UDT (Underwater Demolition Teams): G14.22, G14.561
UK (Unconfirmed Kill; the condition of an AFV and its crew/Passengers if it has failed to recuperate from Shock): C7.4
Unarmed: A20.5
Unarmored Vehicles: D1.21
Unbeaching: G12.3, G13.442
Unconfirmed Kill: see UK: C7.4
Uncontrolled Territory: P8.2 [RePh: P8.6053]
Underbelly Hits: D4.3
Underwater Demolition Teams (see UDT): G14.22, G14.561
Unhooking Guns: C10.12
Unit (Any game piece or counter with its own MF/MP allotment capable of movement without being portaged, pushed, or towed. Infantry, Cavalry (but not unpossessed horses), Dummy stacks, and vehicles are all different types of units.)
Unit Setup:
Unit Substitution: A19
Unlikely Kill: A7.309, A11.501
Unlimbering: C10.2
Unloading: D6.5
Unloading Amphibian:
Unloading Boat:
Unloading LC:
Unprotected Crew: D5.311
Up-Slope: P2.2
Upper Levels: B23.421
US# (Unit Size Number; SMC: 1, Crew/HS: 2, Squad: 3, ⅝" counter: 4, Large vehicle or Gun: 5): A1.6
- [Majority Type Squad: E.4]
Usage Number (the number which must be rolled ≤ to fire a Smoke Dispenser): D13.1