1.1 Irrigation Ditches represent narrow, shallow, water-filled channels.1 Any hex containing one or more solid blue lines is an Irrigation Ditch hex. Hexes FF25, GG26, and GG27 are examples of Irrigation Ditches. Irrigation Ditches are not Water Obstacles.

1.2 Irrigation Ditches are neither an obstacle nor a Hindrance to LOS. Irrigation Ditches are considered Open Ground for MF/MP expenditures for scenarios in which Mud weather conditions (E3.64- .65) are in effect [EXC: an Irrigation-Ditch Partial Orchard hex entered across an orchard hexside (5.2; 2.2)].

1.3 TEM: An Irrigation Ditch has a conditional TEM of +1 which is never cumulative with any other possible TEM. Only Infantry may utilize this conditional TEM [EXC: Infantry manning/Manhandling Guns/Boats never receive the protective TEM benefits of an Irrigation Ditch].

1.4 MOVEMENT: Infantry may enter an Irrigation Ditch hex at the COT of the other terrain in the hex or it may expend that COT and one additional MF. If it only expends the COT of the other terrain to enter an Irrigation Ditch hex, it may (barring other terrain in the hex) be subject to FFMO (or Interdiction in the RtPh) in that hex during that Mph until Pinned. If an Infantry unit either starts the phase already in an Irrigation Ditch hex or it expends the additional 1 MF when entering the hex, it is considered to be taking cover in an Irrigation Ditch and may claim the conditional +1 TEM (thereby avoiding any FFMO penalties).

1.41 Cavalry entering an Irrigation Ditch hex across a non-road hexside enter at 1 MF plus COT, but never receive any protective TEM benefits from an Irrigation Ditch.

1.42 Guns/Boats may be Manhandled into an Irrigation Ditch hex across a non-road hexside at a cost of 2 MF plus COT.

1.43 Wheeled and horse-drawn vehicles may not enter/exit an Irrigation Ditch hex across a non-road hexside. Tracked vehicles may enter an Irrigation Ditch hex across a non-road hexside by expending 2 MP (3 MP for halftracks) plus the COT of the other terrain in the hex, and making a Bog Check; they must also make a Bog Check if changing VCA while not in a road hex. Additionally, a tracked vehicle that exits1 an Irrigation Ditch across a non-road hexside must pay 2 MP (3 MP for halftracks) and make a Bog Check in the hex being exited [EXC: if the vehicle already expended those MP, and made the Bog Check, for entering the hex or if it sets up in that hex].

1.5 DEEP SNOW: When Deep Snow (E7.33) is present, Infantry may not benefit from an Irrigation Ditch's protective TEM and the cost for entry across a non-road hexside is always 1 MF plus COT (plus Deep Snow expenditures).

1.6 PARATROOPS & GLIDERS: A ⅝" parachute that lands in an Irrigation Ditch hex must take a NMC as per E9.42. Gliders landing in an Irrigation Ditch hex must add a +1 drm to their Crash dr (E8.23).

1.7 FORTIFICATIONS: Entrenchments cannot be placed in an Irrigation Ditch hex.

1.8 The Kindling/Spread numbers of other terrain in an Irrigation Ditch hex are increased by two. [Perry Says,06/04/02]