KGP Campaign Games Rule sections #8.1-.5)
First part of RePh rules (8.6-.618)
8.619 PURCHASING REINFORCEMENT GROUPS: Both sides now secretly allot CPP for the purchase of RG. All CPP expended are subtracted from that side's current CPP total. The CPP expended, those remaining, and the RG(s) purchased may all be kept secret. Each side consults its respective RG chart for the different types of RG historically available, the CPP cost of each, the number of each that may be purchased during the course of the CG being played,22 and any pertinent footnote(s). As each RG is selected, record its ID (and the CPP expended to purchase it) in the "RG Purchased" column, on the line for the current CG Date, on the CG Roster. After all RG are selected, write the total CPP expended in the "Spent" column of the CG Roster for the current CG Date; then write the number of CPP remaining, even if zero, in the "Left" column for the current CG Date. Any CPP remaining may be used in Recon (RePh step 8.622), or to purchase further RG in any subsequent RePh step 8.619 (-.6198).
See SSR CG6-CG7 (8.4), 8.6194a, 8.6197 and 8.6198 for setup/
8.6191 ID: Provides an alphanumeric identification for each RG; e.g., vehicular-type RG have an ID of "V#", infantry-type RG have an "I#" ID, etc.
8.6192 GROUP TYPE: Lists the name of the RG. This name and its ID are secretly recorded on the purchasing side's RG Purchase Record (8.6198).
8.6193 (FULL/
8.6194 CPP COST: Lists the CPP cost of the RG (regardless of its later-determined Strength, if German). This is the number of CPP that must be subtracted from the purchasing side's current CPP total in order to receive that RG. If purchased on a CG Date on which a scenario will be played (8.6232), most German RG types must be set up on-map in Reserve (SSR CG7a; 8.4) while most U.S. RG types enter play during the course of the scenario (SSR CG6a and CG7c) [EXC: as per Initial Scenario SSR, or if purchased for Standard On-Map Setup as per 8.6194a]. Place all counters for each entering RG in an Eligible-Entry-Area Holding Box (as per 8.15) until they set up to enter. The listed CPP cost of certain RG may be altered as follows:
a) STANDARD ON-MAP SETUP: Unless otherwise prohibited, each U.S./
b) U.S. EARLY ENTRY: By increasing the listed CPP cost of a U.S. RG whose ID begins with 'T', "V" or "G" by 50% (FRD), that RG may enter at a U.S. Entry Area of the proper (for that RG) Entry Code color (8.6197) one CG Date prior to the CG Date printed in that Entry Area's arrow. See also SSR CG6c (8.4).
EX: The CG Date is 20 N of CG I. US RG must Still normally enter within four hexes of StGG1/
8.6195 CG DATE MAX.: Lists the maximum number of RG of this type that may be purchased per CG Date per Map Group.
8.6196 CG MAXlMUM: Lists the maximum number of RG of this type that may be purchased during the course of each CG. Players must keep a written record (using the RG Purchase Record; 8.6198) of each RG purchased during the CG in order to know if additional RG of that type are still available for purchase. RG given in a CG's Initial-Scenario OB (8.51-.53) never count against this maximum. EX: The German side may purchase a maximum of six SS Inf Pltn RG during CG II.
8.6197 U.S. ENTRY CODE: The "Entry Code" column of the U.S. RG Chart contains ≥ one color-coded dot for each "I", "V" and "G" RG type. This dot corresponds to the (partial) background color of the arrow in the Entry Area that in most cases must be used by that RG initially (see SSR CG6a; 8.4), and also serves to identify that RG's parent formation:
("St" Map Group): Task Force Harrison (the 119th Infantry Regiment of the 30th Infantry Division, and the 740th Tank Battalion), with elements of the 743rd Tank Battalion and 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP) attached;
("Lg" Map Group): Elements of the 117th Infantry Regiment (30th Infantry Division) and 743rd Tank Battalion;
("St" Map Group): Task Force Jordan (elements of the 1st Battalion, 33rd Armored Regiment, and of the 36th Armored Infantry Regiment) of Combat Command B, 3rd Armored Division;
("Lg" Map Group): Task Force McGeorge (elements of the 1st Battalion, 33rd Armored Regiment, and of the 36th Armored Infantry Regiment) of Combat Command B, 3rd Armored Division;
: Elements of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (82nd Airborne Division) and 703rd Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP).
: Elements of Task Force Harrison and 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP) and of Task Force Jordan.
8.6198 RG PURCHASE RECORD: After all RG for the current CG Date have been selected and CPP expended for them, the RG Purchase Record must be updated. In order to record all units/
CG Date: The CG Date the RG is purchased (e.g., "20 PM").
RG ID: The RG's alphanumeric ID (e.g., "I2" for a German SS Inf Pltn).
Group Type: The RG's name (e.g., "SS Inf Pltn" for German RG I2).
#P (Number Purchased): The total number of friendly RG of this Group Type purchased thus far during the CG.
#R (Number Remaining): The number of this RG Group Type still available for subsequent purchase in the CG. This number is derived by subtracting the number in that RG's #P column from the number listed in the "Maximum" column (for that RG for that CG) in that side's RG Chart.
Str. (German RG only): The RG's strength, as determined in RePh step 8.6201. Record "F" for a Full, or "D" for a Depleted, RG.
# Units: The number of units received in that RG of the Unit Type listed in the respective RG Chart (e.g., "3" for a Full Strength German SS Inf Pltn), and the unit type (if subject to Quality; 8.6202).
Objective Hex: This column is used to record the Objective Hex of each "I" and "HW"-type RG when it is initially purchased, or that of each Initial-OB-given "I" and "HW"-type RG before the opponent sets up. See also the 8.2 definition.
8.6201 GERMAN RG STRENGTH: Each German RG whose ID begins with "I", "V", "G" or "HW" is subject to Depletion. For each such RG the German player has just purchased (as well as for each such RG he receives in an Initial-Scenario OB; 8.5), he must make one DR on the RG Strength Table to determine whether it is received at Full or Depleted Strength. A Full-Strength "I", "V" or "G" RG contains the number of specified units/
Final DR | RG Strength | DRM: | |
≤ 11 | Full Strength | +1 | Per day after Dec 19 N |
≥ 12 | Depleted | -1 | If "V" or "G"-type of RG |
8.6202 U.S. INFANTRY-TYPE-PLTN QUALITY: Each U.S. Inf Pltn (RG I1), Arm'd Inf Pltn (RG I6) and Arm'd MG Pltn (RG I8) is subject to a quality dr on the following table. The U.S. player must make one dr for each such just-purchased (as well as for each such Initial-Scenario OB-given) RG. Each MMC of that RG must be of the dr-determined type.
Final dr | MMC type | drm: | |
≤ 1 | Elite (6-6-7/3/4/7) | -1 | If "Arm'd" RG (I6 or I8) |
2-4 | 1st Line (6-6-6/3-4-6) | ||
5 | 2nd Line (5-4-6/2-3-6) | ||
6 | Green (5-3-6/2-2-6) |
EX: The U.S. player has purchased one Inf Pltn RG and one Arm'd Inf Pltn RG. In this step he must make a quality dr for each. An Original dr of 5 for the Inf Pltn results in its being composed of three 2nd Line 5-4-6 squads and one 2-3-6 HS. A Final dr of 1 for the Arm'd Inf Pltn results in elite MMC being received, resulting in a Personnel/
8.6203 U.S. MEDIUM TANK MODELS: Make a DR on the appropriate table below for each purchased or OB-given U.S. Med Tank Pltn (RG V3 or V4).
DR | Model Types(s) |
2 | M4A1x4; M4A3E2(L) |
3 | M4A1 x3; M4A3E2; M4A1(76)W |
4-5 | M4 x4; M4A3(76)W |
6-8 | M4A1 x5 |
9-10 | M4A1x3; M4 x2 |
11-12 | M4A1 x3; M4A1(76)W; M4 |
DR | Model Types(s) |
2 | M4A3(76)W x2; M4A3(75)W x2; M4A3E2(L) |
3 | M4A3 x4; M4A3E2 |
4-6 | M4A3(75)W x4; M4A3(76)W |
7-8 | M4A3 x5 |
9-10 | M4A3(75)W x3; M4A3(76)W x2 |
11 | M4A3(76)W x5 |
12 | M4A3(76)W x2; M4A3(75)W x2; M4A3E2 |
8.6204 INFANTRY-TYPE-PLTN SW: Determine the number of SW received by each infantry-type RG listed in the following "Infantry-Type-Platoon SW Charts". A Full-Strength platoon receives the entire complement of SW listed for it. A Depleted (German; 8.6201) platoon RG must have a Secret dr made for each SW listed as available to a Full-Strength platoon of that same type. On an Original dr of ≤ 4 the SW is in the platoon's OB; otherwise it is forfeit. Record each SW received in its appropriate column on the RG Purchase Record on that RG's line.
U.S. | ||||||
Platoon Type | MMG | Mtr(M2)†w | BAZ45 | FT | DC | |
Inf | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Para Inf | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Combat Eng | 1 | 1 | 2 | |||
Arm'd Inf | 1m | |||||
† Each M2 MTR, as well as its manning HS, that is traded for 60mm OBA as per U.S. Ordnance Note 1 is Eliminated. See also SSR CG15 (8.4) and SSR KGP16 Q&A. | ||||||
m See U.S. Vehicle Note 29. | wWP ammo is available as if it were 1945. | |||||
GERMAN | ||||||
Platoon Type ‡ | LMG | Lt Mtr | PSK | FT | DC | |
Para Inf | 1 | 1 | ||||
SS Inf | 2 | 1 | ||||
SS PzGr | 1 | 1 | ||||
SS Eng | 1 | 1 | 2 | |||
‡ If the platoon is Depleted, each listed SW is received only on a dr of ≤ 4. | ||||||
§ Each SW received must set-up/ |
8.6205 GERMAN HW PLTN: Each Full-Strength German "HW"-type Pltn RG receives all Equipment/
EX: The CG Date is 21 AM in CG I. The German has just purchased two SS Inf Pltn, a Pz IV Sect, an SS PzGr HW Pltn and a 120+mm Battalion mortar OBA module. The German OBA automatically has Scarce Ammunition (German RG Chart footnote "s"). All other RG purchased are subject to Depletion (8.6201). The German now makes a separate Secret DR for each; a +2 DRM applies as the day is two days past 19 December. The Final DR are 12, 6, 8 and 13 respectively, resulting in one Depleted and one Full SS Inf Pltn, a Full Strength Pz IV Sect, and a Depleted SS PzGr HW Pltn.
Since one SS Inf Plt is Depleted, two 6-5-8 squads are received but the types and numbers of their SW must be determined by dr (8.6204). Three Secret dr are required, one per SW (two LMG and one PSK) allotted to a Full-Strength SS Inf Pltn. For the LMG the dr are 6 and 4; for the PSK it is 3. Since a dr of ≤ 4 grants a SW to a Depleted Pltn, the Depleted SS Inf Pltn receives one LMG and one PSK. The Full-Strength SS Inf Pltn automatically receives both LMG and the PSK with no dr needed.
Now the units of the Depleted SS PzGr HW Pltn are determined (8.6205). The German makes a separate Secret dr for each piece of Equipment allotted to a Full-Strength 55 PzGr HW Pltn (i.e., one apiece for the SPW 251/
Using the above methods for Depleted RG, it is possible to receive all, some or none of the Equipment listed for those types of RG [EXC: each HW Pltn will always receive ≥ two Equipment pieces].
8.6206 LEADER DETERMINATION: For each purchased/-OB-given "I"-type RG marked with RG-chart footnote "l", and for each "V"-type RG marked with RG-chart footnote "a", make one Secret DR on the appropriate column of the following table to determine the type of leader received for that RG. Each leader must set-up/
Final DR | Personnel Leader | Personnel Leader | Armor Leader | ||
1 | 10-3 | 10-3 | - | ||
2 | 10-2 | 10-2 | 10-2 | DRM: | |
3 | 9-2 | 9-2 | 9-2 | -1 | If all MMC in the RG are Elite (NA to armor leader) |
4 | 9-1 | 9-1 | 9-1 | +1 | If the RG is Depleted (NA to U.S.) |
5 | 8-1 | 8-1 | 8-1* | +1 | If the current CG Date is or/ |
6 | 8-1 | 8-0 | - | ||
7-8 | 8-0 | 7-0 | - | ||
9 | 7-0 | 7-0 | - | * | Exchange for a 9-1 armor leader if for a Pz VIB RG |
10 | 6+1 | 6+1 | - | ||
≥ 11 | - | - | - |
8.621 PURCHASING FORTIFICATIONS: Fortifications, which are obtained by spending FPP, may be purchased on each CG Date if the player has the requisite FPP (purchased in step 8.619). All FPP unspent upon the completion of this step are forfeit.
As Fortifications are selected, the specific type (and strength, if mines) must be recorded in the "FORTIFICATIONS" area of the CG Roster.
EX: The German player has 30 FPP to spend on Fortifications. He spends 16 FPP on four factors of A-T mines, so on his CG Roster he writes "4" beside "A-T:" in the 'Total # of Factors" area at the bottom of the "Mines" column. (Use of a soft-lead pencil is recommended, since these per-CG-Date totals are erased after determining the specific map Location.) He spends 9 FPP buying HIP for one squad (3 FPP), two HS (4 FPP), one crew (1 FPP) and one SMC (1 FPP), so at the bottom of the "HIP Locations" column he writes "1", "2", "1" and "1" after "Squad:", "HS:", "Crew:" and "SMC:" respectively. With his remaining 5 FPP he purchases five "?" for use as Dummies. Note that no actual map Locations are recorded at this time, as actual on-map placement does not occur until that side is setting up. Later, during setup (steps 8.6241-.6242), the player uses the tallies written at the bottom of the various Fortifications columns to determine how many such "Fortifications" he has, and records the specific Locations (as applicable) on his Fortification record, erasing all notations made in the various "Total #" boxes so that the tally areas may be used for subsequent Fortification purchases.
Fortification Type | FPP Cost |
TrenchiS | 7 |
FoxholeFiS | 3/2/11 |
A-P Mine FactorsS | 1/1.52 |
A-T Mine FactorsS | 3/42 |
RoadblockiS | 7 |
"?"Fi | 1 |
HIPFi | 3/2/1/13 |
1 | For 3-, 2- and 1-squad capacity respectively. |
2 | U.S./ |
3 | Squad/HS/ |
F | Must be added to a Setup-Area. Of the items on this table, only those items marked with an "F" may be set up in a Front-Line Hex. |
i | Of the items on this table, only those items marked with an "i" may be added to an Isolated Location. |
S | This type of Fortification may be added only to a Setup Area that contains ≥ one Retained squad-equivalent. Furthermore, the number of all Fortifications (counting each 6-A-P/2-A-T factor minefield [or part thereof], and each "1S" foxhole capacity, as one Fortification) added to a Setup Area during a RePh cannot exceed the number of squad-equivalents Retained within that Setup Area. |
8.622 PURCHASING RECONNAISSANCE: Each side may now make a Recon dr, provided it first expends the required CPP for this purpose and the players are not preparing to play an Initial Scenario. If Recon can be purchased, that side deducts one (or two, for a beneficial drm on its Recon dr) from its current CPP total in the CG Roster's "right" column, and records the new total in the "Start" column of the next CG Date. (The number in the "Start" column shows the side's CPP total at the start of that CG Date.) If a side cannot or opts not to use Recon, its current CPP total is simply copied in the Start column of that next CG Date.
A Recon Final dr is the number of Locations in which the opponent will have to reveal units and Fortifications, if he has in fact set up in them; see 8.6243. The Recon dr is modified by the following cumulative drm:
+5 Spent 2 CPP
-1 Reconnoitering side's Majority Squad Type (E.4) is Lax
The number of Locations that may be reconnoitered (8.6243) per Map Group per CG Date is recorded on the CG Roster in the "Recon" column of the current CG-Date line. The number recorded for each Idle CG Date is cumulative with the number recorded for each succeeding CG Date, but not beyond the next CG scenario.
8.623 INITIATIVE DETERMINATION: Each side selects its Initiative for the current CG Date, either to "Attack" or stand "Idle", representing its desired tactical plans.
8.6231 ATTACK-CHIT LIMITS: Each CG (8.51-.53) lists the maximum number of Attack Chits (8.6232) each side may select during the course of that CG. (There is no limit otherwise on selecting Attack Chits on consecutive CG Dates.) For purposes of this rule, neither side is considered to have selected an Attack Chit for an Initial Scenario.
8.6232 PROCEDURE: Each side takes its respective Initiative Chit and secretly places it on the playing area, hidden from the opponent's view, with the chit's face-up side displaying the side's Initiative selection (i.e., either an Attack Chit or an Idle Chit) for the next CG scenario. The counters are then revealed simultaneously and cross-indexed on the following matrix to determine if a new CG scenario is generated and, if so, what type it will be.
chit selected | ||
Dual Attack1 | German Assault1 | |
U.S. Assault1 | Idle Day2 |
* The Attack Chit cannot be selected by the German player if the U.S. player currently has no on-map Retained units (8.6131).
1 Scenario generated; consult proper scenario type below for further information.
2 No scenario generated for this CG Date; each side calculates its Current-LVP and CG-LVP Totals and records them (in the current CG Date's line) on its CG Roster, then repeats RePh steps 8.612-.6233.
a) DUAL ATTACK: Represents a CG Date when both sides have planned offensive action. The U.S. player makes a dr to determine which side sets up first: if ≤ 3 the U.S. does; otherwise the German does. The side moving first, however, is not determined until after all setup is complete (step 8.625).
b) NIGHT DUAL ATTACK: If both sides choose Attack for a Night CG Date, both are considered Scenario Attackers. Both sides may use Cloaking as per SSR CG5 (8.4). Neither side is restricted by the use of No Move counters (E1.21), and neither side receives the benefits/
c) GERMAN ASSAULT: On this CG Date the German side is attacking. The U.S. sets up first, and the German moves first.
d) U.S. ASSAULT: On this CG Date the U.S. side is attacking. The German sets up first, and the U.S. moves first
8.6234 KGP CG-SCENARIO VICTORY CONDITIONS: The following Victory Conditions apply to the pertinent type of CG scenario (as determined in 8.6232). However, the Victory Conditions for each CG's Initial Scenario, as well as those for each CG, are given with the other information for the respective CG and its Initial Scenario (8.51-.53). A side may concede prior to the end of play in a CG scenario only if allowed by the opposing side.
a) DUAL ATTACK: The Americans win if at CG-Scenario End their Current-LVP Total is > what it was at scenario start.
b) U.S. OR GERMAN ASSAULT: The Assaulting side wins if at CG-Scenario End its Current-LVP Total is ≥ 20% (FRU, with a minimum increase of 1 LVP) more than it was at scenario start, and/
EX: If the Assaulter Controls no LVP Locations at scenario start (regardless of his present CG-LVP Total), he must have a Current-LVP Total of ≥ "1" at CG-Scenario End in order to win the scenario by LVP. If the Assaulter's Current-LVP Total is (e.g.) "26" at scenario start (regardless of his present CG-LVP Total), at CG-Scenario End his Current-LVP Total must be higher by ≥ 6 (i.e., must equal ≥ "32") in order to win by LVP (26 x .2 = 5.2 [FRU] = 6).
8.6241 ISOLATED UNIT SETUP: The side that sets up first (8.6233) now sets up all of its Retained units, Equipment and new Fortifications which will go in Isolated Locations, after which the other side does likewise. Each Isolated unit/
Each unit/
8.6242 NON-ISOLATED UNIT SETUP: The side that sets up first now sets up the remainder of is Retained units, Equipment and new Fortifications in eligible Locations of the Setup Area each is Retained in [EXC: each Immobile vehicle must remain in is current Location and VCA (8.6071); for Fortifications see also footnotes "F" and "S" in the Fortification Purchase Table (8.621)]. Record the hex coordinates of new Fortification setup Locations on the CG Roster, in the appropriate line(s) and column(s) under "FORTIFICATIONS". Units/
8.6243 RECON INSPECTION: After all setup is complete (but prior to Bombardment, if any), each side may declare the Location(s) they wish to reconnoiter (8.622), if any. Each reconned Location must be within six hexes of a friendly Setup/
8.625 SCENARIO COMMENCEMENT: Players are now ready to begin the CG scenario. Each side announces its current SAN. If this is an Assault scenario, the side setting up second always moves first (8.6233). If this is a (day/
dr | Side Moving First |
≤ 3 | U.S. |
≥ 4 | German |
Note the existence of a Level 8 Crest line in "St" hexrows TT28-OO31-MM30-JJ31-JJ32-II33-II34-HH34-HH37-GG38-GG40-HH40-HH47-II48-II54-JJ54-JJ56. Also, the Level 3 Crest Line in StM49 runs into hexes M50 and N50, and thence off-map along the south side of unpaved road N51-O57