QRDC (Quick Reference Data Card)
QSU (Quick Set-Up): C10.23
(R) (see Radioless AFV): D14
R# (Repair Number): A9.72
Radio: C1
- [AFV: D14]
- [Captured Use NA: A21.1]
- [Cave: G11.837]
- [PTO, Contact and Maintenance DR get +1 DRM: G.7]
Radio Contact: C1.2
Radioless AFV: D14
Rafting: E6.41
- [FRIENDLY River Assault: S13.61]
Railway Embankment: O2
Rain: E3.51
Rally: A10.6, K22.11
Ramp: G12.41, G12.674
Random Direction: B.8
Random dr (Selects a single option/unit; there can be no "ties" [i.e. unlike a Random Selection dr]).
Random Event (an event caused by a DR resolving some other function such as SW malfunction, Ammunition Shortage, Sniper Attack, Field Phone loss, etc.)
- [see RE for SASL Random Event]
Random Location DR: E.3
Random Selection: A.9
Random SW Destruction: A9.74
Range: A1.22
- [at Night, considered Stealthy: E1.62]
Rarity Factor: see RF: H1.3
RAS (Roll At Start): S9.23
Rate of Fire: see Multiple ROF: A9.2 & C2.24
RB (Red Barricades): O11.2
RB Campaign Game: O11
RCL (Recoilless Rifle): C12
RE (Random Event: An occurrence for the current ATTACKER that randomly alters the present game conditions, possibly by the addition of reinforcements): S2
RE #'s: (A pair of consecutive numbers from 2 to 7 [e.g. 4/5] that, if either is rolled as the Wind Change DR, determine whether the ATTACKER will have a RE occur during that Player Turn) S2.1
Reaction Fire: D7.2
Rear MG: see RMG:
Rearming: A20.551
Recall: D5.341
- [Aircraft: E7.24]
- [CMD DR NA: S16.32]
- [Convoy: E11.253]
- [Disabled MA: D3.7]
- [in KGP German vehicles do not suffer Recall due to MA disablement, Recall from attack effects are treated as a Stun: KGP SSR 12]
- [LC: G12.111]
- [LC during Seaborne Assaults: G14.232]
- [1MT: D1.322]
- [Seaborne Assault/Evacuation side NA: G14.33]
- [Sniper: A14.3]
Reciprocity (LOS): A6.5
Recombining HS: A1.32
Recovery, SW: A4.44
Reduction (the changing of a squad to a HS due to casualties incurred): see Casualty Reduction: A7.302
Reef: G13.43
REH (Roll Each Hex): S9.24
Reinforcements, DYO: H1.7 & H1.84
Reinforcement Group: see RG: O11.2
Removal, SW (a crew taking with it a vehicle's MG/MTR armament as it voluntarily abandons that vehicle): D6.631
Removal, Wreck: D10.4-D10.42
RePh (Refit Phase): O11.2, P8.2, P8.6
Replacement (the changing of a Personnel unit to another Personnel unit with at least one lesser number in its Strength Factor and no greater number in its Strength Factor): A19.13 & A1.3
Replacements: S17.8
Replenishment: E10.3
Reserve: P8.2
Residual FP: A8.2
- [Boresighting NA: A8.26]
- [Caves: G11.82]
- [Dash: A4.63]
- [ENEMY entry NA if ≥ 4 unless in/ADJACENT to a FRIENDLY Controlled VPO: S9.26]
- [not modified by LV hindrance E3.1]
- [LC: G12.613]
- [Long Range MG Fire: A9.4]
- [Narrow Street: P5.131]
- [PF/PFk NA: A8.25]
- [Rejected Hex Entry: A12.15 & B23.922]
- [S? entry NA if ≥ 4 unless in/ADJACENT to a FRIENDLY Controlled VPO: S3.322]
- [Snap Shot NA: AA8.223]
- [Spraying Fire: A9.52]
- [Surviving PRC: D5.6]
Rest and Refit: S17.9
Restricted Terrain (a Location from which a HW cannot fire): S6.3131
Retained: O11.2, P8.2, S17.31
REV (counter abbreviation for Reverse): D2.2
Reverse Motion: F.11
Reverse Movement: D2.2
RF (Rarity Factor): H1.3
RFNM (Restricted Fire, No Movement): C10.25
RG (Reinforcement Group): O11.2, P8.2
RG Purchase Record: O11.2, P8.2
RG Strength, Quality, Weapons, and Leaders:
RG Strength, Weapons & Leaders:
Rice Paddies: G8
Rider (Personnel transported on the outside of an AFV, Cavalry, or a motorcyclist): D6.2-D6.25
Right of Inspection: K24.6
River: B21.12, G13.12
RMG (Rear MG): hull: D1.81; turret: D1.82
Rmvl (counter abbreviation for Removal): D6.631
Road: B3
- [Dash: A4.63]
- [Effect on Open Ground: B1.11, K2.8]
- [FFMO: A4.132]
- [Ground Snow NA: E3.723]
- [Gun Emplacement NA on Paved Road: C11.2]
- [in KGP Off-map road is same type as on map, and runs either along the same lettered hexrow or letters of the same coordinate: KGP SSR 6]
- [Mapboard Entry: A2.51]
- [PTO Terrain: G.1A]
- [NA if crosses a Panji Covered hexside: G9.54]
- [Road-Negating Terrain: O.1]
- [Vehicular Passing Penalty: D2.14]
Road Intersections: S9.35
Road Network (A MSR-required continuous path of road hexes from one board edge to another): S13.231
Roadblock: B29
- [In RB, may be set up IN a gully or Culvert hexside: RB SSR 5]
- [Railway Embankment NA: O2.2]
- [Narrow Street: P5.141]
Rocket OBA: C1.9
ROF (Rate of Fire; see Multiple ROF): A9.2 & C2.24
Roofless Factory Hex: O5.4
- [Each hex of a Gutted Factory is considered Roofless: O5.52]
Rooftop: B23.8
- [Concealment Terrain: O.5]
- [vs Indirect Fire: B23.32]
- [Factory Rooftop Access Points: O.4B, O.5]
- [LOS on Factory Rooftop: O5.43]
- [In RB, Control of a Rooftop/Sewer Location never counts as Controlling a building Location: RB SSR 3]
- [In RB, always in effect: RB SSR 3]
Routing: A10.5, K20.5, K20.12-21.6
Rowhouse: B23.71
RPh (Rally Phase): A3.1
RST (Restricted Slow Traverse): D1.321
RtPh (Rout Phase): A3.6, F.1C, S7
Rubble: B24
- [In RB, Rubble is considered a building for Ambush (A11.4) and Street Fighting (A11.8) purposes: RB SSR 8]
- [AFV Building Entry: B23.41]
- [Debris: O1.4]
- [Dozer vs Single Story House: G15.25]
- [Factory Interior Wall: O5.34]
- [Gullies: O.3]
- [Narrow Street: P5.15]
- [OCEAN: G13.493]
- [Printed Rubble: O3]
- [RB Cellars: O6.6]
- [RB Factories: O5.34]
- [RB Roofless Factories can still be rubbled: O5.46]
- [Rooftop: B23.86]
- [Road-Negating Terrain: O.1]
- [Sewers: O.6]
Runway: B7
Russian: A25.2
- [Extreme Winter: E3.741]
- [Massacre: A20.4]
- [Paradrop: E9.2]
- [Rifle Company: S18.5]
- [Temporary Crew Driving Ability: A21.22]
- [Vehicle Crest in Wadi: F5.427]
- [VP of Temporarily Attached units/weapons worth normal VP in SASL: S17.1321]