32.1 Railroad Types: There are four types of Railroads11 (RR): Ground Level RR (GLRR) which exist at ground level, Embankment RR (EmRR) which are a half-level obstacle, Elevated RR (ElRR) which are a one level obstacle, and Sunken RR (SuRR) which are a -1 level Depression. Even though the art work is different, double and single track RR are treated in the same manner for the purpose of RR rules. RR are represented by black rails on a grey-blue and brown rail bed. A hexside that is crossed by a RR depiction is termed a RR Hexside.

32.11 Railroads use all rules, except as otherwise stated, pertaining to paved Roads at the corresponding Level: Ground Level (3.), Sunken (4.), or Elevated (5.) [EXC: The MF/MP cost to enter a RR hex is different from that of a paved road (see 32.3); Streetfighting, Manhole Locations, Dash, Road Bonus, Road Movement rate, and the -2 Manhandling DRM for crossing a road hexside are NA; and Hidden Mines may be placed in a RR hex] [J8].

32.12 EmRR hexes are treated as Hillock (F6.) hexes for LOS, TEM, and COT purposes and units/wrecks in an EmRR hex are considered to be on a Hillock (F6.41-.412 and F6.51-.52). Otherwise, EmRR are treated as Paved Roads as per 32.11.

32.13 Whenever GLRR and ElRR overlays are joined together, treat the two adjoining overlay hexes as EmRR hexes. Non-bypass units in RR hexes of the same railroad are treated as being at the same level as each other for all LOS between them that cross only RR hexsides (exclusive of vertices).12

32.14 RR BRIDGES: A GLRR overlay may cross a depression hex (e.g., gully, stream, canal, river), in which case the depression terrain continues to exist as a separate Location beneath the RR. The GLRR crosses the depression on a stone bridge (6.) which extends to the hexsides of the two adjoining RR hexes, while the depression encompasses the entire Location below the overlay.

32.2 OTHER TERRAIN:13 Although the RR hexes on overlays provided in DOOMED BATTALIONS contain no other terrain [EXC: potential RR Crossings, 32.4], other terrain types (woods, grain, brush, etc.) could potentially exist in a RR hex (by SSR or via future overlays). Except for GLRR hexes, this additional terrain would not be at the base Level of the hex (i.e., not at the same level as the RR), but rather would be considered to be at the level that the RR hex itself rises from (for EmRR and ElRR) or falls from (for SuRR) [EXC: bridges].

32.21 If the height of the other terrain in the hex is ≤ the height of the RR (e.g., an EmRR or ElRR in a brush hex), the other terrain has no effect on LOS into the RR hex or to LOS that crossed the RR depiction; units in a RR hex are considered to be in Open Ground [EXC: Infantry/Cavalry expending MF to enter ground-level non-Open-Ground terrain (32.3); units which qualify for pillbox/shellhole/artificial-terrain-(B.9) TEM]. The -1 Air Burst TEM for woods does not apply to units in an ElRR hex since the woods are no higher than the RR.

If the road in J3 and K3 were an ElRR, then a unit in K3 would be considered in Open Ground to any unit which it did not have Height Advantage over, and any LOS to it would be unaffected by the woods in its hex. If the road were instead an EmRR or a GLRR, then a unit in K3 would be considered in Open Ground only to LOS entering across a RR depiction (e.g., from a unit in J3).

32.211 If the height of the other terrain in the hex is > the height of the RR (e.g., a GLRR in a woods or brush hex), the principles of woods-road hexes (A4.132 and 13.3-.32; 14.6 for orchards) are used for LOS/LOF purposes, treating a moving unit which crosses a RR hexside at the RR rate (i.e., does not expend MF/MP for the other terrain in the hex) as though it crossed a road hexside.

32.3 MOVEMENT: The MF/MP expenditure required to enter a RR hex is determined (per the Railroad Movement Costs Chart found on the Chapter B Divider) by the type of hexside being crossed (i.e., RR hexside or non-RR hexside) and whether or not a higher elevation is being entered (e.g., going from GLRR to EmRR or going from EmRR to ElRR). Additionally, Infantry/Cavalry units may, while crossing a GLRR hexside, actually enter the non-Open-Ground terrain (if any) in a RR hex by expending the necessary MF.

32.31 BYPASS: Units bypassing a woods-RR along a RR hexside (i.e., crossing the RR tracks) expend the MF/MP for crossing a non-RR hexside, excluding the COT of the woods being bypassed. Bypass along a non-RR hexside (i.e., parallel to the tracks of a woods-RR hex) is only allowed in GLRR hexes and costs normal Open Ground (or Brush) MF/MP.

EX: See the 32.21 illustration: If the road were either an ElRR or an EmRR, the woods could not by bypassed and a unit in J3 could enter K3 only by using the RR. If the road were a GLRR, a unit in J3 could bypass the woods in K3 along the J2/K3 and K2/K3 hexsides, or, if Infantry/Cavalry, could enter K3 without using the RR by paying the woods COT (thus getting benefit of the woods TEM).

32.32 ELEVATION CHANGES: When crossing a RR hexside, the maximum elevation change encountered is one half-level. A Railroad changing from GLRR to SuRR or vice versa does not change levels; only its relationship to the other terrain changes.

EX: Infantry entering a brush hex containing an ElRR across a RR Hexside expends 1 MF. It could not expend extra MF to enter the brush terrain since this is not a GLRR. Infantry entering the same hex from a ground level hex across a non-RR Hexside expends 4 MF (2xCOT).

EX: A halftrack entering this same hex across a RR hexside would expend 2 MP (3 MP if gaining elevation). If entering across a non-RR Hexside it would expend 7 MP (5 + COT) and would take a Bog Check with a +1 DRM (32.33).

32.33 BOG: Only tracked vehicles can enter an ElRR hex across a non-RR Hexside and they must make a Bog Check DR (D8.2) when doing so.14 Halftracks must add a +1 DRM to that Bog Check DR. Whenever other terrain [EXC: Mud/Deep-Snow/Walls/Hedges require a separate Bog Check] in the hex would require a Bog Check DR, only one DR is made, but with an additional +1 DRM; halftracks would therefore add a +2 DRM.

32.4 RR CROSSINGS: A road that runs up to a RR hex and continues beyond it in an adjacent non-RR hex crosses the RR via one of the four types of RR Crossings (RR-Xing) in 32.41-.44. A unit entering a RR-Xing via a road hexside may elect to pay the normal non-RR-hexside COT rather than use the road [EXC: ElRR-Xing and SuRR-Xing (32.43-.44)].

32.41 GROUND LEVEL RR CROSSING: In a GLRR-Xing, the RR and the road are both at ground level. A unit crossing a road hexside may enter at the normal road rate.

32.42 EMBANKMENT RR CROSSING: In an EmRR-Xing, the RR and the road are both at level ½ (32.12). A unit which enters using the road incurs no additional cost for changing elevation.

32.43 ELEVATED RR CROSSING: In an ElRR-Xing, the RR is elevated and the Road is one level lower. The RR crosses the road on a stone bridge (6.) which extends to the hexsides of the two adjoining RR hexes. A unit entering an ElRR-Xing via a road hexside is at ground level in a separate Location underneath the bridge and must enter the hex at the road rate. A unit must cross a RR hexside in order to enter/exit an ElRR bridge Location [EXC: by Scaling (23.424)]. Normal bridge rules (6. and 5.21) apply to RR bridges [EXC: only Infantry/Cavalry may enter/exit the road Location via a RR hexside].15

32.44 SUNKEN RR CROSSING: In a SuRR-Xing, the RR is sunken, and the Road is one level higher. The Road crosses the RR on a Stone Bridge (6.) which extends to the hexsides of the two adjoining road hexes. A unit entering a SuRR-Xing via a road hexside must enter the Bridge Location at the road rate [EXC: Infantry/Cavalry may expend the normal non-RR-hexside COT to enter the RR Location].16

32.5 RAIL CARS:16A Any RR hex containing ≥ 1 printed Rail Car depiction is also a Rail Car hex.

32.51 TERRAIN: Each printed Rail Car depiction is a Level 1 LOS obstacle. A Rail Car hex has a +2 TEM, a Kindling number of "8", a Spread number of "9", and is Concealment Terrain (A12.12).

32.511 HEAT: HEAT (C8.31) may be fired at Infantry receiving Rail Car TEM.

32.52 MOVEMENT: Infantry enter a Rail Car hex at a cost of 2 MF. Infantry may also use Bypass Movement (A4.3) to enter a Rail Car hex as if a building. Vehicles/Cavalry may only enter a Rail Car hex using Bypass Movement (A13.3; D2.3) as if entering a building hex. Contrary to A4.3 and D2.3, Bypass is allowed regardless of whether the hexside is clear of any obstacle depiction, unless the Rail Car depiction crosses into the adjacent hex (even if there is a rubble counter in that adjacent hex). VBM along a hexside that crosses a RR depiction must pay the associated RR MP costs.

EX: The German AT Gun has a LOS to the Russian 5-2-7 squad, since the LOS does not cross the Rail Car depiction in the intervening hex, unlike the LOS between the AT Gun and the T-34/85. The AT Gun receives either Emplacement TEM or the Rail Car hex TEM vs an attack from the 5-2-7.

During the Russian MPh, the T-34/85 can use Bypass along the hexside to its front VCA, in either hex, since the Rail Car depictions do not cross into the adjacent hex, and contrary to D2.3 the hexside does not need to clear of any obstacle depiction to the depth of an edge of a unit counter. The T-34/85 spends 4 MP (2 × [1 + COT]) as it traverses the hexside. When in Bypass of the hexside, if the AT Gun wants to attack the T-34/85 it must change its CA one hexspine, which incurs a Case A To Hit DRM of +6 (2 × 3), i.e., doubled for a Gun in a Rail Car hex.

EX: The Rail Car hex has been Wrecked (32.57) and has become wooden rubble. Bypass in the adjacent hex along the hexside indicated by the red dots is still NA since the Rail Car depiction crosses into the rubble hex. Bypass in the adjacent hexes along the hexsides indicated by the white dots is not affected by the rubble, since the Rail Car depiction crosses into neither of these hexes.

32.53 GUNS: The only Guns allowed in a Rail Car hex are Small-Target Size Guns, AT/INF Guns that are not large targets, and mortars. Guns may set up Emplaced in a Rail Car hex.

32.54 CA CHANGE & FIRE WITHIN HEX: Case A (C5.11) and Case E (C5.5) To Hit DRM are doubled for Guns in a Rail Car hex.

32.55 FORTIFICATIONS: The types of Fortifications allowed in a Rail Car hex are the same as those allowed in a GLRR hex (32.11).

32.56 AMBUSH & STREET FIGHTING: Rail Car hexes are treated as buildings for Ambush (A11.4) and Street Fighting (A11.8) purposes.

32.57 WRECKED RAIL CAR: Any HE attack of ≥ 70mm against a Rail Car hex in which the Original IFT DR results in a KIA can possibly cause the Rail Car hex to become Wrecked. Before resolving the HE attack against any affected occupants, make a subsequent dr; if the result is ≤ the KIA# of the Original DR, the Rail Car hex is Wrecked, and all occupying unarmored units (including SW/Guns) are eliminated; any occupying AFV that is currently performing-its-MPh/in-Motion must undergo an immediate Bog Check (D8.2). A Rail Car hex may also become Wrecked (eliminating all its occupants) by failing a Bombardment Morale Check (C1.822); a Rail Car hex has a Morale of 9 for Bombardment purposes. When a Rail Car is Wrecked, it becomes Wooden Rubble (24.).

32.6 RAIL CAR COUNTERS: Any ⅝" counter containing ≥ 1 Rail Car depiction is a Rail Car counter, which can only be placed (a maximum of one per hex) in RR hexes. Any RR hex containing a Rail Car counter uses all Rail Car (32.5) rules except as stated otherwise. Any RR depiction in a hex with a Rail Car counter is a Level 1 LOS obstacle exclusive of hexsides [EXC: any such RR depiction that crosses a hexside between adjacent hexes, each with a Rail Car counter, prevents Bypass/LOS along that hexside just as if the hexside was covered by printed Rail Car depiction; if one of those hexes were instead rubble, it would also prevent bypass as if a Rail Car counter].

EX: The LOS between hexes A and C is clear, and Bypass along the hexside in either hex is possible since the printed Rail Car depiction does not cross into the adjacent hex and a Rail Car counter in hex B does not prevent Bypass along a hexside shared with a hex that does not have a Rail Car counter.

LOS between hexes D and F is blocked, and Bypass along the hexside is NA, since the RR depiction crosses the hexside between hexes B and E, both of which have a Rail Car counter.

However, LOS between hexes C and E is clear, since even though hexes B and F both have a Rail Car counter, the RR depiction in in those hexes does not cross their shared hexside.

If the Rail Car in hex B is Wrecked (or rubble is placed in that hex for any other reason), bypass along hexside E-B in hex E is NA, since the RR depiction crosses into hex B). Bypass in hex F along hexside F-B is not affected.