9.1 Tracks17 are not depicted on the mapboard; instead they are defined by SSR and indicated by placing a Track counter at each end of the track (usually a board-edge hex). A track lowers the MF/MP costs of entering a hex by one to a minimum of one, after all modifications except any for:

9.2 A track is not a road, but a track (as well as a road) eliminates the need for Bog/Immobilization DR due to sand (7.31) or hammada (3.31) [EXC: Bog can still apply during Mud; 11.8]. A track does not negate the IFT effects of hammada (3.4) or sand (7.4). At night, a unit may "follow" a track as per E1.531.

EX: Infantry entering a non-scrub sand hex across a track hexside expend one MF instead of two. Infantry entering hammada hex across a track hexside expend one MF. Infantry crossing a track hexside while moving from level 0 to a level 1 Open Ground hex still expend two MF (though they would have to expend three MF if that level 1 Location contained SMOKE). A truck entering hammada hex across a track hexside expends five MP instead of six, if the truck is towing a Gun and/or moving in Convoy it expends six MP instead of seven. In neither case is the truck subject to Hammada Immobilization while in that hex (or while on a track in an Open Ground hex that is Accessible to hammada). A crew pushing a Gun across a track hexside into a non-scrub sand hex expends three MF instead of four (and three MF is used for Manhandling DR purposes). A tank crossing a track hexside while ascending to an Open Ground hillock hex expends one MP instead of two.

9.3 ROADS: Barring SSR, the only roads on boards 25-31 are those printed on board 25 and Overlay E1. SSR-specified roads may be indicated by placing (Paved) Road counters as per 9.1.