1.1 UNIT PURCHASES: In order to purchase forces for a Design Your Own (DYO) scenario, the players must first agree on the "current" historical month and year. They then mutually agree on their respective total BPV allotments, the board configuration, and Victory Conditions. Players should also consult the pre-game sequence of the ASOP, and for Desert scenarios see F11.701 and F12.3-.4. With this settled, they can proceed to buy their pieces. It is up to the players to decide if their buying will be done secretly or in the open.1 Purchasing from the various piece categories must be done in the following order: Infantry first, then ordnance, then vehicles, then OBA, and then Fortifications. Any points remaining after purchasing Fortifications (or declining to do so) can then be used to purchase more Infantry and thereby possibly qualify for additional SW/
1.11 COUNTER LIMITS: Pieces (including vehicles with optional armament) may not be purchased in greater quantity than is provided in one game - unless of course, the players have extra pieces and agree that such can be purchased. Each squad type in one game has 26 pieces (ID letters A-Z). The total number of each SW type in one game is given in the "#" line of its SW Allotment Chart. The total number of each vehicle/
1.12 OPTIONAL VEHICULAR ARMAMENT: Optional vehicular armament may not be purchased in greater quantity, nor in any different arrangement (in the case of a vehicle with more than one optional weapon) than is provided in the countermix of one game - unless both players agree otherwise. If a player purchases all the vehicles of a particular type (as per that vehicle's "#" column - or alternatively, whole multiples of that #), all optional armament carried by them is automatically included although the BPV cost of these weapons must still be paid as per 1.41. [EXC: If the scenario predates the armament's initial date of availability as given in a pertinent Vehicle Note, the vehicle is purchased without that optional armament; use the appropriate "Disabled" counter to show the armament's non-functioning status. The optional U.S. Sherman-mounted FT is also an exception since it is never indicated on the counter; i.e., it is never automatically present regardless of how many Shermans are purchased.]
1.13 PURCHASE MECHANICS: It is not required that points be spent in each category; zero points may be spent in one or more categories if the player so desires. A player may decline to purchase the item(s) indicated by an availability DR, but if he does so he cannot substitute any other item(s) for it, nor can that DR be rerolled. The points thus saved can be used to buy other items further along in the Purchase Sequence. Once a piece has been purchased by recording it on the Roster, it may not be subsequently exchanged for another piece(s) or to increase the player's unspent points.2 For example, a player who finds that he does not have enough points remaining to purchase the available OBA may not trade in prior purchases so as to gain the necessary points.
1.14 MULTI-PLAYER ASPECT: Whenever the term "player" is used in Chapter H it actually refers to one side collectively in a scenario, as opposed to one of a group of players on the same side playing as a team. For example, 1.5 specifies that if one side has ≤ 600 points, it is entitled to one OBA DR; it does not allow four partners, each having 150 points, to each make one DR.
1.2 INFANTRY: Squads and crews may be purchased in any number, within the limits of the player's point allotment and the counter mix. There are no purchase restrictions on mixing different squad Classes of the same nationality in one's DYO OB; i.e., those squads purchased do not have to be all of the same Class (or type of squad within that Class). A Hero (which has no point value) cannot be purchased for a DYO scenario; it must be randomly created from other Personnel types during the course of play (A15.21). Leaders cannot be purchased directly; they are allocated as per 1.8-.84. When a player has finished making his purchases, he may find that he still has points to spend. He may use these points to buy more Infantry (1.7). Q&A
1.201 SPECIAL NATIONALITY CONSIDERATIONS: If the scenario involves Japanese units, players should consult G1.66-.664 before purchasing the Japanese OB. For German units in North Africa, see F.6. For the purchase of U.S.M.C. units, see G17.15-.152; for the purchase of Chinese units, see G18.8-.81.
1.202 SKI CAPABILITY: Ski capability (and Winter Camouflage; E4.4) can be purchased for a DYO OB at a cost of two extra points per elite MMC purchased [EXC:Sissi (A25.73) are ski-equipped as part of their BPV]. Ski capability may not be selectively allotted to certain Personnel; all elite Personnel of that side must be given ski capability, which is indicated on the Roster by recording in the "MPV ea" column the MMC's BPV (first adjusted as per 1.22-.24, if applicable) increased by two, and by recording "Sk" in the "A/B" column of the same line. When ski capability has been purchased for all elite MMC on a side, all SMC (as well as all crew counters that directly or indirectly result from the purchase of Guns, and all elite HS counters that likewise result from the purchase of vehicles) on that side are also considered to have ski capability at no extra cost.
1.203 WINTER CAMOUFLAGE: Winter Camouflage (E3.712) can be purchased for Infantry at a cost of one extra point per MMC purchased. Winter Camouflage may not be selectively alloted to certain Personnel; all Personnel of that side must be given Winter Camouflage capability [EXC: may also be obtained via Ski purchase; 1.202]; use "W" in the Roster's "A/B" column.
1.204 PARACHUTES: For Air Drops ⅝" parachutes can be purchased for a DYO OB at a cost of two extra points per elite MMC purchased. Indicate this on the Roster by recording in the "MPV ea" column the MMC's BPV (first adjusted as per 1.22- .24, if applicable) increased by two, and by recording "P" in the "A/B" column of the same line. ½" parachutes have zero BPV, but only one per item to be separately air-dropped can be used.
1.21 RECORDING: The "Infantry" section of the Roster is divided into three subsections: "Elite", "Line", and "Conscript". The Strength Factor of each type of squad purchased is recorded in the "Type" column in its proper subsection, and the actual number of each type purchased is recorded to its right in the "#" column. Line, Green, and all other squads that are neither elite nor conscript are recorded in the "Line" subsection. Where squads with special capabilities (see 1.22-1.25) could be confused with other non-specialized squads of the same type, mark their ID letters in the "ID" column.
1.211 MODIFIED POINT VALUE (MPV): The "Infantry" section of the Roster contains one column with the heading "MPV ea", and to its right another called "MPV". In the "MPV ea" column is recorded the sum of the listed (in the "Type" column) squad's BPV (possibly increased as per 1.22-.26) plus the maximum range of its inherent PF/
1.212 CREWS/
1.22 ASSAULT ENGINEERS: Assault Engineers are purchased primarily in order to receive FT/
1.23 SAPPERS: Sapper squads can be of any Class, and are purchased by paying 1.5 (FRU) times their normal BPV (only) cost. Indicate Sappers on the Roster by putting an "S" in the "A/B" column of their entry line. Sappers' Equivalency (1.74) is equal to their purchased number, unless elite or conscript. HS/
1.24 COMMANDOS: Only elite squads of that side's nationality can be purchased as Commandos. A squad designated as a Commando costs 1.5 (FRU) times its normal BPV (only). Indicate Commandos on the Roster by writing in the "MPV ea" column the squad's increased point value and by recording a "C" in the "A/B" column of the same line. Commandos are always Stealthy (A11.17), have Scaling ability (B23.424), and have an ELR of 5; however, their Morale Factor is considered underlined for purposes of ELR failure only if actually underlined on the counter (A1.23). Gurkhas (A25.43) are always purchased as Commandos.
1.25 MOL: MOL capability can be purchased for a DYO OB at a cost of one extra point per MMC purchased. MOL may not be selectively allotted to only certain Personnel however; all Personnel of that side must be given MOL capability, which is indicated on the Roster by writing in the "MPV ea" column the MMC's BPV (first adjusted as per 1.22-.24, if applicable) increased by one and by recording an "M" in the "A/B" column of the same line. When MOL has been purchased for all MMC on a side, all SMC (as well as all crew/
1.26 MULTIPLE CAPABILITIES: Should a player wish to purchase squads having more than one of the above-listed capabilities, the MPV of each such squad is calculated by first multiplying its original BPV (as applicable per 1.22-.24), then by adding to this any extra points for MOL/
EX: Using an 8-3-8 (BPV 16) as the squad-type, an Assault Engineer-Sapper has a MPV of 48 (16 x 2 x 1.5). A Commando-Sapper's MPV is 36 (16 x 1.5 x 1.5). The ultimate extravagance in specialized squads, an Assault Engineer-Sapper-Commando with MOL capability, has an MPV of 73 (16 x 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 + 1). These totals will be higher (+1, +2, or +3) if the squad also has inherent PF/
EX: Assume that the German player has 1000 points with which to buy his OB for a September '44 DYO scenario vs Russians. He decides to buy seven 4-6-8 squads (of which four will be Sappers), twelve 4-6-7 squads, ten 4-3-6 squads, and three 8-3-8 Assault Engineers. In the "Infantry" section of the Purchase Roster each of these squad types will be recorded as follows:
4-6-8: He writes "4-6-8" under "Type" in the "Elite" subsection, "3" next to it in the "#" column, "15" (13 [BPV] + 2 [PF range]) in the "MPV ea" column, and "45" (15 [MPV] x 3 [#) in the "MPV" column. The "ID" and "A/B" columns are left blank.
4-6-8 Sapper: On the next line down he writes in each column from left to right: "4-6-8", "4", "22" (13 [BPV] x 1.5 [Sapper: FRU] +2 [PF]), "88", "A-D" (the ID letters of these squads), and "S" (to indicate that they are Sappers).
8-3-8 Assault Engineer: On the next line are recorded "8-3-8", "3", "34" (16 [BPV] x 2 [Assault Engineer] + 2 [PF]), "102", and "A" in the "A/B" column. If normal 8-3- 8 squads had also been purchased, the ID letters of the Assault Engineers would have to be recorded.
4-6-7 Moving down to the "Line" subsection, the following are entered from left to right: "4-6-7", "12", "12" (10 [BPV] + 2 [PF]), and "144". The "ID" and "A/B" columns are left blank.
4-3-6: In the "Conscript" subsection are recorded "4-3- 6", "10", "7" (5 [BPV] + 2 [PF]), and 70 The "ID" and "A/B" columns are left blank.
The "MPV" column is now summed to find the total MPV spent in the 1st Infantry Purchase. In this case the sum is 449: this number is recorded at the bottom of the "MPV" column, and also subtracted from the initial (1000) point allotment in the "Infantry" line of the Roster's "Points Available" section.
1.27 PARTISANS: Partisans cannot be designated as Assault, Engineers or Sappers, but can be purchased with Commando/
1.28 ELR GENERATION: In DYO scenarios, if unsure of an appropriate ELR, use the ELR Chart to determine one based on nationality and time frame of the scenario.3
ELR CHART | ||||||||||||
Time/ Nationality | thru 1938 | 1/39- 8/39 | 9/39- 12/40 | 1/41- 6/41 | 7/41- 12/41 | 1/42- 6/42 | 7/42- 12/42 | 1/43- 6/43 | 7/43- 12/43 | 1/44- 6/44 | 7/44- 12/44 | 45 |
German | - | - | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Russian | - | - | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
American | - | - | - | - | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
British* | - | - | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Italian | - | - | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Japanese | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 41 | 41 | 42 |
G.M.D.** | 23 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 2 | 24 | 24 |
French*** | - | - | 25 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
* | Includes all Commonwealth, Free French, and forces of other conquered countries fighting with British backing. |
** | Red Chinese use is NA. |
*** | Free French use British #. |
Axis Minors are always two less than Germans [EXC: Finns' ELR always equals Germans'] | |
Non-Italian Allied Minors are always 3 | |
1 | "3" vs Chinese |
2 | "3" vs British/ |
3 | Increase this # by one of G.M.D. Majority Squad Type (E.4) is Elite and/ |
5 | Increase this # by two if the scenario is set in Norway |
1.29 SAN: Each side in a DYO scenario is assumed to have a SAN of 2 unless it spends extra points to raise this number. Each increase of one in the SAN costs ten points. Any points spent to increase the SAN are subtracted in the "Points Available" section, to find the current subtotal of unspent points.
EX: In order to have a SAN of 3, the player must spend ten points. For a SAN of 7 he must spend 50 points.
1.3 ORDNANCE: If a player wishes to buy one or more Guns, he must first make an Availability DR. The RF given by that Final Availability DR is the highest "current" RF (i.e., rarest Gun) that the player may purchase. Those with a higher current RF cannot be bought, while those whose current RF is ≤ that indicated by the DR can be. The BPV of a Gun includes the purchase price of its crew; this crew is not recorded in the "Infantry" section of the Roster.
Current RF | Availability DR | Armor Leader Available |
1.6 | ≤ 2 | 10-2 |
1.5 | 3 | 9-2 |
1.4 | 4 | 9-1 |
1.3 | 5 | 8-l |
1.2 | 6 | - |
1.1 | 7 | - |
1.0 | 8, 11 | - |
.9 | 9, 10, ≥ 12 | - |
1.4 VEHICLES: Vehicles are purchased in the same manner as Guns, using the Availability Table; i.e., an Availability DR is made and the player may purchase any vehicle whose "current" RF is ≤ that RF. The BPV of a vehicle includes the price of its crew/
1.41 OPTIONAL ARMAMENT: If a purchased vehicle is listed as having "current" optional armament, and the player wishes to equip this vehicle with it, he must make another Availability DR [EXC: if he buys the total number of these vehicles in the game; 1.12]. The pertinent Vehicle Note(s) will give the optional weapon's RF and date of availability, and if the DR is successful the vehicle is assumed to be carrying the optional armament. Extra points must be spent for this armament however; the BPV of each optional weapon is equal to its normal IFT FP. Excepting 1.12, one Availability DR must be made for each vehicle for which optional armament is desired; however this one DR determines the availability of all optional armaments listed for that vehicle.
1.42 SCHUERZEN & GYROSTABILIZERS: These features can be used only with certain AFV whose wreck sides contain an "Sz" or "G" symbol (see D11). If a player wishes an allowed AFV to have one of these features, a dr for this AFV must be made after it is purchased, using the following table.
dr/ | 42 | 1-6/43 | 7-9/43 | 10-12/43 | 1-3/44 | 4-6/44 | 7-12/44 | 45 |
≤ 1 | G | G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G |
2 | - | G | G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G |
3 | - | - | - | - | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G |
4 | - | - | - | - | - | Sz G | Sz G | Sz G |
5 | - | - | - | - | - | - | Sz G | Sz G |
≥ 6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A Gyrostabilizer dr receives a +1 drm if the AFV is Lend-Lease using a non-U.S. crew. If these features are received, points must be spent for the Sz or G equipping the AFV. Sz costs three points per AFV; G costs five per AFV. See D11.1 for dr modifiers.
1.43 ARMOR LEADERS: A player may make one Armor Leader DR on the 1.3 Availability Table for every complete multiple of three AFV he purchases - after the availability of all optional armament/
Year | thru 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
German | - | +2 | +1 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0 |
Russian | - | +3 | +3 | +2 | +1 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
British | - | - | +2 | +1 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 |
U.S. | - | - | - | +3 | +3 | +1 | -1 | -1 |
Italian | - | +3 | +3 | +2 | +1 | +1 | 0 | 0 |
French/ | - | - | +2 | +2 | +2 | - | - | - |
Allied Minor1 | - | +3 | +3 | +3 | - | - | - | - |
Axis Minor | - | - | - | +2 | +1 | +1 | 0 | 0 |
Japanese | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | 0 | 0 |
G.M.D.2 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +23 | +1 |
1 Allied Minors after 41 and Free French use British DRM
2 Red Chinese use is NA
3 Decrease this # by one if scenario is set in Burma
An Armor Leader Availability Final DR allows the use of one Armor Leader of the type to the right of that Final DR on the 1.3 Table. If an Armor Leader is received but with a lower morale than the inherent crew of all three AFV, one whose morale equals that of the lowest inherent crew morale in those three AFV may be substituted, provided the leadership DRM does not also improve. An Armor Leader received must be used in one of the AFV that allowed that Armor Leader Availability DR.
EX: After purchasing ordnance, the German player must next decide if he wishes to buy vehicles. He feels he should, so he makes an Availability DR which unfortunately results in a 10 - thus allowing him to choose from only those vehicles having a RF of .9 in September '44. [If he had made the extra 10% expenditure for a motorized unit, his usable RF would instead be 1.1 (.9 + .2).] He opts for three PzKpfw IVH (ID A, B, and C), with a BPV of 73 each, and records them individually on the Roster (since one might receive an Armor Leader and some may carry Sz/
1.44 HORSES & WAGONS: The BPV cost of a wagon/
1.441 If a player's Vehicle Availability DR does not enable him to purchase a motorized vehicle to tow an already-purchased Gun (that cannot be made dm), he might still be able to buy such a vehicle for it. If that Gun is part of a U.S. or British/
1.45 MOTORCYCLES & BICYCLES: No Availability DR is made for motorcycles/
1.46 OBSERVATION POST (OP) TANKS: Several nationalities equipped their armored divisions with tanks specially adapted to house the artillery observers of those divisions. OP tanks were designed to be as inconspicuous as possible, so no separate counters for them have been provided. Instead, a normal tank counter (often with different armament) is used, with its true function noted on the Roster by writing "OP" in the "Arm. Ldr." column of its entry line. An OP tank is available only if the player has made the 10% expenditure for a motorized unit (1.4), and has purchased OBA of the correct type (for that tank; see 1.462-.465). If the player decides to use an available OP tank he must adjust the point total of his "Vehicles" section by adding in the BPV of that tank and must alter his "Points Available" subtotal accordingly.
1.461 USAGE: Each OP tank carries an OBA Observer who uses that tank's radio as if it were a radio SW counter, although it cannot be removed from the OP tank. The inherent Observer can leave the tank however; when he does so he takes counter form as an x-0 leader, with x equaling the Morale Level of that nationality's inherent AFV crews (D5.1). If the Observer leaves his OP tank for any reason, that tank cannot be used for Observation purposes until that same Observer re-enters it. Whenever an OP tank is CE it is the Observer who is Vulnerable (assuming he is in the tank); if the Observer is stunned while CE, he does not subsequently add the Stun +1 as a drm to his OBA Accuracy/
1.462 GERMAN: The Germans used two main types of OP tanks. They impose no penalty for Observing while BU, and retain all normal characteristics and capabilities except as specified otherwise below.
1.463 SHERMAN (U.S.) OP: Use an M4 or M4Al counter. A +1 drm is added to the OBA Accuracy of a battery whose Observer is BU in this OP tank, and it can only Observe for a U.S. "100+" or "150+" OBA battery. It is available 44-45, with a BPV of 74 (M4) or 75 (M4Al).
1.464 SHERMAN (U.K) OP: Use a British Sherman I or Sherman III counter. Its MA is its printed CMG FP, with a T Gun Type and a 1 ROF (it has no 75 Gun); it retains its BMG and also has a 4 FP AAMG. A +1 drm is added to the OBA Accuracy dr of a battery whose Observer is BU in this OP tank. This OP tank also carries an extra radio that can take counter form (i.e., can be used) only if its inherent Observer leaves the tank with it; moreover, only that Observer can use that extra radio. This OP tank can be designated as using an inherent field phone, provided its inherent Observer is using it and the tank does not leave its setup hex (if it does leave that hex, the field phone becomes disabled but the tank's own radio, or its SW radio counter, may then regain contact with the battery). This OP tank can be used only with a British/
1.4641 CROMWELL OP: The Cromwell OP is treated exactly like a Sherman (U.K.) OP except that a Cromwell IV counter is used. It has a BPV of 43, and was used by the British 7th Armored Division in NW Europe.
1.465 RAM OP: The Ram was the Canadian-built equivalent to the Sherman, and was used as an OP tank by Canadian armored divisions and the British Guards Armored Division in NW Europe. Use a British Sherman II counter. Its MA is its printed BMG FP (with a 1 ROF), and it also has (as its only other weapon) a 2 FP AAMG. It is NT and has sM9 instead of an sD#. A +1 drm is added to the OBA Accuracy dr of a battery whose Observer is BU in this OP tank if that Observer's LOS lies outside the tank's VCA. The Ram OP is available 44-45, with a BPV of 37.
1.5 OBA: Each player's OBA is determined by making one or more DR on his side's OBA Availability Chart. The number of DR allowed on this chart (i.e., the number of batteries potentially available to his side) is based on his initial point allotment; each 600 points (or fraction thereof) entitles him to one OBA DR (e.g., ≤ 600 allows one DR; 601-1200 allows two DR, etc.). The battery made available by that DR must be either purchased (and thus recorded) or declined before any further purchase or allowed OBA DR may be made. Q&A
1.51 Each OBA DR is cross-indexed with the DYO scenario's year to find the block containing the OBA battery's IFT size, type, and BPV. An "M" after the size indicates medium mortar OBA (C1.22); likewise, an "R" indicates rocket OBA (C1.9). One radio (which the buyer can freely exchange for a field phone) is included with the purchase of each OBA battery [EXC: if an OP tank is used with that battery; 1.461]. If not enough points remain to purchase a battery indicated by an OBA Availability DR, that battery cannot be purchased; see 1.13. Players are advised to initially set aside enough points to pay for whatever OBA may become available; to aid in this, the bottom line of each OBA Availability Chart lists the maximum BPV cost that can be encountered per year.
1.53 Other OBA point costs are:
EX: Assume that out of the German player's initial 1000 points he has 220 remaining. His 1000 points entitle him to two OBA DR, the first of which is a 10. This in 1944 indicates normal 70+mm OBA with a BPV of 63. This puts him in a slight dilemma because if his next DR is a 6 he will not have enough points to buy the 150+mm OHA offered by this DR. Nevertheless he opts to buy the 70+ OBA and records it as Battery A on his Roster. He also chooses Radio A to use with Battery A, and indicates this by recording "R:A" in the "R/P:ID" column for A. His second DR is a 2, which indicates 80+ mm mortar OBA (BPV 92). The player also buys this but with plentiful ammo, thus raising its BPV to 111 (92 [BPV] + 19 [92 x .2 (FRU)=19] = 111). This purchase is recorded as Battery B, and field phone B is chosen to be used with it. This is recorded in the B line of the OBA section by writing "80+M" in the "Size" column, "P:B" in the "R/P:ID" column, "P" in the "P/S" column, and "111" in the "BPV" column. The total BPV of OBA purchased is 174 which is recorded in this section and subtracted in the "Points Available" section to show that 46 points remain available for Fortification or further Infantry purchases.
1.531 After determining scenario Weather Conditions, Air Support can be purchased once per scenario for 100 points in 1939-41, 125 points in 1942-43, or 150 points in 1944-45. Air Support is purchased during the "OBA" segment of the DYO Purchase Sequence, and is recorded in the "OBA" section of the Purchase Roster. However, before a player can purchase Air Support he must make an Availability DR (H1.3). If the Availability DR is ≤ that nation's Air Support Number for that year, he may purchase Air Support for that scenario.
1937 | 1938 | 1939-40 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | |
Germans † | - | - | 75 | 6*5 | 5*4 | 4*3 | 3*3 | 2*3 |
Russian | - | - | 43 | 33 | 43 | 54 | 65 | 75 |
U.S | - | - | - | 21 | 42 | 53 | 64 | 75 |
British @ | - | - | 41 | 41 | 52 | 53 | 64 | 75 |
Italian † † | - | - | 41 | 42 | 42 | 32 | - | - |
Japanese | 54 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 44 | 33 | 23 |
France ** | - | - | 41 | 4 | 4 | - | - | - |
G.M.D. ^ | 52 | 42 | 31 | 21 | 31 | 31 | 42 | 53 |
The exponent is the dr the aircraft player must roll ≤ 5 in order to have bombs on his aircraft (see E7.21).
† If the German player in a pre-1944 scenario rolls < the exponent, he receives one or more Stuka Dive Bombers; if he rolls equal to the exponent he receives one or more Fighter-Bombers (E7.21). Axis Minor Air Support Availability Number is always two less than German. ††
* Air Support Availability Number vs Russians is one higher.
@ Includes all Commonwealth, Free French, and forces of other conquered countries fighting with British backing.
** Includes France through June, 1940, other Allied Minor countries, and Vichy France.
†† An Italian or Axis Minor bomb availability dr of 1 in a 1942-43 scenario results in receiving Stuka aircraft - not Fighter-Bombers.
^ G.M.D. may only purchase Observation Planes (E1.532) for OBA of ≥ 100mm and only for scenarios set in 1944-45, otherwise they use Air Support normally [EXC: Napalm G18.831]. The Red Chinese may not purchase Air Support.
1.6 FORTIFICATIONS: Fortifications are purchased by paying their BPV cost as provided on the list below and recording such on the Roster.
Foxhole | 3/2/11 |
Trench | 7 (21 if an AT Trench) |
Minefield | 1 per IFT factor2 |
A-T Mine | 3 per factor3 |
Roadblock | 124 |
Wire | 5 |
Pillbox | (a+b+c) x 35 |
Fortified Building or Tunnel | 256 |
HIP | 4/3/27 |
"?" | 2 |
Booby Traps | 10/20/308 |
Sangar | ½9 |
Trip Flares | 1 |
Panji | 210 per hexside |
Caves | 20/1011 |
Tetrahedron | 312 |
UDT | 313 |
Recon | 1014 |
Ammo Dump | 2515 |
1: | For 3 squad, 2 squad, and 1 squad-capacity respectively |
2: | For DYO purposes, the maximum allowed per board in whole hexes is 120 factors. |
3: | Includes Daisy Chain. |
4: | For DYO purposes, the maximum allowed per board in whole hexes is three. |
5: | Add the Capacity, CA DRM, and NCA DRM and multiply the sum by three. |
6: | Per building Location. |
7: | Per squad, HS, and SMC respectively. For DYO purposes, no more than 10% (FRU) of a side's Infantry squads (plus all SW/ |
8: | Level C/ |
9: | Only allowed per hex (F8.2) |
10: | The BPV of each Panji counter equals two points per Covered hexside on that counter. |
11: | Only the Japanese side may purchase caves. Each Cave counter has a BPV of 20 prior to 1944, and of 10 in 1944-45. |
12: | The BPV of other Beach Obstacles remains unchanged (hence a Tetrahedron-and-Wire counter's BPV is "8". |
13: | The U.S. (only) player may purchase as many UDT dr as he wishes [EXC: purchase is NA both prior to 1944 and vs other than Japanese; G14.561]. UDT Expenditures are recorded as Fortifications on the DYO Purchase Roster. Note that in DTO scenarios the terrain of Beach Obstacle hexes may change from OCEAN to Beach or vice-versa (due to the amphibious player's declaration of the tide as High or Low; G13.97); see G14.56. |
14: | See E1.23. |
15: | See E10.6. |
1.7 SECOND INFANTRY PURCHASE: A player makes a second Infantry Purchase if he still has points available after making all his other desired purchases, and makes it in the same manner as his first Infantry Purchase (1.2-.27). However MMC purchased at this time are specially designated on the Roster by writing a "2" in the "A/B" column of its entry line. In addition, if the total MPV spent in the Second Infantry Purchase is ≥ the total MPV spent in the First Infantry Purchase, at least half of the squads received in the Second Purchase must enter as reinforcements (the owning player chooses which of these squads are to be the reinforcements; see 1.84 for their leader/
EX: Assume that the German player bought no Fortifications and thus still has 46 points to use for his Second Infantry Purchase. He decides to buy three more 4-6-8 for 45 points ({13 [BPV] + 2 [PF]} x 3 [#] = 45). He records this purchase on a blank line of the "Elite" Infantry subsection, putting a "2" (for Second Purchase) in that line's "A/B" column. His last point goes unused since he cannot purchase any Infantry with it. Had he planned his Second Purchase back when he could buy Fortifications, this single point could have bought him a one-squad foxhole - but it is now too late to do so.
EX: A Russian player spends 70 points for ten 4-4-7 in his First Infantry Purchase. In his Second Purchase he spends 84 points for seven 6-2-8. At least four of these 6-2-8 must enter as reinforcements .
1.71 BONUS INFANTRY: After both players have completed (/or declined to make) their Second Infantry Purchases, each announces the ELR that applies to the greatest number of his squads (based on their actual, not equivalent, #; see 1.72 if no one ELR predominates). The player with the lower announced ELR then receives a number of free squads as per the Bonus Infantry Chart. The player with the lower ELR simply cross-indexes his total scenario Infantry MPV expenditure with the difference in the announced ELR to find the bonus #, which equals the number of free squads received; see 1.73 for their type. If both players announce the same ELR, or if one (or both) player(s) spent no points for Infantry, then no bonus units can be received.
TOTAL INFANTRY MPV | 0 | 1- 50 | 51- 100 | 101- 150 | 151- 200 | 201- 250 | 251- 300 | 301- 350 | 351- 400 | 401- 450 | 451- 500 |
ELR DIFFERENCE | |||||||||||
1 | 0 | ½ | 1 | 1½ | 2 | 2½ | 3 | 3½ | 4 | 4½ | 5 |
2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
3 | 0 | 1½ | 3 | 4½ | 6 | 7½ | 9 | 10½ | 12 | 13½ | 15 |
4 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 |
If the total Infantry MPV exceeds 500, follow the patterns indicated by the bonus #s to calculate the correct bonus #.
l.72 If no single ELR applies to the greatest number of the player's squads, then at least two different ELR apply to equal numbers of squads - in which case the highest ELR applicable among these equal-number groups is the one announced. See 1.27 for special Partisan announced ELR.
1.73 BONUS TYPE: Bonus MMC cost no points, and are chosen by the owning player - but from only those squad types whose BPV is ≤ that of the most numerous (using its total actual, not equivalent, # - and regardless of any special capabilities that some/
EX: The German player's entire Infantry OB has an ELR of 3 for his September '44 scenario, and the Russian's ELR will be 4. When these ELR are announced the German player will be eligible for bonus Infantry. He has spent a total of 494 (449 + 45) points for Infantry, and the ELR difference is l; therefore he is entitled to five bonus squads. His most numerous squad type is 4-6-7 (of which he has twelve) so he picks five more 4-6-7 as his ELR bonus, recording separately in the "Line" subsection, with a dash in the "MPV ea" and "MPV" columns and a "B" (for bonus) in the "A/B" column.
Instead of the five 4-6-7 he could have picked any combination (up to five) of 4-6-7/4-4-7/4-3-6. If no 4-6-7 remained available he could have picked only 4-4-7/4-3-6; if these too were not available he could have picked 4-6-8/5-4-8, but only to a total of two squads and a HS (5 [bonus #1] * ½ [higher BPV] = 2.5].
1.74 EQUIVALENCY: After the allotted bonus Infantry have been recorded on the Roster, the Equivalency of all Infantry squads must be calculated. The number of Equivalent squads determines the allotment of SW/ Record each result in the "Equiv #" parentheses in its appropriate subsection, and then add these "Equiv #" subtotals together and record this new sum in the parentheses in the "TOTALS" line. This number is the Equivalent number of squads in the player's OB. EX: The German player's "#" column subtotals are as follows: "13" elite. "17" line, and "10" conscript. Their respective Equivalencies are "17" (13 x 4/ 1.8 LEADERS4: Leaders have no point value and therefore cannot be purchased. The number of leaders available to the player at the start of each scenario is equal to the total number of friendly Equivalent (1.74) squads in that scenario divided by the Leadership Generation (LG) factor listed for that nationality on the A./G. National Capabilities Chart. Any fractional surplus is used to add one additional leader of the 7-0 type (8-0 for Finns). See A25.22 for allotment of Commissars (which in DYO are allotted after any Leader Exchange DR; 1.82). Q&A 1.81 QUALITY: Leadership quality is mildly a measure of the number of leaders a player can use for the size, quality, and nationality of his OB. Players must use 8-0 leaders as the basis for their leader OB and must use more 8-0 leaders than 8-1 leaders, more 8-1 leaders than 9-1 leaders more 9-1 leaders than 9-2 leaders, etc. After making this allotment, each player can trade one 8-0 leader for the next highest leader not currently in his selected OB unless he already has the best possible leader. [EXC: a 10-3 leader can be allotted only via a Leader Exchange DR (1.82). A 7-0 can be substituted for any 10-3 that Leader Generation procedures would have allowed.] EX: The German player's LG factor is 4. Dividing 4 into his total squad Equivalency of 41 yields 10.25; therefore he will have ten leaders plus a 7-0. Since the number of each type of leader must decrease as the quality of type increases, he will have four 8-0, three 8-1, two 9-1, and one 9-2. He now removes one 8-0 from his OB and replaces it with the next-better leader not yet in his OB, which in this case is a 10-2. This results in a Final leader OB of one 7-0, three 8-0, three 8-1, two 9-1, one 9-2, and one 10-2. 1.82 LEADER EXCHANGE DR: After the player's leaders have been allotted, he may make one DR in an attempt to upgrade the quality of his best leader (only one DR regardless of how many leaders of that best quality his OB contains). If the Leader Exchange DR results in a better leader than his current best, that leader is exchanged for the one indicated by the DR. However, if the Leader Exchange DR is a 12, an 8-0 (or any other leader of his choice, if no 8-0 is present) in his OB must be exchanged for a 6+1 [EXC: a 12 DR equals "no effect" for a Finnish OB]. EX: Since the German player's best leader is a 10-2, only a Leader Exchange DR of 2 will result in a better leader replacing it (in this case a 10-3). Any other DR will have no effect, unless he rolls a 12 in which case he will lose an 8-0 and gain a 6+1. * Replaces 8-0 (or any other leader, if no 8-0 present). EX: The German player's 41 Equivalent squads in his September '44 entitle him to ten LMG, six MMG, four HMG, three light mortars, and six PSK. His four Equivalent Assault Engineers also entitle him to two FT and four DC. 1.84 REINFORCEMENT LEADERS/ EX: Assume that the German player must bring on five 4-6-7 as reinforcements in his September '44 scenario. These squads must be accompanied by one OB leader (5/4 = 1.25 FRD = 1) of the owner's choice, and by one LMG. Since altogether there are ten LMG in his OB, they would be recorded on the Roster thusly: "9 + [1]". If there were only three 4-6-7 reinforcements they would require neither a leader (¾ = .75; FRD = 0) nor any SW. If the five reinforcement squads were 4-6-8 they would have an Equivalency of six, and so would have to be given from the OB a LMG, a MMG, and a PSK; they would still require just one reinforcement leader, however.
LEADER EXCHANGE TABLE DR New Leader 2 10-3 (10-1) [10-2] 3 10-2 (10-0) [10-2] 4 9-2 (9-1) [10-1] 5 9-1 (9-0) [10-1] 6 8-1 (8-0) [10-0] 7 8-1 (8-0) [9-1] 8 8-0 (None) [9-1] 9 8-0 (None) [9-0] 10 None (None) [9-1] 11 None (None) [None] 12 6 + 1* (None) 8+1**
** Replaces 9-0 (or any other leader, if no 9-0 present).
The leader type in parentheses is for Finns.
The leader type in brackets is for Japanese.1.83 SW: SW are allotted to a side in ratios dependent on the SW type, the Equivalent (1.74) number of squads received, and the DYO scenario's year. The SW Allotment Chart is used for this purpose. The number found by cross-indexing the proper year with the SW desired is the number of squads required in order to receive one SW of this type. The number of squads used for this is the total Equivalent (i.e., parenthesized) number as given on the Roster.