barricades ASL module. RG (Reinforcement Group): Usually a number of units/ RG Purchase Record: The sheet used to record the units-in/ Shore Hex: A level-0 land hex adjacent to a Water Obstacle hex on the RB map. Stone Location: Each stone-building [EXC: rooftops and Sewers] and stone-rubble Location on the RB map. These Locations are used in all campaign scenario and game Victory Conditions (11.651-.53; 11.6235). On the RB map there are 570 total Stone Locations (which can be broken down further as follows: 171 Factory, 134 non-Factory ground level, 109 first level, 13 second level, 98 RB-Cellar level, and 45 rubble). Of course, this total can change during a CG due to rubbling. Strategic Location: Each building Location [EXC: Sewer/ Strength: An Infantry Coy or AFV Pltn is received either at Full or Depleted Strength. Weapon: Any SW/ 11.3 THE CG SCENARIOS: The parameters of the Initial Scenario for each CG are given in 11.51-.53. Additional scenarios for that CG (and the Victory Conditions for each) are generated in a special between-CG scenario sequence called the Refit Phase (RePh); 11.6. The CG continues until the specific CG Victory Conditions are fulfilled by one side or the completion of the last CG Day of that CG, whichever comes first. The "start lines" (or, Front Line Locations, to use the game term) in a CG scenario are determined by Locations Controlled by both sides at the end of the last-completed CG scenario. 11.31 CG BALANCE PROVISIONS: Should each player wish to play the same side (A26.5) the following Balance is used:
11.32 CG SCENARIO BALANCE PROVISIONS: The following CG scenario Balance provision may come into effect automatically, depending the opposing sides' win:loss record.13: Each German Personnel counter possessing a FT/
: Each Russian Elite Infantry unit in a Fortified Building Location is Fanatic.
11.4 CAMPAIGN GAME SPECIAL RULES: All RB CG SSR below apply in all CG scenarios.
CG1. MAP: The entire RB map is used in all CG scenarios.
CG2. RB SSR: All RB# SSR (see the flip-side of Scenario RB6) are in effect except as amended below.
CG3. WEATHER: EC and Weather for each CG scenario are determined in RePh step 11.618 [EXC: for each Initial Scenario they are listed in that scenario's specific SSR]. Wind Force (and direction, if necessary) is determined in RePh step 11.6241.
CG4. GAME END: The Turn Record Chart for all CG scenarios is located in the river portion of the RB map (the northeast corner). All CG scenarios have a variable game length. At the end of Game Turn 5, and at the end of each Game Turn thereafter, the Russian player makes a Game End dr: if it is ≤ the circled number in the current turn's box on the RB CG Turn Record Chart the scenario ends immediately (e.g., at the end of Game Turn 6 the scenario will end on a Game End dr ≤ 3).
CG5. GUNS: No Bore Sighting is allowed. A Gun/
CG6. OBA: Each side is limited to using a maximum of two OBA modules per CG scenario (with "usage" of a module being defined as having its radio, field phone, or Spotter [whether offboard or aerial] in play at any time during a CG scenario; see also SSR CG10). When an OBA module is selected as a RG, the player may freely select a radio or field phone [EXC: 11.51, SSR I.2]. Each Russian Security Area must be traced (as per C1.23) to any friendly Controlled east-edge hex (a Security Area in a Water Obstacle is immune to being "cut"). Each German Security Area must be traced (as per C1.23) to any friendly-Controlled north- or west-edge hex. The ground-level Location of each Security Area hex must be friendly-Controlled at scenario start. Q&A
CG7. TERRAIN CHANGES: During the course of the same CG, alterations of printed mapsheet terrain are bound to occur, all of which become "permanent" (barring subsequent Clearance/
CG8. SNIPERS: Due to the large playing area and the widespread sniper activity, each side must place two Sniper counters on the map at the start of each CG scenario. Both friendly Snipers must set up as per the first two sentences of A14.2, with ≥ 15 hexes between them (or as far apart as possible if they cannot set up 15 hexes apart). When a Sniper attack can occur, make a dr to determine which Sniper attacks; on a dr of ≤ 3 that side's northernmost Sniper attacks (if both are equally "northernmost", the owning player may select the one that attacks before performing the Target Hex DR; A14.2). The SAN is never altered by the presence of two friendly Snipers in play simultaneously. Any result (e.g., Pin) affecting a Sniper counter affects both friendly Snipers simultaneously. See also 11.6122.
CG9. REINFORCEMENTS: All Infantry/AFV RG purchased on the current CG Day [EXC: 11.6194], as well as Retained units voluntarily held off-map as reinforcements, enter on/
RUSSIAN AFV RG: enter on any friendly-Controlled (at scenario start) east-/south-edge land hex(es). If no such hex exists, the AFV may enter on any east-edge land hex(es) of hexrow JJ. All AFV of the same RG entering on the same turn must do so along the same edge.
RUSSIAN INFANTRY RG: enter on any east-edge land hex(es) of hexrow JJ that is currently friendly-Controlled and was friendly-Controlled at scenario start.15 If no such hex exists, such Russian RG may enter along the east edge on/
RUSSIAN/GERMAN GUN BATTERY RG: may set up on-map. May also be towed (if German) or Manhandled into Locations where other friendly Infantry could enter.
17-19 October: on/between A9 and U1;
20-22 October: on/between A22 and U1;
On/after 23 October: on/ between A45 and U1.16
Russians may still set up in their friendly-Controlled Locations, even if such a Location is in a potential German entry hex [EXC: as per 11.51's Russian setup restrictions for CG Day 17/
CG10. RETAINED RG: Each RG, or part thereof, not entering-play/
CG11. RUSSIAN FANATICISM: Each non-prisoner Russian Personnel unit in a Factory hex [EXC: if in a Sewer Location, or if currently in Bypass] is considered Fanatic (A10.8).17 If entering from outside the Factory it becomes Fanatic immediately, prior to all Defensive First Fire against it. If wishing to advance out of a Factory in order to CC an AFV, it need not take a PAATC since it is Fanatic when required to take it. A Russian unit already Fanatic receives no further benefit. Rubble occurring in an original Factory hex is still considered part of that Factory for purposes of this rule.
CG12. COMMISSARS: Each Commissar in the Russian OB at the end of the 31 October scenario in CG III is automatically replaced by its corresponding (A25.22) unwounded leader type (e.g., a wounded 9-0 Commissar becomes an unwounded "normal" 8-0 leader).18 Thereafter, no Commissar may be in the Russian OB.
CG13. MAP EXIT: Any Personnel (including their possessed Weapon) and Mobile AFV may exit the map during play but only from a hex that is currently friendly-Controlled and was friendly-Controlled at scenario start. Such a unit may not re-enter during that scenario, but is Retained [EXC: a broken Infantry unit must take an immediate NMC when exited; failure of the NMC results in the immediate Elimination of that unit and all its possessed Weapons] in their side's OB for the next CG Day. Players should place such counters in the friendly "Retained" box on the Chapter O divider (11.15). All counters exited off hexes (currently not and) not friendly-Controlled at scenario start are Eliminated, and count for Casualty Victory Condition purposes (but not for the CVP DRM of 11.616).
CG14. MASSACRE: Massacre (A20.4), if invoked during a CG scenario, is in effect only for the duration of that scenario. However, see also 11.608.
CG15. CONCEALMENT: All Infantry (and their possessed Weapon[s]) setting up in Concealment Terrain may do so concealed, regardless of LOS. Such "?" need not be purchased; i.e., they are placed freely. Otherwise, A12.12 and A12.34 apply. The side setting up first may conceal all eligible units before the other side views its setup; likewise, the side setting up second may conceal all eligible units before his opponent views that setup. "?" purchased in the RePh (11.6121) are intended mainly for use as dummies.
CG16. MISCELLANEOUS: Non-captured Mobile non-halftrack AFV may not be voluntarily Abandoned. A ⅝" counter set up beneath a Trench counter (as per B27.51) may be removed from below that counter on any subsequent CG Day [EXC: if immobilized/
CG17. SELF RALLY: Each side may attempt to Self Rally ≤ two (not just one) non-Disrupted broken MMC, provided (as per A18.11) both attempts are carried out before other friendly MMC Rally attempts.
CG18. SEWER RESTRICTION: On the final CG Day of each CG, Sewer Movement is not allowed after Game Turn 4. At the start of Game Turn 5, all units/
11.5 INITIAL SCENARIO: First select one of the CG listed below (CG II - "Operation Hubertus" - is the shortest, being only five CG Days). Included there is the information needed to play that CG's Initial Scenario. For the Initial Scenario, players begin with RePh step 11.6119 (Purchase Reinforcement Groups) and complete RePh steps 11.620-.622 (i.e., all steps preceded by a † in the RePh Sequence listing; 11.6). For each Initial Scenario, the actual Strength of each OB-given and purchased (RePh step 11.619) RG must still be determined normally (RePh step 11.6120). Leaders received, if any, are determined in RePh steps 11.6205-.6207.
In the Initial Scenario of each RB CG the Russian sets up first and the German moves first. Furthermore, in each CG Initial Scenario, the German is assumed to have selected the "Attack" Initiative chit and the Russian the "Idle" chit (11.623) for CPP Replenishment (11.6116) and ELR-Change (11.6117) DRM purposes.