8.1 A Hillside wall/hedge14 is one which lies along a hexside that is common to two adjacent hexes with different Base Levels, with none of the lower Base-Level's terrain appearing between the wall/hedge depiction and the higher Base-Level's terrain depiction. An example of a Hillside hedge is PB X16-X17; an example of a Hillside wall is PB N11-N12. All normal wall/hedge rules apply to Hillside wall/hedges except as modified herein.
8.2 LOS: A Hillside wall/hedge (including both its depiction and its associated hexside; B9.1) is ignored when determining whether or not a LOS exists between units whose elevations differ by ≥ one full level [EXC: a unit entrenched behind a Hillside wall/hedge still has its LOS restricted as per B9.21]. It is likewise ignored when determining the number of Blind Hexes created by a Crest Line. If a hill Crest Line ends at a Hillside wall/hedge, the line along which the hill depiction meets the wall/hedge depiction is considered to be the actual Crest Line.
8.3 ELEVATION, TEM & WALL ADVANTAGE: A Hillside wall/hedge is always at the higher of the two Base Levels it lies between, and is treated as a normal wall/hedge when calculating the TEM of targets at ≥ the wall/hedge's base elevation. However, a unit at any level lower than that on which a Hillside wall/hedge sits never receives any benefit (including Wall Advantage: B9.32) from that wall/hedge hexside. A unit in Crest status may claim Wall Advantage over a Hillside wall/hedge that forms a hexside of that unit's hex only if both are at the same elevation and on the same side of the Depression. Otherwise, a unit's inability to claim Wall Advantage over a Hillside wall/hedge hexside does not prevent it from claiming Wall Advantage over another wall/hedge hexside, provided the unit meets all the other B9 criteria for doing so.

EX: Only squad A can claim Wall Advantage across hexside H16-I17. Furthermore, squad D can never receive any benefit from the hillside wall along that hexside, as it is lower than that wall.
EX: The following serve to further illustrate various LOS possibilities with Hillside hedges/walls, slopes, and partial Orchards.
Squad A has a LOS to squads B, C, D, and H, but not to squads E, F, and G (which are blocked due to the blind hexes caused by hexes I17, J17, and K18 being treated as orchard hexes (2.2) - the latter two hexes because hexside J17-K18 is a Partial Orchard hexside of both hexes). If squad A were entrenched, it would have LOS only to squads B and D.
Squad B has a LOS to squads A and C.
Squad C has a LOS to squads A, B, D, and H. If squad C were entrenched, it would have a LOS only to squad B.
Squad D has it LOS to all squads except B, and its LOS is subject to a +I orchard hindrance to F and +2 to G.
Squad E has a LOS to all squads except A, B and C, and its LOS is subject to a +1 hindrance to G.
Squad F has a LOS to squads D, E, G and K its LOS to D is subject to a +1 orchard hindrance.
Squad G has a LOS to squads D, E, F, and H, and its LOS is subject to a +1 orchard hindrance to F and +2 to D.
Squad H has LOS to squads A, C, D, E, F, and G, none of which are hindered.