Wadi: F5
Wadi Cliff: F5.3
Wading: G13.42
Wagons: see Horse-Drawn Transport: D12
Walls: B9
- [Bypass LOS across: (Infantry: A4.34); (Vehicle: D2.37)]
- [Dune Crest NA: F7.514]
- [Fortified Buildings: 0.2B]
- [Hillside Walls/Hedges: F10, P6]
- [HD: D4.21]
- [LOS K8.1]
- [Movement K2.15]
- [OVR TEM: D7.15]
- [PRC, TEM NA: B9.3]
- [Snap Shot: K15.3]
- [Turret Hit drm: B9.33]
- [Underbelly Hit: D4.3]
Wall/Hedge Advantage: B9.32, K12.15
Water Line: E5.531
Water Movement: E5.3
Water Obstacles (river, pond, frigid stream, canal, lake, ocean): B21
Watercraft (LC, boat, or amphibian): G13.401
Waterproofing: G13.4221
Weapon (Any SW/Gun/Vehicular-armament/Daisy-Chain/MOL using the IFT/TK table to cause damage to the opponent): O11.2, P8.2
Weather: E3
- [always "Clear" for units in a building viewing/firing at a non-Bypassing target in their own Location: E3.8]
- [KGP: CG3, P8.617, KGP SSR 2]
- [RB Roofless Factories: O5.44]
- [RB: CG3]
- [RePh: O11.618]
- [Tropical: G16.2]
Weather Chart (DYO):
- [Arid Climate: F11]
- [Temperate Climate: E3]
- [Tropical Climate: G16]
White Counters: A.12
Wide City Boulevards: O4, P5.3]
Wind: B25.63-B25.651
- [Arid Land: F11.5]
- [affected by Dust: F11.76]
- [Effects on Fog: E3.312]
- [Heavy Surf: G13.448]
- [in KGP until DEC 22 PM is always "No Wind", Gusts NA; as of DEC 22 N is always "Mild Breeze": KGP SSR 2]
- [RB Roofless Factories: O5.441]
- [RePh: O11.624]
- [Tropical: G16.4]
Wind Change DR: B25.65
Wings: E9.11
Winter Camouflage: E3.712, S12.31
Wire: B26
Withdrawal: A11.2, K17.8, K17.11, K17.14, K18.2, K19.1
Woods: B13
- [Activated Partisan Infantry pays 1 MF to enter woods Location in SASL: S12.211]
- [Movement K2.6, K3.4]
- [Rally DRM: A10.61]
- [Schuerzen Loss: D11.22]
Woods-Road: B13.31-B13.41
Wounds: A17
WP: White Phosphorous A24.3
Wreck: D10
- [Convoy: E11.23]
- [any Immobilized, unloaded, unhooked, unarmored, unarmed vehicle is flipped to its Wreck depiction (or removed from play if there is no Wreck): D8.1]
- [LC: G12.43, in Heavy Surf: G13.4422]
- [Sunken Lane: B4.43]
- [TB: B13.4211]
- [IN Water Obstacle: B21.122]
Wreck Blaze: B25.14
- [Smoke DRM replaces Wreck DRM: D9.4]
Wreck Check
Wreck Removal: see Removal, Wreck: D10.4-10.42
X# (Breakdown Number; weapon is not repairable): A9.7 & A.11