Questions and Answers for Chapter G

G.4 & G1.425
G.4 on concealment loss in PTO terrain. Based on this a T-H Hero never has to give up HIP status voluntarily until the CCPh. Yes or No?
A. Essentially.

If Yes, then G1.425 3rd sentence is not correct as it can never be held in Melee.
A. Wrong. If, for instance, enemy Infantry advance in on a THH, the THH is revealed, but does not attack its designated target, and if neither side is killed off in CC, Melee occurs.

Non-PTO terrain where G.4 does not apply? yes or no
A. Where G.4 does not apply, the THH will be revealed before the CCPh, but the rest is unaffected, assuming I am understanding your question.

Does D-C Hero creations count against the total number of allowed T-H Hero creations allowed? Is the percentage of Heroes created applied separately for each type of Hero?
A. Yes. No.

Taking the wording of this rule verbatim....if a Japanese unit places a DC in the normal manner in its own hex, the DC will only attack enemy/Melee units, terrain and fortifications. No mention is made of this DC attack affecting the placing Japanese unit in any way. Does this DC attack affect the placing Japanese unit?
A. No.

A Japanese light mortar ("knee mortar") fires HE at a dense jungle hex at a range of 2 hexes. Chapter H indicates "Air Bursts are NA" at this range. Could you indicate whether we are treating this correctly:
A critical hit is achieved. Should we apply the inverted -2 Direct Fire TEM to the resulting IFT roll?
A. Yes.

Can it fire using the spotter rules at a range of 2 hexes if the target hex is otherwise out of the firing unit's LOS?
A. Yes.

Do all indirect fire rules/capabilities other than Air Bursts apply to HE shots at range 1 or 2?
A. Yes.

In scenarios with mixed jungle types (Nphum Ga or Edson's Ridge), is a unit in a dense jungle hex subject to straying if at least one adjacent hex is light jungle assuming the rest of the adjacent hexes are dense jungle?
A. It would be in an interior Jungle hex and subject to straying. {1}

When Dense Jungle is in play, should one ignore completely a small amount of Brush (Bamboo) in an otherwise Woods (Dense Jungle) hex? When Light Jungle is in play, should one ignore a small amount of Brush (Bamboo) in an otherwise Woods (Light Jungle) hex? If not, should it be considered "non-inherent Bamboo" along the depiction (blocking Bypass and LOS along the hexside and so on)? If not, what is the correct treatment?
A. In both cases, treat it as jungle in the jungle hex.

G5.5 says "...any KIA caused by a DC or HE attack...vs. a non-Collapsed hut Location...causes it to Collapse after fully resolving that attack..." Does "any KIA" mean
1) a KIA on the Original IFT DR, prior to any DRM (similar to Rubble creation) or
2) a KIA on the Final IFT DR, after any DRM for TEM/Hindrance/Leadership, etc or
3) Both of the above
A. 2) a KIA on the Final IFT DR, after any DRM for TEM/Hindrance/Leadership etc. {2}

If I fire on the hex the LC is unloading into and leave 4 residual firepower or greater, do the remaining enemy S? continue to exit into that hex so as to unload as soon as possible as they are required to do (G14.234) or do they stay on the LC since they are prohibited to enter the residual (S3.323)?
A. Get off the boat! Consider G14.234 to be a higher-numbered rule.