Questions and Answers for Chapter F

An AFV with a printed MP of 14, which has already expended 10 mps, then attempts to move into crest status in a wadi. If the AFV fails its ESB attempt for 1 extra mp, is it nevertheless successfully in hull down crest status, though immobilized? If not, where is it?
A. Because the Stop MP is a requirement of this move, it is combined with the 4 MP to enter crest status. Thus, ESB would have to be declared before attempting the move and if failed would result in the AFV being IN the Wadi. {2}

So a Gun may be manhandled into Crest status from an adjacent hex–or simply gain it if its manning Infantry step into Crest status, but it can only leave Crest status by manhandling or towing?
A. Manning Infantry cannot simply step into Crest status; it would no longer be manning the Gun if it just stepped into Crest status. Personnel may be unloaded into Crest status, with the towed Gun gaining Crest status when its manning Personnel does. {4}

This rule says that "... each TH (and non-ordnance IFT) DR [EXC: OBA; DC; FT; Fire Lane; Specific Collateral Attack] receives a +2 Sun-Blindness DLV Hindrance DRM ...." This implies that, although otherwise treated as a DLV Hindrance, it only affects the DR specified above. Yet, in the fourth bullet point, the rule refers to "(Offboard-) Observer", which do not make TH or IFT DR. Does the Sun Blindness DRM also modify OBA Accuracy dr, like a normal LV Hindrance, or does it only modify the specific DR cited in the first sentence?
A. Yes. No. {2}