6.1 Bridges are man-made structures used to cross Depressions or water. All bridges depicted on the map (such as 5Z9 and 13K6) are two-lane bridges of stone1 construction capable of being used by vehicles. In addition, there are numerous bridge section counters which can be used in combination to bridge multi-hex Water Obstacles or Depressions. The ⅝" bridge counters may be used by any unit; see 6.44 for ½" bridge counters. Bridges usable by vehicles always connect directly to any adjacent road to which the bridge depiction points, and are considered an extension of that road. Units on bridges (other than pontoon bridges) are considered in a separate Location from other units in that hex not on the bridge. Q&A
6.2 All bridges block LOS between units on the bridge and units beneath the bridge in the same hex. Otherwise, a bridge does not block LOS. However, a non-pontoon bridge does Hinder any LOS drawn through it (unless that LOS is either traced only through the road depiction of that bridge, or is between units which are all beneath or all above the level of the bridge). Non-pontoon bridges are always at the same level as the road they connect to. Q&A
EX: The bridge at 13CC5 is at ground level; a unit in BB5 can fire through the bridge to FF3 by adding a +1 Hindrance DRM to its IFT DR. The bridge at 13K6 (see 5.21 illustration) is at level one; a unit in J4 can fire beneath the bridge at K6 to L7 with no bridge Hindrance DRM.
6.3 Direct Fire (and Direct Fire Interdiction) against a target on a bridge which is traced only through the road depiction of that bridge hex (or against any pontoon bridge, regardless of LOF) and Residual FP attacks are considered to take place in Open Ground (1.15). Of course, fire traced through a Hindrance hex elsewhere along the LOS still negates any FFMO or Interdiction claim in the bridge hex. See 9.33 for Elevation Effects.[AP4, J8]
6.31 Direct Fire against targets on a non-pontoon bridge (not against the bridge itself) which enters the bridge other than across the road depiction has a TEM of +1 regardless of bridge construction type.
6.32 Indirect Fire against a non-pontoon bridge/
6.33 Only HE attacks can destroy a bridge. Direct Fire attacks use the Infantry Target Type To Hit Table. If using the Vehicle Target Type for Direct Fire vs a vehicle, there can be no effect vs the bridge. The same Original DR used on the IFT to resolve attacks against units on the bridge is used against the bridge itself by adding a +3 TEM for a stone bridge, or a +2 TEM for a wooden bridge, or a +1 TEM for a pontoon bridge [EXC: Set DC; A23.71]. This TEM is applicable only to the bridge itself - not to the units on it. Only a Final KIA result will destroy the bridge in the target hex. All units on or beneath a destroyed bridge are eliminated. Q&A
EX: A German 88mm Gun fires at a squad on a wooden bridge through a non-road hexside at a range of 12 hexes. It needs ≤ 6 to hit (7 - 1 [TEM DRM] = 6). Having secured the hit, it now rolls on the 16 column of the IFT with no DRM vs the squad, but a +2 DRM vs the bridge itself. An Original IFT DR of 3 eliminates the squad but has no effect vs the bridge.
EX: A 120mm OBA FFE is being resolved vs a stone bridge hex containing a squad. There is a +1 DRM to the IFT DR vs the squad (for Indirect Fire; 6.32) and a +4 DRM to the same IFT DR vs the bridge itself (+1 [Indirect Fire] +3 [stone bridge] = +4).
6.331 Whenever a non-pontoon bridge is destroyed, the bridge is replaced by a rubble counter at the level below it (unless in a deep or flooded water hex). If in a deep or flooded water hex, the bridge counter is simply removed (or if depicted on the mapboard, covered by a destroyed bridge counter).
6.332 A destroyed pontoon bridge section is simply removed.
6.42 COLLAPSE: Wooden bridges may collapse under loads > their current weight limit. The first time the total weight of vehicles/ 6.431 A One-Lane bridge is blocked to vehicular traffic by the presence of a wreck or vehicle (not motorcycles) [EXC: Infantry/ 6.45 UNDERWATER: Occasionally, pontoon bridges may be defined as being laid below the surface of the water. Such bridges have a +2 TEM for purposes of bridge destruction, double road movement costs, and do not provide a bonus MF (3.4). Q&A 6.5 BURNING: Stone Bridges do not burn.2 A bridge defined by SSR as wooden can be burned as if it were a stone building. 6.6 Entrenchments/6.4 Entrance of/
6.41 PONTOON: Only pontoon bridges, which are always at water level, permit exit/
6.43 WIDTH: All MP penalties for entering a hex containing a wreck/
6.44 FOOT BRIDGES: A foot bridge is a ½" pontoon bridge counter. Only Infantry, their portaged equipment, and Unmounted horses or cycles may cross a foot bridge. The maximum MMC stacking capacity of a foot bridge is one squad (or its equivalent) per hex. Q&A