Japanese: G1
Jettison Bombs: E7.225
Jitter Fire: E1.55
Jungle: G2
K (Kill): A7.302, K11.15
K# (Kindling Number): B25.11
KGP (Kampfgruppe Peiper): P8.2
KIA (Killed In Action): A7.301, K11.16
Kindling (see also Kindling NA below): B25.11
Kindling NA:
Known Enemy Unit (any unconcealed, non-prisoner enemy unit-even one which is broken or in Melee-which the unit in question currently has a LOS to): A12.11, K20.7
Known Minefields: F.7, F.7A, P7
- [ENEMY entry NA unless in/ADJACENT to a FRIENDLY Controlled VPO: S9.26]
- [FRIENDLY: S15.3]
- [S? entry NA unless in/ADJACENT to a FRIENDLY Controlled VPO: S3.322]
Kunai: G6