• (a) (counter symbol for U.S. manufacture): D2.5
  • A# (APCR Depletion Number) See APCR: C8.1-C8.2
  • AA Fire: E7.5
  • AA Gun: C2.2
  • AA Mode: E7.5
  • AAMG (Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun): D1.83
  • A-B Mines (Anti-Boat)
  • Abandonment, SW: A4.43
  • Abandonment, Vehicle: D5.4
  • Abrupt Elevation Changes: B10.5
  • AC (Activation Check: A (dr) procedure to determine if a S? Activates as a real, or dummy, unit): S5.1
  • AC# (Activation Check Number: The Final AC dr must be ≤ this number in order for the AC to be successful. If the Final AC dr is > this number the S? ("Suspect ?", S3.1) is a dummy and removed, having no further effect on play): S5.1
  • Accessible (an adjacent hex which an Infantry unit can advance into under normal APh conditions-even if it requires placement of a CX counter or is currently out of LOS) (a hex is Accessible even when the actual unit cannot advance into the hex)
  • Acquired Target: C6.5
  • Action (One of four acts (Panic, Move, Fire, or Entrench) that an ENEMY unit can be instructed to attempt during its Player Turn by an Action DR {A2a-b}): S6.1
  • Action DR (The DR {A2} determines the Action of an ENEMY unit/stack for the current Player Turn): S6.1-S6.2
  • Activated ENEMY unit (An ENEMY unit which is not a S?; one which has been generated from a S? or due to a RE)
  • Activation (The process of removing a S? and revealing its contents, if any): S3.3, S5.7
  • Activation Check (see AC): S5
  • Adj: counter abbreviation for Adjacent
  • ADJACENT (units are considered ADJACENT if any Infantry unit in one hex could conceivably advance into another during the APh and a LOS exists between those two hexes, excluding SMOKE Hindrance DRM as a factor; B.10): A.8
  • Adjacent (hexes are considered adjacent if they share a common hexside): A.8
  • Adv (counter abbreviation for Advance)
  • Advance
  • Advance Attitude (An ENEMY Prevailing Attitude): S3.2
  • Advance Attitude Activation:
  • Advance/Move: see Move/Advance: A.3
  • Aerial AF: C7.12
  • Aerial Attack (originating from an aircraft): E7
  • Aerial Combat: E7.22
  • Aerial LOS:
  • Aerial Observation: E7.6
  • Aerial Range: E.5
  • AF (Armor Factor): D1.6
  • AFPh (Advancing Fire Phase): A3.5
  • AFPh Fire (half FP for non-ordnance weapons or To Hit Case B/C for ordnance): A7.24, K14.11
  • AFPh SW/Gun Fire Limits: A4.41 & C5.2
  • AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle): D1.2
  • AFV Destruction Table: C7.7
  • AFV/Dozer
  • AFV/Wreck LOS Hindrance: D9.3, D9.4
  • AFV/Wreck TEM: D9.3
  • Aground: G12.21
  • Air Burst: B13.3
  • Air Drop: E9.1
  • Air Support: E7
  • ALL MP/MF Expenditure: D2.7
  • Allied Minors: A25.9
  • Allied Troops: A10.7
  • Alpine Hill Option: B10.211
  • Alternate Hex Grain (see Hex Grain for illustration): A9.221
  • Alternate Terrain Types: F13
  • Ambush: A11.4, K18.14, K18.9
  • American: A25.3
  • Ammo Dump: E10.6
  • Ammo Portage: E10.12
  • Ammo PP Reduction: C10.13
  • Ammo Supply: E10.12
  • Ammo Type TH Modifications: C4
  • Ammo Vehicles: E10
  • Ammunition: C8
  • Ammunition Depletion: C8.9, D3.71
  • Ammunition DR: E10.3
  • Ammunition Shortage: A19.131
  • Amphibians (any vehicle having a printed amphibious-MP superscript): D16, G13.401
  • Animal Drawn Transport: D.2 & D12
  • Animal Pack: G10
  • Annual (a Random Event that may occur every DR + dr months, or not.):
  • Anti-Tank (A-T) Mines: B28.5-B28.53
  • Anti-Tank Ditch: B27.56
  • Anti-Tank Rifle: see ATR: C13.2
  • ANZAC: A25.44
  • AP (Armor Piercing):
  • A-P Mines: (Anti-Personnel) B28
  • APCR/APDS: C8.1-C8.2
  • APh (Advance Phase): A4.7, K16.38
  • AR (Artillery Request): C1.3
  • Area Fire: A7.23
  • Area Target Acquisition: C6.521
  • Area Target Type: C3.33-C3.332
  • Arid Climatic Conditions: F11
  • Arid Land: F11.2
  • Armed (any Personnel unit Armed unless currently represented by an Unarmed counter (A20.54) not possessing a functioning Gun/SW, as is any non-Abandoned vehicle with an Inherent crew. D.3):
  • Armor Factor: see AF: D1.6
  • Armor Leader: D3.4-D3.44
  • Armor Withdrawal
  • Armored Assault: D9.31
  • Armored Cupola: D9.5, O.7
  • Armored Halftracks: see Halftracks: D6.6
  • ART (Artillery): C2.2
  • Artillery Strike: S8.7
  • Artificial Terrain (AFV, wreck, SMOKE): B.9
  • ASAP (As Soon As Possible): G14.234
  • Assault Boats: E5.11
  • Assault Engineers: H1.22
  • Assault Fire: A7.36, K14.12
  • Assault Movement: A4.61, S6.221
  • A-T: Anti-Tank
  • A-T Mines (Anti-Tank): B28.5
  • A-T Set DC
  • AT Gun (Anti-Tank Gun): C2.2
  • ATMM (Anti-Tank Magnetic Mine): C13.7
  • ATR (Anti-Tank Rifle): C13.2
  • Attack Break (armed, non-berserk Japanese squad that fails an IFT/Collateral-Attack/Bombardment/FPF MC {but does not suffer Casualty Reduction} or suffers a dr"1" sniper attack undergoes an Attack Break): G1.12
  • Attack DRM: A.5
  • ATTACKER (the player whose Player Turn is currently being played): A.13
  • Attitude (An ENEMY unit is either in Advance or Hold Attitude): S3.2
  • Attitude, Prevailing: S3.2
  • Automatic Action (A predetermined Action for an ENEMY unit, mandated by its current situation): S6.3-S6.317
  • Availability Table, DYO: H1.3
  • AVRE (Armored Vehicle, Royal Engineers): H: see British Vehicle Listing Note 37
  • Axis Minors: A25.8
  • Axis Vehicles: