[Note: This rules Section does not apply to amphibians (D16)]
12.1 Eight types of Landing Craft (LC) are provided in GUNG HO. The LCP(L), LCVP, LCA, LCM(3), LCT(4) AND LCI(S) are U.S./
12.11 INHERENT CREW: Each LC, regardless of its nationality/
12.111 STUN/
12.112 CREW COUNTER: A LC Inherent crew cannot voluntarily Abandon its LC, nor is it subject to Immobilization TC. However, whenever a LC Inherent crew Survives (see 12.691), it is represented by a 1-2-65 vehicle-crew counter of some nationality (e.g., Chinese, Italian or Axis Minor) that is not in play. Such a crew counter is assumed to be of the same nationality as the LC it came from and to have all normal vehicle-crew qualities, but is considered Inexperienced Personnel [EXC: if firing a SW MG or vehicle-mounted AAMG, the Inexperienced B# penalty (A19.32) does not apply]. Q&A
12.113 INEXPERIENCED: If a LC's Inherent crew is defined as Inexperienced, that LC has its MP allotment reduced by one. An Inexperienced LC Inherent crew has no other effect [EXC: (un)Beaching during Heavy Surf; 13.442].
12.114 VP: A LC crew's Casualty VP value is "1", whether it is Inherent or not.
12.12 PASSENGERS: When used in reference to a LC, the term "Passenger" (or "Passengers" - even when mentioned in acronym form as "PRC"') refers collectively to all Personnel/
12.121 VEHICLE/
12.122 MORALE: All Personnel and Inherent-crew Passengers aboard a LC are considered to have a Morale Level of 8.
12.123 BU/
12.124 ACTIONS: Aside from (un)loading (12.4-.421; 12.45), the only actions allowed by LC Passengers are MC/
12.13 MC/
EX: An attack by Small-Arms/
12.14 RIDERS: No type of Rider is allowed on a LC or on any type of conveyance aboard that LC.
12.15 STACKING: LC PRC (including Passenger vehicles) do not count towards Location stacking limits (A5.3); therefore, they cannot be Overstacked. However, a LC is Overstacked when in the same Location with any other vehicle that is not a Passenger aboard a LC.
12.151 VEHICLE & INFANTRY STACKS: All ⅝" vehicles [EXC: motorcycles], their PRC and hooked-up Guns, and all wrecks, that are Passengers on the same LC must be stacked together, and are referred to collectively as that LC's Vehicle Stack. Their top-to-bottom arrangement in that Stack represents their front-to-rear positions aboard that LC for (un)loading purposes (12.42-.43). All Personnel counters [EXC: the Passenger(s) of that LC's Passenger vehicle(s) (if any)], and all motorcycles, horses, boats and Pushed Guns, aboard the same LC are referred to collectively as that LC's Infantry Stack. Each Personnel counter in the LC's Infantry Stack is referred to as an Infantry-Passenger (but is still considered a Passenger - not an Infantry - unit). The top-to-bottom arrangement of the Vehicle Stack may not be re-arranged during play, but the Infantry Stack may be re-arranged just as if that LC were an Open Ground land hex (see also 12.45) The number of counters each Stack contains may change due to (un)loading/
12.2 MOVEMENT: LC expend only MP, and cannot be carried/
12.21 AGROUND: When during its MPh/
12.211 FAST AGROUND: An otherwise-Mobile LC may attempt to remove its Aground (and thus its Bogged) status at he start of its MPh, provided it has not fired during its PFPh. Removal is attempted by expending as its start MP an amount of MP equal to an Original dr (instead of the usual one MP for starting). If that Final dr (Δ) is ≤ 4, the LC is freed (even if its total MP allotment is ≤ the Original dr) but is still in the Bog hex and is now considered to be using Reverse movement (12.2); the LC may then use any remaining MP to Stop/
12.2111 MIRED: If a LC becomes Mired, it is marked with a +1 Mired counter and thereafter receives a +1 drm to its future Bog Removal attempts as long as it is Mired. The Mired drm is not cumulative for being Mired more than once.
12.22 REVERSE: A LC may use Reverse movement as per D2.2-.24, at double its applicable forward-movement entry-cost per hex. It may end its MPh in Reverse Motion (F.11), but may not voluntarily end its MPh while Stopped (unless adjacent to a pier; 13.731).
12.23 DRIFT: LC Drift in a River as per B21.121; otherwise they Drift only in Ocean during Heavy Surf. See 13.12, 13.44 and 13.444.
12.3 (UN)BEACHING: A LC may Beach as per E5.23 across any non-cliff, water-land (including a Beach-OCEAN [13.2] and OCEAN-Hinterland [13.41]) hexside [EXC: LC Beaching can occur during the APh only if Heavy Surf is in effect in the LC's hex (13.44) and only via an (un)Beaching DR (13.442); no LC may Beach onto a bridge]. Position the LC counter to straddle that hexside, but without changing its VCA. A Beached LC is still considered for all purposes to be in that Water Obstacle Location. A LC un-Beaches by declaring such and expending a start MP (based on a dr if Aground; 12.211); it is then considered to be using Reverse movement, and must Stop as per D2.23 before using forward movement (but note also 12.22). A LC is also Beached when it is Aground (12.21-.211) or a wreck (12.69).
12.4 (UN)LOADING: Except as stated otherwise, normal Vehicle - not Boat - (un)loading rules (D6.4-.5; D8.5) apply to LC and their Passengers. A LC Passenger may unload into an enemy-occupied hex. If a LC is Aground (or is Beached across a hexside that is not within its VCA), units may unload from it only into its hex, and do so by expending 25% (FRU) of their MF/
12.401 If the LC is Beached across a hexside that lies within its VCA, units may unload from it across the Beached hexside. A unit thusly unloading must expend 25% (FRU) of its MF/
12.402 If the LC is immobilized and in shallow water but is not Beached only Personnel and their possessed SW may (un)load from/
12.403 A vehicle aboard a LC may not expend a start MP until (but must do so when) it attempts to unload. Passengers (un)loading from/
12.404 If a LC's printed MP allotment has been reduced by an Inexperienced-crew-(12.113)/
12.41 RAMP: If "PP" on the LC counter is underlined, that LC has a bow ramp and may carry any type of Passengers as per 12.121. If "PP" is not underlined, that LC may carry only Personnel/
12.421 MANHANDLING: Manhandling a Gun, boat or motorcycle from/
12.43 PASSENGER WRECK: If a non-burning wreck appears in a LC's Vehicle Stack, no ⅝" counter beneath it in that Stack, nor any ⅝" counter in that LC's Infantry Stack, may unload until the wreck has been removed as per D10.42 [EXC: such removal can occur only if the LC is Beached, no ⅝" counter (except for possibly the removing AFV) is stacked above that wreck, and no ⅝" counter lies between that wreck and the removing AFV]. When such removal occurs, the LC's ramp is considered to be down as if it were unloading Passengers. A Passenger vehicle/
12.44 BLAZE: No unit may board a LC that contains any Blaze(s). A LC that is itself Ablaze (12.68) has no effect on the ability of its Passenger(s) to unload. A burning wreck aboard a LC cannot be removed, so the only Passenger(s) that can possibly unload from it are the vehicle(s) (and their PRC/
12.45 PASSENGER-VEHICLE PRC: Unless otherwise prohibited (e.g., by the LC's PP capacity; 12.12), PRC [EXC: a LC's Inherent crew; Riders are NA (12.14)] may (un)load from/
12.6 NON-CC ATTACKS vs LC: Depending on the type of attack, whether an armored Target Facing is considered to have been struck, and the firer's elevation advantage (if any; D5.311), LC are treated as either AFV (i.e., armored) or unarmored targets - never as boats. OT rules apply to OT LC through their armored Target Facing(s) as if they were OT AFV. Unlike an amphibian (D16.3), being in a Water Obstacle does not make a LC a HD, Very Small target. A LC's down ramp does not make its front Target Facing unarmored.
12.601 DAMAGE: Each LC has a Damage Point (DP) Rating on the Wreck side of its counter. When an attack inflicts DP on a LC (as explained below), it is marked with ≥ one DP counter to indicate the total number of DP it has accumulated thus far. When that total equals the LC's DP Rating, it is immobilized; when that Rating is exceeded, the LC is destroyed (12.69). DP are also inflicted by each Blaze on a LC (12.68).
12.602 SHOCK/
12.603 SNIPER: A dr 1 or 2 sniper attack vs a LC is resolved only vs its Inherent crew, and always results in a Stun [EXC: if Heavy Surf exists in the LC's hex, a dr 2 attack has no effect on its crew; 13.445]. LC Passengers are not eligible sniper targets.
12.61 NON-ORDNANCE DIRECT FIRE: A non-ordnance Direct Fire attack vs a LC treated as an unarmored target is resolved on the IFT's ★ Vehicle line, using (in addition to all other applicable FP modifications) halved FP unless the LC is Beached. If the Final IFT DR vs the LC is ≤ the ★ Vehicle Kill #, DP equal to the difference between those two numbers are inflicted on the LC; if that DR equals that ★ Vehicle Kill #, there is no effect on the LC except possibly via a Collateral Attack vs its Vulnerable PRC; if that DR is ≥ that ★ Vehicle Kill # there is no effect on the LC or its PRC. Q&A
A non-ordnance Direct Fire attack vs a LC treated as an armored target has no effect on it except possibly via a Collateral Attack vs its Vulnerable PRC.
EX: A 12 FP attack by Small-Arms/
12.611 FT/
12.612 OVR: A LC cannot be OVR; an OVR by/
12.613 RESIDUAL FP: A Residual FP attack vs a fully armored LC treats that LC as armored, while one vs a LC that is not fully armored treats it as unarmored. Otherwise, such attacks vs LC are resolved as per 12.61 as if the attack were non-ordnance Direct Fire [EXC: Residual FP is not halved vs a LC].
12.614 MINES: The only mines that can affect LC are A-B mines as per 14.51/14.53.
12.62 ORDNANCE DIRECT FIRE: A Direct Fire ordnance attack vs a LC must use the Vehicle (or Area; 12.63) Target Type or a LATW TH Table. A hit achieved using the Vehicle Target Type (or a LATW TH Table) is resolved by a TK DR. If HE was fired, one of the following will occur if the Final TK DR vs the LC is ≤ the Final HE TK#, DP equal to the difference between those two numbers are inflicted on the LC; if that DR equals that TK#, there is no effect on the LC except possibly via a Collateral Attack vs its Vulnerable PRC; if that DR is a Dud (C7.35) and/
EX: A 75* Gun firing HE on the Vehicle Target Type achieves a hit on the armored front Target Facing of an LCP(L). If the Final TK DR is a 6, one DP is inflicted on the LC; if it is a 5, two DP are inflicted, etc. (A Final TK DR of ≤ 7 can also cause a Collateral Attack as per 12.672 or 12.673.) If that same attack hits the LCP(L) on its unarmored side Target Facing, a Final TK DR of 11 will inflict one DP, while a Final DR of 10 will inflict two DP, etc.
A 75* Gun firing AP on the Vehicle Target Type achieves a hit on the armored front Target Facing of an LCP(L) at a range of 12 hexes. If the Final TK DR is ≤ 5, one DP is inflicted on the LC. If that same attack hits the LCP(L) on its unarmored side Target Facing, a Final TK DR of ≤ 4 will inflict one DP.
12.621 MG: If the Final TK DR of a MG hit on a LC being treated as an armored target equals the Final TK #, it causes only a Collateral Attack as per 12.62 - it does not automatically Stun (D5.34) the LC.
12.63 OBA/
An OBA HE attack or Area-Target-Type HE hit vs a LC that is not fully armored treats that LC as unarmored, regardless of the Target Facing hit or the direction of the firer's LOS/
EX: A 75* Gun firing HE using the Area Target Type achieves a hit on a fully armored LCVP. The attack is resolved vs the LC on the 6 FP column of the IFT with a -2 DRM (-1 for an OT LC, and - 1 for a LC with all AF ≤ 4; C1.55), and will inflict one DP on that LC with an Original IFT DR of 4. The same hit on a partially armored LCP(L) would still be resolved on the 6 FP column, but would use the ★ Vehicle line and thus would inflict one DP on the LCP(L) with an Original IFT DR of 5.
12.64 CH: The Case C (C7.23) Basic TK# modifier never applies vs a LC itself. A CH vs a LC itself does not double that attack's FP, and results only in increasing by one the number of DP inflicted (even if that raises the DP inflicted from zero to one), regardless of any other effect of that attack [EXC: no DP increase occurs if a Dud (C7.35) ensues]. CH vs LC Passenger(s) are NA except for a vehicle/
EX: An LCT(4) carrying a U.S. M5A1 light tank (Target size "+1"), 2½-ton truck (Target size "0") and M1918 155mm howitzer (Target Size "-1") is hit by ordnance (or attacked by OBA) that rolls an upper-superstructure hit. A subsequent dr is therefore made by the LCT's owner, who assigns the numbers "1-2" to the truck, "3-4" to the Gun, and "5-6" to the LC. The tank is ineligible because its Target Size is not 0/-1/-2.
If the ordnance TH DR vs the LCT misses by one while rolling an upper-superstructure "hit", the truck or Gun is hit anyway (assuming the LC itself is not Overstacked in its hex). The LC's owner then makes a subsequent dr to find which one was in fact hit, assigning "1-3" to the truck and "4-6" to the Gun.
12.66 AERIAL MG/
12.67 COLLATERAL ATTACKS: Collateral Attacks (A.14) vs LC PRC apply in the normal manner except as stated otherwise. See also 12.111, 12.123 and 12.13.
12.671 NON-ORDNANCE DIRECT FIRE: When a LC is attacked as an armored target by a non-ordnance Direct Fire attack (12.61), the only PRC aboard that LC which are Vulnerable to the resulting Collateral Attack are its Inherent crew (which receives a +2 CE DRM) and all Guns (12.675)/non-AFV-wrecks/
When a LC is attacked as an unarmored target by non-ordnance Direct Fire whose Final IFT DR vs that LC is ≤ the applicable ★ Vehicle Kill #, all PRC aboard that LC are Vulnerable to (but the LC's Inherent crew can claim no CE benefit vs) any resulting Collateral Attack [EXC: each AFV-(and its BU PRC)/wreck Passenger that is not treated as unarmored vs that attack is Vulnerable only if the attack was made by an Aerial MG (12.6711); see also 12.678].
12.6711 AERIAL MG vs AFV: When a LC carrying an AFV is attacked by an Aerial MG (12.66), that AFV (and its Vulnerable PRC, if the AFV is OT; 12.676) can be hit Collaterally. The MG's Original IFT DR, modified by -1 (or by -2 if the AFV is OT), is applied as a Final TK DR vs the AFV.
12.6712 RESIDUAL FP & MINES: The Collateral effects of a Residual FP attack vs a LC are resolved as per 12.671 as if the attack were being made by non-ordnance Direct Fire. For A-B mines vs LC PRC see 14.53.
12.672 ORDNANCE/
If the non-Dud Final Effects DR of an ordnance/
Such a Collateral Attack vs a Passenger AFV is considered a hull hit on it and, if resulting from an OBA/
EX: An LCVP carrying two Jeeps and an Infantry-Passenger HS receives a hull hit on its side Target Facing from a 75* Gun that fired HE at a range of 12 hexes using the Vehicle Target Type. If the Gun's Final TK DR is ≤ 7 (and assuming in all cases below that the attack does not sink the LC in deep water; 12.69), the HS will undergo a six-FP Collateral Attack (12 [75mm HE FP] + 2 [ordnance hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC; 12.672] = 6 FP) and both Jeeps will undergo a Collateral Attack using a HE Final (C7.342) TK# of 6 (12 [75mm HE Final TK# vs unarmored target] * ½ [ordnance hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC; 12.672] = 6).
If the Gun had instead fired AP and rolled a Final TK DR of ≤ 10, its Collateral Attack would have been resolved vs the HS using one FP (2 [75mm AP HE-Equivalency] * ½ [ordnance hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC; 12.672] = 1), and vs the Jeeps using a Final TK# of 5 ({9 [75mm AP Basic TK# vs unarmored target] + 0 [Cases A-D TK modifications; C7.2]} * ½ [ordnance hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC; 12.672] = 4½
If the Gun had instead used the Area Target Type and rolled ≤ a Kill# vs the LC, its Collateral Attack would have been resolved on the two-FP column of the IFT (6 [75mm Area-Target-Type HE FP] * ½ [ordnance hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC, 12.672] = 3 FP), using the ★ Vehicle line vs the Jeeps.
If the hull hit on the LCVP had instead been achieved by a 70 + mm OBA HE Concentration whose Final IFT DR was ≤ a Kill#, the HS and Jeeps would all have been subject to a six-FP Collateral Attack (12 [70+mm HE Concentration FP] * ½ [OB hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC; 12.672] = 6 FP), again using the ★ Vehicle line vs the Jeeps.
EX: If the LCVP in the above example were transporting a Carrier instead of the two Jeeps, the following differences in the Collateral Attack resolution would occur. The HE hit using the Vehicle Target Type would be resolved vs the Carrier using a Final TK# of 4 ({7 [75mm HE Basic TK# vs armored target] + 0 [Carrier's side hull AF] + 0 [Cases A-D TK modifications; C7.2]} * ½ [ordnance hull-hit effect vs Armored LC's PRC; 12.672] = 3½ FRU=4). The AP hit would be resolved vs the Carrier using a Final TK# of 5 ({10 [75* AP Basic TK# vs armored target] + 0 [Carrier's side hull AF] + 0 [Cases A-D TK modifications; C7.2]} * ½ [ordnance hull-hit effect vs armored LC's PRC, 12.672] = 5). The HE hit using the Area Target Type would be resolved vs the Carrier on the two-FP column of the IFT, with a -2 DRM (-1 for the Carrier's having all AF ≤ 4, plus -1 for its being an OT AFV). The HE Concentration would be resolved vs the Carrier on the IFT's six-FP column using the same -2 DRM.
12.673 ORDNANCE/
12.674 RAMP: Vs the Collateral effects of a non-Aerial attack conducted as per 12.61/12.62 from within the VCA of a LC whose ramp is down, all of that LC's Vehicle and Infantry Stacks [EXC: the BU PRC of Passenger AFV; all ⅝" counters beneath the topmost AFV (or AFV wreck) in the Vehicle Stack] are considered Vulnerable as if that LC's front Target Facing were unarmored. No CE benefits ever apply to a thusly Vulnerable Collateral target [EXC: the PRC of an AFV not normally allowed to be BU (e.g., a Carrier's Inherent HS or crew) may claim CE benefits vs such a Collateral Attack]. Note, however, that a lowered ramp does not prevent the LC's Inherent Crew from claiming CE benefits. An ordnance attack must use the Vehicle Target Type (or a LATW TH Table) and achieve a hull hit in order to claim the Collateral benefits of a lowered ramp.
EX: An LCT(4) whose Vehicle Stack comprises (from top to bottom) a tank, a Carrier, and a truck (carrying its own Passengers and towing a Gun), and whose Infantry Stack comprises three squads, a crew and a Pushed Gun, Beaches and the tank unloads, ending the LCT's MPh. Its ramp is now down (12.41), and an enemy MG at Level 0 fires during the DFPh at that LCT from within its VCA. The LC itself is still treated as an armored target (12.6), and its Inherent crew will receive a +2 CE DRM vs the ensuing Collateral Attack - but the lowered ramp leaves the carrier and Infantry Stack Vulnerable. However, vs the Collateral Attack, the carrier's Inherent crew or HS (12.676) will receive a +2 CE DRM, while the Infantry-Passengers (but not the Pushed Gun) will receive a + 1 TEM for the Carrier (12.677). Vs the truck (and its Passengers and towed Gun), the Collateral Attack will have no effect at all.
12.675 vs GUN: A Collateral Attack vs a Passenger Gun [EXC: one hooked up to a vehicle; C10.1] is resolved as if the Gun were an unarmored vehicle [EXC: an Immobilization result is treated as Gun Malfunction instead; a Gun being Animal-Packed is eliminated if its Mule is eliminated or Casualty-Reduced]. A hit achieved as per 12.65 on a Passenger Gun is resolved Collaterally only vs its possessing Infantry-Passenger - or, if the Gun is hooked up, vs its towing vehicle (and its Vulnerable PRC, if any; 12.676). If a hooked-up Gun is eliminated by a hit achieved as per 12.65, its towing vehicle is automatically immobilized (unless destroyed) by that Collateral Attack. A Gunshield has no effect in a LC.
12.676 vs PASSENGER-VEHICLE PRC: The PRC of a vehicle aboard a LC are Vulnerable to each Collateral Attack their vehicle is subject to, provided they are not in an AFV [EXC: OT AFV PRC are Vulnerable to an Aerial MG attack vs that AFV; see also 12.674] and that Collateral Attack does not destroy their vehicle. A hit achieved as per 12.65 on a vehicle aboard a LC can be resolved Collaterally only vs that vehicle's Vulnerable PRC. The Vulnerable PRC of a vehicle aboard a LC never receive CE benefits [EXC: OT AFV PRC attacked by an Aerial MG; see also 12.674].
12.677 AFV/
12.678 PP CAPACITY ≥ 40: Whenever a LC with a PP capacity of ≥ 40 PP is attacked [EXC: any attack that achieves an upper-superstructure hit as per 12.6, or that can claim the benefits of a down ramp as per 12.674], the resulting Collateral Attack (if any) is resolved only against the Vulnerable Passenger(s) chosen by Random Selection. Random Selection is used twice (by the LC's owner) once for the Infantry Stack and again for the Vehicle Stack However, from the latter only one AFV or AFV wreck (plus any number of non-AFV/
EX: An un-Beached LCT(4) carrying three AFV and two trucks in its Vehicle Stack, and three squads in its Infantry Stack, receives a hull hit from a Gun using the Vehicle Target Type which causes a Collateral Attack. The LC's owner rolls Random Selection for the squads, and then again for the AFV and trucks, to find which of them will be considered Vulnerable to the Collateral Attack. If the Random Selection DR for the vehicles chooses ≥ two of the AFV, the LC's owner must make another dr to randomly select just one of them; the other two AFV (as well as their PRC; 12.676) will not be Vulnerable to that Collateral Attack.
If the original attack had used the Area Target Type (or had been caused by OBA) the same procedures would apply except that all vehicles chosen by the Random Selection DR would be Vulnerable.
In both cases, the squads might also be able to claim the TEM of an AFV; see 12.677. If the original attack had been made using Small-Arms/
12.679 CH: A CH vs a LC itself is resolved Collaterally as a non-CH; i.e., using its non-CH IFT-FP/TK# as otherwise applicable
12.68 BLAZE: Whenever a LC is struck by an attack that inflicts two DP on it and whose Effects DR contains an Original colored dr of "1", that LC is set Ablaze [EXC: no Blaze occurs if the LC itself is already Ablaze, nor if that attack sinks the LC in deep water]. A LC cannot be set Ablaze in any other manner. A vehicle aboard a LC can be turned into a burning wreck in the normal manner for whatever type of attack strikes it.
Whenever a LC or a Passenger vehicle/
No Blaze aboard a non-immobilized, non-Beached LC has any smoke effect whatsoever; i.e., neither its Inherent, nor any Drifting, smoke is considered to exist. When a LC carrying any Blaze(s) becomes Beached/
EX: An LCM(3) carrying two unpinned Wreck Blazes has its MP allotment reduced by two and receives two DP in the AFPh of each Player Turn. If instead the LC itself were Ablaze and was also carrying one Wreck Blaze, the same effects would apply. However, if in either case the LC is neither Beached nor Immobilized, LOS to/
12.69 ELIMINATION: A LC is destroyed when the total number of DP inflicted on it exceeds its DP Rating. If this occurs in deep water, the LC sinks - i.e., it and everything it is carrying are immediately eliminated. A LC destroyed in shallow water is flipped to its Wreck side; if un-Beached or Aground it is now considered to be Fast Aground (and thus Beached), and if Beached across a hexside the wreck remains thusly Beached.
12.691 PRC SURVIVAL: LC PRC can survive only if their LC is destroyed in shallow water, in which case normal Survival rules (D5.6) apply to the LC's Inherent crew [EXC: the total Stun DRM (if any; 12.111) applies to its Survival DR].
LC Passengers do not roll for Survival when their LC is destroyed in shallow water. Instead, they remain LC Passengers and are subject to the normal Collateral effects (12.67-.678 as applicable) of the attack (if any) that destroyed their LC. Those not eliminated by Collateral Attack are placed atop the LC wreck, and therefore are treated just as if their LC were Beached but not destroyed [EXC: all surviving vehicles (other than motorcycles) aboard that LC wreck are considered Bogged; all unpossessed SW aboard it are eliminated unless being carried by another Passenger vehicle].
12.7 CC: CC attacks by/
12.82 REMOVAL: The armament of a LC cannot be Removed.
12.83 WRECK EQUIVALENCE: A LC wreck is considered equivalent to an undestroyed LC in all respects [EXC: a LC wreck cannot be Inherently crewed (and thus is Immobile and cannot fire), nor can it be further destroyed in order to gain more VP; a LC wreck is always Beached (see also 13.4422); a non-burning LC wreck may be Scrounged as if it were an AFV wreck].
A LC destroyed (but not sunk) while its ramp is down becomes a wrecked LC whose ramp is down. A LC destroyed (but not sunk) while its ramp is up becomes a wrecked LC whose ramp is up, but the ramp may still be lowered as per 12.41 to allow any Passenger aboard to unload. No enemy unit may enter a Location occupied by a wrecked LC. When a LC that is itself Ablaze becomes a wreck, that Blaze counter (in its present pinned or unpinned state: 12.68) remains on it. All Passengers aboard a LC wreck must still attempt to unload as soon as possible during a Seaborne Assault (14.231). These are just a few examples of LC wreck equivalency.
12.84 VP: Each LC eliminated is worth one VP plus a one-VP bonus for each of the following: ≥ one still-functioning MA weapon; being fully armored; its Inherent crew did not survive; each multiple of 50PP (FRU) in its Passenger capacity. No Casualty/
EX: The maximum casualty VP value of an LCP(L) is 4. That of an LCVP is 5. And that of an LCT(4) is 15.
ATTACK TYPE: | Non-Ordnance Direct Fire2 | AP (Vehicle Target Type)3 | HE (Vehicle Target Type)4 | HE (Area Target Type; OBA)5 | Residual FP6 | A-B Mines7 | CC8 | Blaze9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LC TARGET FACING: Armored10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
≤Half TK# /1 KIA | - a | B cd | C cdf | D cdf | - a | -11 | - | F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
≤ TK#/ K | - a | - cd | C cdf | D cdf | - a | -11 | - | F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
=TK# /K | - a | - cd | - cdf | - cdf | - a | -11 | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
≥ TK#/ K | - a | - - | - - | - - | - a | -11 | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unarmored | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
≤Half ★ Veh# /TK# | A b | B de | C def | A def | A b | E g | - | F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
≤ ★ Veh# /TK# | A b | -de | C def | A def | A b | E g | - | F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
=★ Veh# /TK# | - b | - de | - def | - def | - b | - - | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
≥ ★ Veh# /TK# | - - | -- | - - | - - | - - | - - | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||