KGP Campaign Games Rule section #8.6 (RePh)
8.1 INTRODUCTION: The KGP Campaign Games offers two or more players a series of interrelated scenarios dealing with the advance and subsequent entrapment of Kampfgruppe Peiper in the Stoumont-Cheneux-La Gleize area of Belgium during the German "Ardennes Offensive" of December 1944. Using this system, a variable number of scenarios are played, each simulating a part of the actual battle occurring on those days of the campaign. Up to three scenarios may be played per "day" per Map Group (see the 8.2 definition of "CG Date").
8.11 BETWEEN SCENARIOS: Between Campaign Game (CG) scenarios, players make use of a special CG phase called the Refit Phase (RePh) wherein each side takes stock of what has happened and prepares for further combat in the next CG scenario. In the RePh, Reinforcement Groups (RG) in the form of infantry/
8.12 CASUALTIES: Casualties suffered in a CG scenario, as well as those suffered in the ensuing RePh through CG-Scenario End (defined in 8.2), should be recorded on the ASL Scenario Aid Card (Chapter E divider) since amassed Casualty VP (A26.2) totals are used to determine certain RePh DRM (e.g., 8.6113).
8.13 TEAM PLAY: Each CG herein (8.51-.53) is easily adapted - indeed, recommended - for team play, with each player commanding certain unit types (e.g., one player controlling all the armor, and another all the Infantry, on their side). In addition, U.S. units may be easily apportioned according to their Entry Code color (8.6197). If desired, an overall commander may determine which RG his subordinate players will receive, assigning each to the one who requires it most.
8.14 CG ROSTER & RG PURCHASE RECORD: The enclosed printed copies of the KGP "CG Roster" and "RG Purchase Record" should be photocopied and used by players to record important CG information. See RePh steps 8.617-.619, 8.6032-.33 and 8.622 for most information on updating the CG Roster. See 8.6198 for specifics on the RG Purchase Record.
8.15 CHAPTER P DIVIDER: The Chapter P divider provides an offboard Holding Box for each mapboard Entry Area, for both available reinforcements and already-exited units/
8.2 DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS: The following glossary explains abbreviations and important terms used in the KGP Campaign Game system.
CG Date: Each CG Date consists of the calendar date plus an AM, PM or Night reference (e.g., "19 AM"). One CG scenario may be played per Map Group per CG Date - hence up to three CG scenarios may be played per Map Group per calendar day: one in the morning (AM), one in the afternoon/
CG End: The CG-Scenario End (see definition below) that occurs on the final CG Date listed in 8.51-.53 (and on the CG Roster) for that CG - or, if one side concedes CG victory, the CG-Scenario End that occurs at the conclusion of the final CG scenario played in that CG - is also the CG End (i.e., is the end of the CG).
CG-LVP Total: The LVP value calculated by adding the side's Current-LVP Total (see definition below) to that side's CG-LVP Total from the preceding CG Date (if any); see 8.6033
CG Roster: The sheet used to record information for each CG Date. During the RePh, one line is filled out for each CG Date. Players are urged to photocopy the one provided herein.
CG-Scenario End: Occurs when both the CG scenario being played and the ensuing RePh step 8.6031 have been completed.
CPP (Campaign Purchase Points): Used for purchasing RG in RePh step 8.619
Current-LVP Total: The LVP value of all LVP Locations currently Controlled by the side.
Depleted: A German RG received at < Full Strength (see definition below).
Eligible: The status of an Entry Area enabling its use by a side for entry (and numerous other) purposes; see SSR CG6c (8.4).
Eliminated: Units/
Enterable: A hex/
Entry Area: Each map-edge hex that contains a large arrow with a blue/
Equipment: Any SW/
Escape: The RePh process by which a unit attempts to exit an Isolated Location, No Man's Land, an enemy Setup Area, or Uncontrolled Territory that it cannot remain in, to a friendly Setup Area or Eligible Entry Area; 8.606.
FPP (Fortification Purchase Points): Used to purchase Fortifications in RePh step 8.621.
Front-Line Hex: A Setup-Area hex that shares ≥ one hexside with ≥ one hex of an enemy-Setup-Area/
Full Strength: A RG received in toto. (U.S. RG are always received at Full Strength, while some German RG may be Depleted; see 8.6193 & 8.6201.)
Holding Box: The off-map (see 8.15) portion of an Entry Area. It is used for holding all units/
Idle Date: A CG Date in which both sides have picked an Idle chit (meaning that no scenario is played); 8.6232.
InitiaL Scenario: The first scenario of a CG (see 8.51-.53). A CG's Initial Scenario gives each side's setup/
Isolated: A unit/
KGP: Of, or pertaining to, the Kampfgruppe Peiper Historical ASL Modules.
LVP (Location Victory Point): Each KGP Map Group has several hexes marked with a red dot that contains a white number. This number corresponds to the VP value of each playable Location of that feature. For example, each existing non-rooftop/
EX: If all ten Locations of the St. Edouard sanatorium building (StAA15) are still non-rubbled and Controlled by one side at CG-Scenario End, they are worth 20 LVP to that side, since each such Location is worth two LVP. If, however, two ground-level Locations of the sanatorium have been rubbled, the building's LVP value is only 16 (two LVP for each of its eight existing, playable building/
Map Group: Each Map Group11 comprises two Map Sections [EXC: the "Ch" Map Group (used in CGII) contains only one Map Section]; see SSR KGP1. The "Ch" and "Lg" Map Groups will be contained in KGPII.
Map Section: One of the five KGP mapsheets. The five Map Sections included in the KGP modules are organized into three Map Groups.
No Man's Land: A non-Strategic Location within two hexes of both friendly- and enemy-Controlled Strategic Locations; 8.6051.
OB (Order of Battle): All units, Equipment, Fortifications and RG of a side that are eligible to participate in the next CG scenario.
Objective Hex: Each initial-OB-given or purchased RG whose ID on a Reinforcement Group Chart begins with an "I" or "HW" allows the owning side to secretly designate an Objective Hex during RePh step 8.6198. An Objective Hex remains a potential Strategic Location even if not revealed on the CG Date it was designated. As soon as (but never before) such an Objective Hex is Controlled (as per A26.11-.12; even if during setup) by Infantry of the designating side, its identity must immediately be revealed to the opponent and it becomes a permanent Strategic Location. Once revealed, use a Control marker of the Controlling side to mark the hex. When designated, such a hex cannot already be a Strategic Location and must have at least one of the following attributes:
Pltn (Platoon): A CG RG organization type.
RePh (Refit Phase): The series of steps performed after each CG scenario. All Chapter P rules beginning with "8.6" are KGP CG RePh rules/
Reserve: German "I", "V" and "HW" type RG purchased on the same CG Date as the CG scenario being played must be set up in Reserve status (SSR CG7a; 8.4) [EXC: as per Initial-Scenario SSR, or if purchased at extra CPP Cost for Standard On-Map Setup (8.6194a)].
Retained: All units, Equipment and RG in a side's OB that are available for setup/
RG (Reinforcement Group): Usually a number of units/
RG Purchase Record: The sheet used to record the units-in/
Sect (Section): A CG RG organization type.
Setup Area: Each Strategic Location Controlled by a side, plus each non-Strategic-Location hex that is within two hexes of such a Strategic Location but not within two hexes of an enemy-Controlled Strategic Location (i.e., not a No-Man's-Land hex; 8.6051). Each such non-Strategic-Location hex must also be Enterable by Infantry from ≥ one Strategic Location of that Setup Area. Friendly Setup Areas that touch/
Shift: The RePh process by which a Retained unit attempts to exit its current Setup/
Strategic Location: Each building/
Strength: A Pltn/
Uncontrolled Territory: All non-No-Man's-Land hexes that are part of no Setup Area; i.e., that are > two hexes from all Controlled Strategic-Location hexes (8.6053).
Weapon: Any SW/
8.3 THE CG SCENARIOS: The parameters of the Initial Scenario for each CG are given in 8.51-.53. Additional scenarios for that CG (and the Victory Conditions for each) are generated in a special between-CG-scenario sequence called the Refit Phase (RePh); 8.6. The CG continues until the specific CG Victory Conditions are fulfilled by one side (if applicable) or the completion of the last CG Date of that CG, whichever occurs first. Each side's initial Setup Area(s) for a non-Initial CG scenario is determined by the Strategic Locations Controlled by both sides at the previous CG-Scenario End.
8.31 CG BALANCE PROVISIONS: Should each player wish to play the same side (A26.5), the following Balance is used throughout each CG:
Sm_Ger_Symbol The German Secret DR of 8.616 is halved (FRD).
Sm_US_Symbol The U.S. Secret DR of 8.616 is halved (FRD).
8.4 CAMPAIGN GAME SPECIAL RULES: The following CG SSR apply in all KGP CG scenarios and RePh:
CGl. MAPS: Each CG uses its own Map Group; see 8.51-.53 and SSR KGP1.
CG2. KGP SSR: All KGP# SSR (see the Chapter P divider) are in effect except as amended below.
CG3. WEATHER: The historical weather for each CG Date is listed in 8.617. Alternatively, players may agree to use the optional 8.6171 random weather rules.
CG6. ENTRY AREAS: A large arrow denotes the center hex of each nine-hex-wide Entry Area (EX: StGG1; StN56; ChA10). If it is a U.S. Entry Area, the arrow contains a U.S. star and is color-coded to match ≥ one of the colors in the "Entry Code" column (8.6197) of the U.S. RG Chart. If it is a German Entry Area, the arrow is gray and contains a German cross. An arrow that is partly gray and partly a U.S. Entry-Code color indicates a U.S. and German Entry Area.
a) U.S.: A U.S. unit may initially enter only at an Entry Area whose arrow color-code matches at least one colored dot in the Entry Code column (8.6197) for the RG that unit is part of [EXC: if the unit Escaped, or Shifted, to its currently occupied Entry Area (8.6061; 8.613)], and only on/
b) GERMAN: German units generally set up on-map, but may enter at an Eligible Entry Area if Retained in a Holding Box due to exit (SSR CG21), Escape (8.6061), Shift (8.613), or purchase for off-map reinforcement (8.6194a). See also SSR SSR CG6c.
c) ELIGIBILITY: An Entry Area is Eligible to a side if the center (arrow) hex displays that side's nationality symbol and that side's CG Date listed on the arrow is (or antecedes) the current CG Date [EXC: if the U.S. uses Early Entry (8.6194b) in a CG scenario, that Entry Area is considered Eligible for the U.S. side during that scenario - but only for each U.S. RG using Early Entry therein, and for all U.S. units/
a) GERMAN RG: Each German RG whose ID (8.6191) on the German RG Chart begins with "I", "V" or "HW" which was purchased on the same CG Date as the CG scenario being played may be set up on-map only if set up in Reserve using the principles of Cloaking (E1.4; see also below) [EXC: if it would set up on the "St" or "Ch" Map Group but the Germans have no Eligible Entry Area thereon; if purchased at extra CPP-cost for Standard On-Map Setup (8.6194a); Initial-Scenario SSR I.2 (8.51)], even when the German is the Scenario Attacker/
For each Reserve RG purchased, the German receives one Reserve Cloaking counter (i.e., a ½" "?" of any unused nationality) for each MMC that will set up as Infantry, plus one for each vehicle, in that RG. Each Reserve RG purchased may (at its owner's option) also automatically include one Reserve Dummy Cloaking counter (usable in a day/
b) RELEASE: During a CG scenario, each Reserve unit/
c) U.S. RG: Each U.S. RG whose ID (8.6191) on the U.S. RG Chart begins with "I", "V" or "G" which was purchased on the same CG Date as the CG scenario being played enters on/
CG8. OPTIONAL VEHICULAR EQUIPMENT: All desired optional armament (e.g., AAMG; bow-mounted FT [U.S. Vehicle Note F]) must be rolled for individually (H1.41). Consult the applicable Vehicle Note(s). If so equipped, no additional CPP cost is assessed. For Schuerzen see SSR KGP14. For Gyrostabilizers see SSR KGP17. Q&A
CG10. STATUS MARKERS: During its setup, each side may opt to secretly record the BU, CE, TCA, bogged (SSR KGP8), Immobilized, abandoned, Out-of-Gas, malfunctioned, disabled, and/
CG11. CONCEALMENT: Each Infantry unit (and its possessed Equipment) setting up in Concealment Terrain may set up concealed, regardless of enemy LOS. Each vehicle may begin concealed if it is set up in Concealment Terrain ≥ six hexes from the nearest enemy Setup-Area Location. Such "?" need not be purchased; i.e., each is placed freely. Otherwise, A12.12 applies in the normal manner. The side setting up first may conceal each eligible unit before the opponent views the setup; likewise, the side setting up second may conceal all eligible units before his opponent views that setup. For purposes of "?" placement, a Location is also considered Concealment Terrain if it is out of the LOS of all opposing Setup Area Locations (including an Initial Scenario's listed setup limits), considering current Mist/
CG12. BORE SIGHTING & GUNS: Bore Sighting is NA [EXC: Eligible SW MG may Bore Sight at night]. A12.34 applies in the normal manner. Each non-vehicular Gun that ended the last CG scenario on-map must be set up within three hexes of the Location in which it ended that scenario [EXC: 81mm MTR; Escape (8.606-.6061); Shift (8.613); if at the start of setup (RePh step 8.624) it is hooked up to a Mobile vehicle; if a CG Idle Date has been generated; instead, it may set up anywhere in its current Setup Area], even if it will be set up (un)hooked. Each Gun in a Setup Area that contains Personnel may be set up (un)hooked/
CG13. GERMAN PF: For each CG scenario, the number of PF initially available to the German side is 1½ times the number of non-Reserve German squads set up on-map. During play, whenever ≥ one squad is released from Reserve (SSR CG7b) or enters as a reinforcement, the number of available PF is immediately increased by 1½ per such squad. (To indicate an extra ½ PF, move the PF Remaining marker halfway into the next box of the PF Usage Track; a "½ PF" does not itself entitle the German to a PF attempt.)
CG14. GERMAN FANATICISM: For two CG scenario of each CG [EXC: once during CG II], the German may declare that all of his Personnel are Fanatic for the entire scenario (including vs Bombardment). This must be declared immediately upon the conclusion of all on-map setup.
CG15. OBA: Each side's available OBA is limited to a maximum of two (including U.S. 60mm) modules per Map Group per CG Date [EXC: this limit does not apply to U.S. RG "O3" (M12 GMC OBA); a Bombardment RG is not an OBA module]. For the purposes of this rule, "available" means having the module's radio/
CG16. SNIPERS: Each side may use two Sniper counters per CG scenario per Map Group [EXC: only one on the "Ch" Map Group]. If > one Sniper per side is in play, each must still be set up initially as per the first two sentences of A14.2, but with ≥ 15 hexes between them (or as far apart as possible if they cannot set up ≥ 15 hexes apart); when a Sniper attack can occur, make a dr to randomly determine which one actually attacks (assign numbers so that each has an equal chance). The SAN is never altered by the presence of > one friendly Sniper in play simultaneously. Any result (e.g., Pin) affecting a Sniper counter affects all friendly Snipers on that Map Group simultaneously. See also 8.6122.
CG17. U.S. AMMO SHORTAGE REMOVAL: When a Good Order U.S. Infantry unit suffering from Ammunition Shortage due to Isolation (8.6241) begins a friendly Player Turn in the same Location as an armed, Good Order U.S. Infantry MMC that is not itself suffering from Ammunition Shortage and whose US# is ≥ that of the other MMC, its Ammunition Shortage ceases to exist at the end of that Player Turn provided both units become TI and remain in Good Order throughout that Player Turn. A U.S. MG [EXC: .50-cal HMG] SW's Ammunition Shortage is removed whenever it is possessed by an armed, Good Order U.S. MMC that is not suffering from Ammunition Shortage. All other U.S. Weapons suffering from Ammunition Shortage lose that status only by ending a CG scenario non-Isolated.
CG18. SELF RALLY: Each side is allowed a number of non-Disrupted MMC Self Rally attempts (per Map Group) equal to the number of Map Sections of that Map Group, provided (as per A18.11) each such attempt is carried out before other friendly MMC Rally attempts.
EX: Two Self Rallies may be made on the "St" Map Group per friendly Player Turn.
CG19. TERRAIN CHANGES: Each alteration of printed terrain that occurs during a CG is permanent, barring subsequent Clearance/
CG20. VIADUCT ENTRY AREA: No vehicle may ever use (i.e., enter/
CG21. MAP EXIT: Each Personnel/
CG22. RETAINED RG: Regardless of whether it was used during a CG scenario, each purchased/
CG23. GAME END: A Turn Record Chart is printed on one map of each Map Group. Each CG scenario has a variable Game Turn length. At the end of each Player Turn of Turn 6, and at the end of each Player Turn thereafter, the ATTACKER makes a Game End dr; if it is < the circled number in the current turn's box on the CG Turn Record Chart, the scenario ends immediately. There is a +1 drm to each CG Night scenario Game End dr.
EX: At the end of either Player Turn of Game Turn 7 in a daytime scenario, play ends immediately on a Game-End Original dr of ≤ 3.
8.5 INITIAL SCENARIO: The special information needed to play each CG's Initial Scenario is provided in 8.51, 8.52 and 8.53 respectively. For each Initial Scenario, players begin with RePh step 8.618 (German Ammunition Shortage) and complete RePh steps 8.618-.621 (these steps are preceded by a † in the RePh Sequence; 8.6). In addition, for each Initial Scenario: