Terrain Example LOS Obstacle/Hindrance TEM/Indirect† MF ENTRANCE COST MP ENTRANCE COST Kindle #/Spread # Fortifiable Notes
Infantry Cavalry Horse Drawn Motorcycle Armored Car Fully Tracked Halftrack Truck
1. Open Ground 26B1 - 0 FS 1 1 1 bb 1 Gir 1 bbGir 1 bbr 1 bbir 1 bbGir - Yes f  
2. Scrub E 26O9 - 0 FS 1 2 r 2 r 4 r 4 bbr 2 bbr 3 bbr 6 bbr - Yes f  
3. Hammada 26D4 - -1* F 1 3 r 3 r 4 Ir 4 Ir 2 r 3 Ir 6 Ir - Yes f Cumulative, DC, or ordnance/OBA HE, vs unarmored; otherwise 0
4.Deir Overlay "D" -* +1**©/0 S COT COT COT DOT bhi DOT bbhi DOT bbh DOT bbhi DOT bbhi - Yes f *Limited LOS if entrenched/Emplaced in non-Lip hex
** (or HD) vs same-level fire across non-adjacent Lip
5. Wadi 25P9
Overlay "W"
Depression DOT* 2** r 2** r All r 4 + COT ir 4 + COT bbir 2 + COT bbr 3 + COT bbir 6 + COT bbir - Yes f * Crest Status possible for allunits
** + COT if not OG
6. Hillock Overlay "H" ■ Half-Level LOS: 0* FS COT COT COT DOT iL DOT bbiL DOT bbL DOT bbiL DOT bbiL - Yes f +1 TEM or HD possible if behind and "adjacent" 6.4 to hillock
7. Sand Overlay "S"
and "SD"
-** 0 FS 1* + COT r 2* + COT r 2* + COT br 4* + COT r 4* + COT br 2* + COT br 3* + COT br 6* + COT br - Yes*** *Reduce by 1 for Wet/Mud EC
**■ Half-Level if High Dune
***pillbox/trench/sangar NA; foxhole TEM halved if no Wet/Mud EC
7.5 Dune Crest Overlay "SD" Half-Level +1*©/0 1 +COT 1 +COT 1 +COT 1 +COT 1 +COT 1 +COT 1 +COT 1 +COT - - Vs fire along/across Crest from elevation ≤ targets; otherwise 0
8. Sangar Counter - +1/+3 © COT* COT** COT** COT** COT** COT** COT** COT** - - *+1 MF to enter/exit beneath [EXC: via Accessible trench F8.6]
**COT x 2 if Accessible trench present; F8.5
9. Tracks* SSR - DOT FS T T T T T T T T - Yes f Can negate Bog/Hammada-Immobilization DR
10 Hillside Wall/Hedge 25X4-X5;
Half-Level +2 or +1*©
/+1 or 0*©
W W NA W W W W NA - - Wall/hedge respectively. Wall Advantage and TEM NA to lower unit
13.1 Broken Ground* SSR - +1 2 r 2 r 2 br 6 Ir 6 br 2 br 2 br 2 br - Yes f Non-Depression OG hexes Accessible to Hammada
13.3 Cactus Hedge SSR Half-Level +1/0 © Y NA NA W W W W NA - - Wall/hedge hexsides
13.4Cactus Patch* SSR ■ Half-Level +1 3 r 3 r 3 r 9 r 9 r 3 r 3 r 12 r 12/10 Yes f "Ex-orchard" hexes. Always in season
13.5 Olive Grove* SSR ■ One-Level or Hindrance +1 2 r 2 r 2 r 6 r 6 r 2 r 2 r 8 r 11/9 Yes f "Ex-orchard" hexes. Always in season
13.6 Vineyard SSR ■ Hindrance 0 2 r 2 r 2 r 4 r 4 Br 2 Br 2 Br 6 Br 9/6 Yes f  
†: Indirect Fire TEM is listed following a "/" only if different from Direct Fire TEM.
*,**,***: See Notes Column.
■: Whole hex affects LOS (Inherent Terrain; B.6).
B: Requires Bog DR to enter/change VCA within unless on road or track.
b: Requires Sand Bog DR to enter/change VCA (even if Scrub is present) within unless on road or track.
bb: May require Sand Bog DR if Accessible to Sand; F7.31.
©: Not cumulative with +TEM in same hex.
COT: Cost of Terrain.
DOT: Dependant on Other Terrain in hex.
E: Concealment Terrain only for Infantry/Entrenchments/Emplaced-Guns; F2.3.
F: -1 DRM can apply if no HA.
f: +2 DRMfor Entrenching Attempt on Desert Board (F.1) unless Sand is present; F.1B.

G: Chapter B costs if on Board 25 hill hex; F.2A.
h: 1 MP+ COT if leaving deir hex via Lip hexside; otherwise, cost is COT (usually OG).
I: Hammada Immobilization DR required unless on road or track; F3.31.
i: May require Hammada Immobilization DR if Accessible to Hammada; F3.31.
L: 1MP/MF + COT if entering a higher elevation; otherwise, cost is COT (usually OG).
r: Road cost instead if through Road/Runway, or track cost if through track, hexside.
S: Most Ordnance/OBA halved in IFT if Sand is present; F7.4.
T: If crossing Track hexside, reduce total MF/MP cost by one (to minimum 1) before adding any Weather/Towing/Convoy/SMOKE/Dust cost; F9.1.

W: As per Chapter B Terrain Chart for wall/hedge.
Y: Crossable only via Minimum Move, Low Crawl, or Advance vs Difficult Terrain.
Terrain listed in red is Concealment Terrain