(f) French manufacture counter symbol: D2.5
Factory: B23.74, O.4, O5
Failure to Rout: A10.5, K21.7
Falling Snow: E3.71
Fanaticism: A10.8
Fascine: British Vehicle Note 37
Fast Aground: G12.211
Fast Turret Traverse: D1.31
Fate: A10.64
FB (Fighter Bomber): E7.21
FBE (FRIENDLY Board Edge: The mapboard configuration's edge along which FRIENDLY units normally enter; the player should be seated with this edge nearest to him. For the sake of convenience, the FBE is always considered the west edge of the mapboard configuration): A20.53
- [S? may not be set up within 3 hexes of any whole offboard hex on the FBE: S4.11]
FF: counter abbreviation for Defensive First Fire
FFE (Fire For Effect; resolves OBA fire): C1.5
FFE:C (FFE Continuation): C1.34
- [replace with AR: C1.343]
- [Convert to FFE:1: C1.342]
- [Correct C1.341]
- [IR status is kept track only for Battery Access: E1.931]
- [replace with SR: C1.341]
FFE Vision Effects: C1.57
FFMO (First Fire Movement in Open Ground; a -1 DRM vs moving Infantry in Open Ground, provided no other DRM beneficial to the target applies): A4.6, K15.2
FFNAM (First Fire Non-Assault Movement; a -1 DRM vs moving Infantry, provided the target is not using Assault Movement): A4.6, K15.1
FG (Fire Group): A7.5-A7.55
Field of Fire: A9.21
Field Phones: C1.23
- [Cave: G11.837]
- [Spotting is not considered a Gunflash: E1.8]
Field Promotions: A18
Fighter Bomber: see FB: E3.741
Final DR/dr (a DR/dr after all applicable modification by DRM/drm)
Final Fire: A8.4
Final Protective Fire: see FPF: A8.31
Finnish: A25.7
- [at Night, considered Stealthy: E1.62]
Fire (Blaze or Flame): B25
Fire Attacks: A7
- [First/Final Fire EXC: A.15]
Fire Attacks NA:
- [AFV SA MG TK: D3.54]
- [vs friendly units A7.4]
- [MMG, HMG, mortar or ⅝" non-vehicular ordnance if moved A4.41]
- [Out of hex if TPBF possible A7.212]
Fire Command (A Priority List determining the Fire Action of an ENEMY unit): S6.23, S8.1
Fire Direction: A7.53
- [Mandatory MG Long Range: A9.4]
Fire Group: see FG: A7.5-A7.55
Fire Lane: A9.22
- [Bore Sighting NA: C6.41]
- [can originate from a Cave but cannot enter one: G11.821]
- [Dash: A4.63]
- [lip hexside of Deir blocks: F4.52]
- [ENEMY entry NA if ≥ 4 unless in/ADJACENT to a FRIENDLY Controlled VPO: S9.26]
- [Hillocks: F6.53]
- [not affected by Huts: G5.21]
- [IFE NA: C2.29]
- [Night: E1.71]
- [S? entry NA if ≥ 4 unless in/ADJACENT to a FRIENDLY Controlled VPO: S3.322]
- [Slope: P2.31]
- [Wreck Blaze: B25.2]
Fire Mission (A Fire Mission consists of the entire time between a Battery Access draw in which a FFE is on board; i.e., from the time it is placed as a FFE:1 counter to the CCPh of the Player Turn in which the FFE:2 counter is changed to a FFE:C counter): C1.7
Fire Phase (PFPh, DFPh, AFPh)
Firer-Based Hit Determination DRM: C5
Firing Within Hex (i.e., firing at zero range): A7.212 & A7.21 & C5.5
First Fire (FF): A8.1
Fixed Mount MG: D1.81
Flail Tank: B28.7 and see American Vehicle Note 20, Chapter H
Flame (preliminary-stage fire, as distinct from Blaze): B25.1, B25.15
Flamethrower: See FT: A22
Fog: E3.31
Fording: B21.41-B21.43
Fording Lines: E6.6
Fords: B20.8
Forest: B13.7
Fortification (Cave, Entrenchment, Minefield, Panji, Pillbox, Roadblock, Tetrahedron, Wire):
- [Blaze Location in RePh: O11.6097, P8.6095]
- [Cave NA: G11.93]
- [Collapsed Hut: G5.51]
- [Debris: O1.3]
- [DYO purchase of "?" counters for Japanese: G1.663]
- [Elimination in RePh: O11.615, P8.615]
- [Gun S? Activation in a Fortification automatically in a Trench: S5.741]
- [HIP: A12.33]
- [Hidden in RePh: O11.6073, P8.6073]
- [hidden fortifications revealed in Interrogation: E2.23]
- [NVR: E1.16]
- [only Beach Obstacles allowed in Ocean: G13.5]
- [Panji: G9.55]
- [Purchasing RePh: O11.621]
- [Rice Paddy: G8.7]
- [S? Activation: S5.74]
- [Sand: F7.42]
- [NVR applies to Fortifications in jungle, kunai, or bamboo: G.2]
- [Wire/Entrenchments NA in Bamboo: G3.5]
Fortified Building: B23.9
Foxhole: B27.1
FP (Firepower): A1.21, K11.5
FPF (Final Protective Fire): A8.31, K13.16, K14.13
FPP (Fortification Purchase Points): O11.2, P8.2
FRD (Fractions Rounded Down)
Freedom of Movement: E1.21
French: A25.5
FRIENDLY (Having to do with the nationality controlled by the player)
- [Command Control: S16]
- [Companies: S18]
- [Units: S15]
- [Withdrawl: S12.5]
Friendly Board Edge (see FBE): A20.53
Frigid: B20.7, E6.1, P4.23
Front Line Location: O11.2, P8.2
Frozen Stream: B20.7
FRU (Fractions Rounded Up)
FT (Flamethrower): A22
Full Strength: O11.2, P8.2