1.5187 ENTRY AREA: Eligible Entry Area(s) or notes for that RG.

1.5188 RG PURCHASE RECORD: After all RG for the current CG Date have been selected and CPP expended for them, the RG Purchase Record must be updated. One line of this sheet must be filled out for each RG purchased in order to keep track of the number purchased thus far in the CG. If preparing for a CG Initial Scenario, one line is also filled out for each RG given in the Initial Scenario OB (but these latter do not apply towards CG maximums). The following listing explains how each column of the RG Purchase Record is used.

CG Date: The CG scenario the RG is purchased (EX: "12 Sept-Night")

RG ID: The RG's alphanumeric ID (EX: Ii for USMC Raider Platoon) Group Type: The RG's name (EX: "Engineer Platoon")

#P (Number purchased): The total number of friendly RG of this Group Type purchased thus far during the CG.

#R (Number Remaining): The number of this RG Group Type still available for subsequent purchase in the CG. This number is derived by subtracting the number in that RG's #P column from the number listed in the "Maximum" column (for that RG) in the purchasing side's RG Chart.

Str: The RG's strength, as determined in RePh step 1.5191. Record F" for a Full or "D" for a Depleted RG.

# Units: The number of units received in that RG of the Unit Type listed in the respective RG Chart (e.g., 3 for a Full Strength Paramarine platoon) and the unit type.

SW Received: As each SW for that RG is determined (RePh step 1.5192), record the number of each Weapon type received.

Setup Area/Entry ID: On its CG Date of purchase, each RG [EXC: 0-, F- and M-type RG] must have a friendly, non-Isolated Setup Area or Eligible Entry Area recorded for it. Use the hex coordinate of each Entry Area's center (arrow) hex as the ID for that Area.

Objective Hex: This column is used to record the objective hex of each I-type RG when it is initially purchased or that of each OB-given I-type RG before the opponent sets-up. See also the 1.2 definition.


1.5191 RG STRENGTH: Each "I" and "HW" RG is eligible for Depletion. For each such RG the player has just purchased (as well as for each such RG received in an Initial Scenario [EXC: RG given the U.S. in the Initial Scenario]) he must make one DR on the RG Strength Table to determine whether it is received at Full or Depleted Strength. A Full-Strength RG receives the number of specified units to the left of the "/", a Depleted RG receives the number of specified units to the right of the "/".


Final DRResult
≤ 9Full
≥ 10Depleted

1.5192 SUPPORT WEAPON ALLOTMENT: Determine the number of SW listed in the SW portion of the appropriate RG Chart received by each "I" or "HW" type RG. A Full-Strength RG automatically receives all SW listed by a number not in parentheses; for those SW listed by a number in parentheses, one is received by making a dr ≤ that number. A Depleted RG must make a dr ≤ 4 to receive each SW not listed in parentheses; for those SW listed by a number in parentheses, one is received by making a dr less than that number. [EXC: At least two SW must be received with a HW RG: if the RG's final total is < 2 SW ignore this result; roll again for each SW in the RG until a final total ≥ 2 are received after rolling for each.] Record each SW received in its appropriate column on the RG Purchase Record on that RG's line.

1.5193 LEADER ALLOTMENT: For each "I", or "V" type RG purchased or OB-given, the U.S. player makes one Secret DR on the appropriate column of the following leader table to determine the type of leader(s) received by that RG. For each "1" type RG, the Japanese player makes a Secret dr to determine if he gets a leader; if ≤ 3 he makes a Secret DR on the following leader table to determine the type of leader. Each leader must Setup/enter with a unit of his respective RG during the first (only) CG Scenario in which he participates [EXC: if Retained off-map for an entire CG Scenario].


Final DRU.S. Personnel LeaderU.S. Armor LeaderIJA Personnel Leadera
110-2, 9-110-210-1
aIJA RG must make a dr ≤ 3 in order to roll on this table.


Depleted RG+1
IJA Engineer Plt-1
Raider Plt-1
Tank Sect-1

All such RG Strength, Weapon, and Leader DR/dr are secret and need not be revealed until CG end.

1.520 PURCHASING FORTIFICATIONS: Fortifications that are obtained by expending FPP may be purchased on each CG Date if the player has the requisite FPP (either given as a reinforcement or purchased). All FPP unspent upon completion of this step are forfeit. As Fortifications are selected, the specific type must be recorded in the "Fortifications" section of the CG Roster.


Fortification TypeFPP Cost
3S foxhole-to-trench upgradea6
trench-to-pillbox upgradeac10
Jungle Pathe5
HIP Set DCg5
aU.S. Player only - no more than one upgrade per hex per CG Scenario, Pillboxes are 1+3+5 variety.
bListed Cost is per squad/HS/crew/SMC.
cNo more than 10% (FRU) of a side's Retained (not only purchased) non-Reserve Infantry squads may use HIP in a daytime Scenario. HIP is NA for Cloaked (including Reserve) units.
d3S/2S/1S Foxhole costs
eMay not be set up in an Isolated Location.
fSee SSR CG17.
gDC must come from a Retained RG or unit setting-up On-Map (not Reserve). DC can only be set in a friendly-Controlled Pillbox or Trench Location. Searching can reveal a HIP Set DC, and Random SW Destruction can Eliminate one. Record the ID of the detonating unit and the DC's Location.

1.521 PURCHASING RECONNAISSANCE: Each side may now make a Recon dr, provided it first expends the required CPP for this purpose and the players are not preparing to play the Initial Scenario. If Recon can be purchased, that side deducts the listed CPP cost (plus an additional CPP for a beneficial drm on its Recon dr) from its current CPP total in the CG Roster's "Left" Column, and records the new total in the "Start" column of the next CG Date. If a side cannot or opts not to use Recon, its current CPP total is simply copied in the "Start" column of the next CG Date.

A Recon Final dr is the number of Locations in which the opponent will have to reveal units and Fortifications, if he has in fact set up in them; see 1.524. The Recon dr is modified by the following cumulative drm:

The number of Locations that may be reconnoitered is recorded on the CG Roster in the "Recon" column of the current CG Date line.

1.522 INITIATIVE DETERMINATION: Each side selects its Initiative for the current CG Date, either to "Attack" or stand "Idle", representing its desired tactical plans. Note: on the Initial Scenario CG-Date, this step is skipped - the Japanese player is automatically using Attack Initiative and the U.S. player is automatically using Idle Initiative.

1.5221 ATTACK CHIT LIMITS: The RG Chart for each side indicates how many Attack Chits each side may select during the course of the CG (Attack Chits may be selected consecutively without penalty). For purposes of this rule, neither side is considered to have selected an Attack Chit for an Initial Scenario.

1.5222 PROCEDURE: Each side takes its respective Initiative Chit and secretly places it on the playing area, hidden from the opponent's view, with the chit's face-up side displaying the side's Initiative selection ("Attack" or "Idle") for the next CG Scenario. The counters are then revealed simultaneously and cross-indexed on the following matrix to determine if a new CG Scenario is generated and if so, what type it will be.

Chit SelectedU.S. ATTACKU.S. IDLE
IJA ATTACKDual AttackIJA Assault
IJA IDLEU.S. AssaultIdle Date



1.5231 CG SCENARIO VICTORY CONDITIONS: In ER, individual Scenarios do not have Victory Conditions. The CG Scenarios serve instead to position the players for the overall CG Victory Conditions. Neither side "wins" or "loses" a CO scenario, only the CO itself.


1.52321 ISOLATED UNIT SETUP: The side that sets up first (1.5223) in a given CG Scenario now sets up all of its Retained units, Equipment and new Fortifications which will go into an Isolated Location, after which the other side does likewise. Each Isolated unit/Equipment piece may be set up only in its current Setup Area [EXC: in its current Location and VCA if an immobile vehicle; 1.5071]. Each unit/Equipment piece set up in an Isolated Location is affected by Ammunition Shortage (A19.131).

1.523211 AMMUNITION SHORTAGE REMOVAL: When a Good Order Isolated Infantry unit suffering from Ammunition Shortage begins a Friendly Player Turn in the same Location as a Friendly Good Order armed Infantry MMC (that is itself not suffering from Ammunition Shortage) whose US# is ≥ that of the Isolated unit's, its Ammunition Shortage ceases to exist at the end of that Player Turn provided both units become TI and remain in Good Order throughout that Player Turn. A MG's Ammunition shortage is removed whenever it is possessed by a Good Order, armed MMC not suffering from Ammunition Shortage. All other units/Equipment suffering from Ammunition Shortage lose that status only by ending a CG Scenario in a non-Isolated Location.

1.52322 NON-ISOLATED SETUP: The side which sets up first now sets up the remainder of its Retained units, Equipment, and new Fortifications in eligible Locations of the Setup Area that each is Retained in [EXC: Each Immobile vehicle must remain in its current Location and VCA]. Record the hex coordinates of new Fortification Setup Locations on the CG Roster. See also SSR CG6-12 and CG16-17. Once the side setting up first has completed its setup, the other side follows the same procedure.

1.524 RECON INSPECTION: After all setup is complete, but prior to Bombardment (if any), each side may declare the Location(s) they wish to Reconnoiter (presuming they made the appropriate CPP expenditure). Each such Location must be within 6 hexes of a friendly Setup/Eligible Entry Area hex. The sides take turns declaring one Location at a time, with the Japanese player declaring first. Each hidden unit/Equipment in a reconned Location is placed on-map concealed. All concealed (including Cloaked/Reserve) units/Equipment in a reconned hex lose their "?" (thus eliminating dummies) and the opponent receives Right of Inspection vs. the Location (A12.16), regardless of LOS. All units/Equipment in Concealment Terrain in the Location then immediately regain any "7" (but not HIP) they previously had, regardless of LOS [EXC: Reconned Reserve units/Equipment revert back to Cloaked status, even if not in Concealment Terrain].

1.525 BEGIN PLAY: Each side announces its SAN. If this is an Assault Scenario, the side setting up second moves first. If this is a Dual Attack (day or night), the side that moves first is determined by a dr. On a dr ≥ 4 the U.S. player moves first.