The following rules are in effect for all Singling scenarios and all Singling CG scenarios.

SG1 EC: EC are Wet, with no wind at scenario start.

SG2 KINDLING: Kindling attempts (B25.11) are NA.

SG3 BORE SIGHTING: Bore Sighting (C6.4) is NA.

SG4 VEHICULAR CREWS: Vehicular crews may not voluntarily Abandon (D5.4) their non-Immobilized vehicles.

SG5 AMERICANS: The Americans are Elite (C8.2).

SG6 GERMAN UNIT REPLACEMENT: The replacement sequence for German infantry is a follows: a 5-4-8/2-3-8 which fails its ELR is replaced by a 4-4-7/2-3-7, and then replaced by a 4-3-6/2-3-6. The reverse order is used for Battle Hardening.

SG7 FRIENDLY BOARD EDGE: The Friendly Board Edge (A20.53) is North for the Germans and South for the Americans.

SG8 OBA: Prior to setup of scenario SG1 and the initial CG scenario, each side chooses a hex along its Friendly Board Edge as the location of an Offboard Observer (C1.63; Level 3 for the Germans and Level 2 for the Americans). This Observer is used for all OBA modules received by the owning side for the duration of that scenario/CG.

SG9 BUILDING-ROAD: Several hexes (EX: S11) contain a building with a road running through the hex. For all purposes, the building is treated as either a normal single-story (B23.21) or two-story house (B23.22), and the road is treated as a Narrow Street (B31.1) [EXC: If there is no building in the hex on the opposite side of the hexside that the road runs along, the TCA change restrictions of B31.121-.122 do not apply; instead, a vehicle using VBM along these Narrow Street hexsides may never have its own hex within its TCA].

SG10 VICTORY POINTS (VP): Only the American scores VP. Victory Points consist only of the following:

SG11 CG VICTORY (CGV) BUILDINGS: Twelve buildings (I6, J5, J7, L6, M5, M9, O5, O7, Q6, Q8, S9 and T7) are marked with an "American-star-in-circle" symbol, denoting them as CGV Buildings. See Singling CG Victory Conditions.

SG12 CG SCENARIO END: Beginning on Turn 5, the ATTACKER makes a dr at the end of each Player Turn. If the dr is ≤ the circled number in the current turn's box on the SG Turn Record Chart, the scenario ends immediately. Otherwise, the scenario ends after six complete Game Turns.