3.1 The RB map depicts numerous printed rubble Locations (EX: hex R42 contains printed stone rubble; hex R43 contains printed wooden rubble), all of which are treated exactly as if a corresponding rubble counter were in that Location [EXC: 3.2]. Ignore small portions of the artwork extending across a hexside into an adjacent non-rubble Location; the presence of these fragments serves only to reinforce the fact that, as Inherent Terrain rubble blocks all same-level LOS traced along the rubble hexside.

3.2 CLEARANCE: For Clearance purposes (B24.71), the only printed rubble that is considered Fallen is that which lies in a road or gully Location. Furthermore, the last sentence of B24.71 is negated for all RB scenarios.

3.3 CELLARS: Printed rubble Locations never have a RB Cellar Location "beneath" them (6.6).