14.1: An orchard represents a thinly wooded area devoid of undergrowth. Any hex or half-hex containing green clusters such as 6F5 or 8P0 is considered an orchard hex. It is not the orchard symbols themselves, but rather the entire orchard hex (B.6) inclusive of hexsides which affects any LOS drawn into or through it.

14.2 SEASONS: An orchard is not a LOS obstacle between same-level units. However, an orchard hex is considered a one level obstacle to any LOS to/from a higher elevation during the months of April through October, and consequently can create Blind hexes. Each out-of-season orchard hex presents a +1 Hindrance to any LOS drawn through it to/from a Location higher than the base level (not the obstacle height) of the orchard hex. However, if the LOS is drawn to/from a Location > one level higher than the base level of the out-of-season orchard hex, only one +1 Hindrance DRM applies, and only if the LOS crosses an orchard adjacent to the ground level target/firer. Q&A

14.21 SAME LEVEL HINDRANCE: Although an orchard does not block same-level LOS, it does Hinder it by adding a +1 DRM for every orchard hex [EXC: see A6.7] between firer and target.

EX: The orchard is in season. A Non-Assault Moving squad in 6G7 may be attacked by the 4-6-7 in J8 at ground level with four FP and a +1 DRM (-1 [FFNAM] +2 LOS Hindrance for fire through two orchard hexes] = + 1). The same squad cannot be seen from the 1st or 2nd level of J8 due to the Blind Hex created by the in-season orchard at H7. Now assume a Non-Assault Moving squad in H9. The 4-6-7 at ground level in J8 may fire at it with four FP and a +2 DRM (-1 [FFNAM] +2 [Wall TEM] +1 [LOS Hindrance for firing through an orchard hex] = +2). If the 4-6-7 were at level 1 in J8 it could not see the target at all due to the intervening same level obstacle (the I9 orchard). If the orchard was not in season a LOS from level 1 of J8 to H9 would exist but with a +2 DRM (-1 [FFNAM] +2 [wall] + 1 [Hindrance] = +2). If the 4-6-7 were on the second level of J8 and the orchard was not in season, it could fire on the 4-4-7 with no DRM (-1 [FFNAM] +1 [out-of-season orchard adjacent to target; 14.2] = 0).

14.3: An orchard has no TEM for fire traced into it, but because it is not Open Ground it negates Interdiction/FFMO regardless of season.

14.4: The movement costs for entering an orchard hex are equal to those for Open Ground.

14.5: An orchard may be kindled on a DR ≥ 11 and Fire will spread to it from an adjacent Blaze on a DR ≥ 9 (both subject to modification; see section B25).

14.6 ORCHARD ROAD: A hex containing both orchard and road symbols (such as 23Q8) is actually a tree-lined road. Entrance of such a hex through a road hexside is identical to movement along any road. Hindrance rules do not apply to such hexes if that portion of the LOS from firer to target within those hexes never leaves the confines of the road depiction regardless of the relative elevations of the firer/target. Otherwise, orchard roads are identical to orchards in every respect. Q&A

14.7 CACTUS PATCH: A SSR may specify that orchard hexes are cactus patch hexes instead. All orchard rules apply to such hexes, except that a cactus patch is a Half-Level Obstacle (thus affecting LOS just like rubble; has a + 1 TEM, has Kindling and Spreading Fire numbers of 12 and 10 respectively, its MF/MP costs are triple those of an orchard, and it is never out of season; vehicles may gain WA (9.32) in a cactus patch hex.

14.8 OLIVE GROVE: A SSR may specify that orchard hexes are olive grove hexes instead. All orchard rules apply to such hexes, except that an olive grove also has a + 1 TEM, its MF/MP costs are double those of an orchard, and it is never out of season.