1. Pathfinders9. Port of Betio
2. BRT Ocean & Reef10. Betio Seawall
3. BRT Sand11. Excavation Ditch
4. BRT Palm Trees12. Gullies
5. Printed Rubble13. Airfield
6. Bunkers & Pillboxes14. Off-Map Terrain
7. Printed Rubble15. Blood Reef: Tarawa Campaign Games
8. Gun Emplacements   CG Games Description and Initial Scenarios
BRT SSR   Refit Phase
Footnotes   BRT Vehicle Notes


1.1 Pathfinders provided invaluable guidance to the U.S. Marine tanks and non-amphibious vehicles crossing the reef at Betio. A Pathfinder is represented by a SMC with a Strength Factor of 0-0-9. If it fails a MC, the Pathfinder is considered wounded and the counter flipped to the wounded side were it displays a Strength Factor of 0-0-8 and must undergo a Wound Severity dr (A17.11). If a wounded Pathfinder fails a MC it is eliminated; a Pathfinder never breaks, is immune to Heat of Battle (A15.), Unit Substitution (A19.) and enforced Pin results [EXC: Wounds (A15.22)]. A Pathfinder's current printed Morale Level is never lowered, but could be increased to 10 (9 if wounded) by various causes (A.18).

1.2 Normally, U.S. Marine forces will be allocated one Pathfinder for each non-amphibious vehicle that enters or sets up Wading. During (CG) scenario setup, each Pathfinder is assigned to escort one vehicle (and only that vehicle). A Pathfinder may only move using Armored Assault (D9.31) with its escorted vehicle (even if the vehicle is unarmored, although no TEM would apply). Pathfinders may not use Double Time movement.

1.3 A Pathfinder is immediately Eliminated if it is not in the same Location as its escorted vehicle, if it occupies the same hex as an enemy unit, or its escorted vehicle enters a Beach or Hinterland hex or becomes Immobilized/Eliminated.

1.4 A Mired vehicle accompanied by a Pathfinder receives a -2 drm to the colored dr of its Ocean Bog Removal DR (2.31).