2.40 INITIAL SCENARIO: The special information needed to play the Initial Scenario for the RR CG is provided after 2.42. For the Initial Scenario, both players begin with RePh step 2.518 (RG Purchase Record) and perform RePh steps 2.518-2.52322 (the steps preceded by a "††" in the RePh Sequence; 2.5).
2.41 RR CAMPAIGN "Milk Factory"
CG VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Canadians win if their CG LVP Total is ≥ 140 at any CG-Scenario end.
LVP | Hexes |
2 | R10, Q10, OO23, LL21 |
1 | H10, EE10, JJ11, MM10, F16, N16, U17, C20, E22, N24, X23, AA24 |
ATTACK-CHIT LIMITS12: Canadian 2; German 6.
CG BALANCE PROVISIONS: Should each player wish to play the same side (A26.4) the following Balance is used:
Beginning 19PM, the Germans receive 4 extra CPP per CG Date. | |
The Canadians can use 3 Attack Chits, not 2. |
2.42 INITIAL SCENARIO SETUP SEQUENCE: German sets up first; Canadian moves first.
Elements of 6th Fallschirmjäger Division13 [ELR: 3] {SAN: 4} (make two rolls on the Company Leader Table)
Group I set up within three hexes of the A11-TT9 road:
5-4-8 x14 | LMG x5 | PSK |
2-2-8 x4 | 88LLPaK43 x2 | 88LL PaK 43/41 x2 |
100 FPP (these FPP may also be used for Group H but only for Entrenchments for the Observer and Machine Gun Platoon and/ |
Group II set up within three hexes of the A11-TT9 road, and/
All Leaders | 5-4-8 x6 | LMG |
Radio | PSK |
Machine Gun Platoon:
2-2-8 x4 | HMG x2 | MMG x 2 |
Elements of Royal Hamilton Light Infantry14, Fort Carry Horse, and 1st Canadian Armoured Carrier Regiment [ELR: 3] enter along the north edge on/
Elements of Fort Carry Horse: (make four rolls for possible Armor Leader Generation)
Sherman IIC(a) x2 (one with AAMG) |
Sherman III(a) x6 (two with AAMG) |
Sherman VC(a) x2 (one with AAMG) |
Sherman V(a) x6 (two with AAMG) |
RHLI Headquarters: (make one roll on the Company Leader Table)
4-5-8 x2 | Radio x2 |
Elements of A and B Company, RHLI: (make two rolls on the Company Leader Table)
4-5-8 x10 | PIAT x4 | LMG x6 |
4-5-7 x10 | 51mm MTR x2 |
Elements of 1st Canadian Armoured Carrier Regiment:
RAM Kangaroo x 20 (four with AAMG) |
Elements of RHLI Carrier Platoon:
Wasp x 3 (one with AAMG) | Carrier A x2 |
Carrier C x 1 |
Elements of C, D, and Support Companies, Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, and Toronto Scottish Regiment enter along the north board edge on/
4-5-8 x10 | 4-4-7 x4 | PIAT x4 |
4-5-7 x9 | 51mm MTR x2 | LMG x6 |
Elements of Assault Engineer Platoon, Support Company, RHLI: (make one roll on the Platoon Leader Table)
4-5-8 x3 | DC x3 |
Machine Gun Platoon, Toronto Scottish Regiment:
2-2-8 x4 | MMG x4 |
The following SSR apply during the Initial Scenario:
I.1 EC are Overcast, with no wind at start.
I.2 The Canadians receive three 100+ mm Creeping Barrages (E12.7) which begin on Turn 1. The Pre-Registered hexes for the three creeping barrages must be at least 9 hexes apart. Any creeping barrage still active will automatically lift at the beginning of Turn 6.
I.3 The Canadians receive one module of 100+mm OB A (HE and SMOKE) and one module of 70+mm Battalion Mortar OBA (HE and SMOKE). The Germans receive one module of 80+mm battalion mortar OBA (HE and Smoke) and may take a field phone in lieu of a radio.
I.4 The 4-5-8s/2-4-8s of the RHLI Assault Engineer Platoon are Assault Engineers (A11.5; H1.22).
I.5 SW must initially set up possessed by Personnel of the group to which they are assigned.
I.6 No Good Order German unit may exit before Turn 5.