• M# (Manhandling Number): C2.27
  • MA (Main Armament; the most important weapon on a vehicle and the only vehicular weapon which can possibly have a Multiple ROF. The Vehicle Listings cite each vehicle's specific MA as does the counter display): D1.3
  • Machine Gun: see MG: A9
  • Maintenance:
  • Majority Squad Type: E.4
  • Malfunction; SW: A9.7
  • Mandatory FG: A7.55
  • Mandatory Fire Direction: A9.4
  • Mandatory Leadership: A10.72
  • Manhandling Number: see M#: C2.27
  • Manhole: B8.1
  • Map-Edge Markers:
  • Map Group: P8.2
  • Map Section: P8.2
  • Mapboard: A2
  • Marker (another term for a counter that indicates status, mode, condition, etc.)
  • Marketplace: B23.73
  • Marsh: B16
  • Massacre: A20.4
  • MC (Morale Check): A10.1
  • Mechanical Reliability: D2.51
  • Melee (a condition existing between opposing Known enemy units occupying the same Location after being attacked in CC): A11.15, K17.8
  • MF (Movement Factor; a measure of movement capability for Infantry, Cavalry, and Horse-Drawn vehicles): A4.11, K2.3
  • MG (Machine Gun): A9
  • Mine Clearance Vehicle: see American Vehicle Listing Note 19, Chapter H
  • Minefield: B28
  • Minimum Move, Infantry: A4.134, K3.6, K5.12
  • Minimum Move, Vehicular: D2.15
  • Mired: D8.31
  • Mission (A SASL "scenario"): S12
  • Mission Selection:
  • Mist: E3.32
  • Mist Density Change:
  • Mistaken Attack: E7.32
  • Mistaken Fire: E1.76
  • ML (Counter Abbreviation for Morale Level): A10
  • MMC (Multi-Man Counter): A1.12, K1.8
  • MMG (Medium Machine Gun):
  • Mnvr (counter abbreviation for Maneuver)
  • Mobile (any vehicle which is not Abandoned, Bogged, Immobilized, Shocked, or Stunned): D.7
  • Moderate Dust: F11.72
  • Moderately Sloped Beach: G13.22
  • Modified TH#: C4.5
  • MOL (Molotov Cocktail): A22.6
  • MOL-Projector: C13.5
  • Moon Phase:
  • Mopping Up (NA when No Quarter is in effect) : A12.153, K22.1
  • Morale: A10, K11.11, K19
  • Morale Check: see MC: A10.1
  • Mortars: C9
  • Motion Fire (the FP of all vehicles is halved while in Motion): D2.42
  • Motion Status: D2.4
  • Motorcycles: D15
  • Motorized Vehicles:
  • Mounted Firer (halving of FP of Riders [D6.22}, truck/unarmored halftrack Passengers [D6.72], Cavalry [A13.4] in attacks [EXC: Cavalry Charge] on the IFT)
  • Move Action: S6.22
  • Move/Advance: A.3
  • Move Command (A Priority List that determines the Move Action of an ENEMY unit): S9.2
  • Movement, Guns & Ammo: C10
  • Movement, Infantry: A4, K2
  • Movement Order: S9
  • Movement, Vehicle: D2
  • Movement Factor: see MF: A4.11
  • Movement NA:
  • Moving Vehicular Target: C.8
  • MP (Movement Point; a measure of movement capability for vehicles):
  • MPh (Movement Phase): A3.3
  • MPV (Modified Point Value): H1.211
  • MSR (Mission Special Rule
  • MTR (mortar): C2.2
  • Mud: D8.23, E3.6
  • Mudflat: B16.6-B16.72
  • Mule: G10.1
  • Multi-Story Building: B23.23
  • Multiple Hits: C3.8
  • Multiple Immobilization: D8.11
  • Multiple ROF (any weapon which can attack more than once in the same phase either due to an encased ROF number or Intensive Fire): A9.2 & C2.24
  • Multiple Targets:
  • LVP (Location Victory Points): P8.2