B# (Breakdown Number; weapon is repairable): A9.7
Backblast: C13.8
Bailing Out: D6.24
Balance: A26.5
Bamboo: G3
Banks: G8.21
Banzai Charge: G1.5
- [mandatory for DC Hero: G1.424]
- [T-H Heroes: G1.423]
- [T-H Hero does not increase ML by 1: G1.423]
Barbed Wire Fences: P3
Barrage: E12
Barrel Length: C4.1
Base Level (Usually the lowest level Location other than cellar/sewer/tunnel in a hex; however if the lowest level Location in a building hex does not allow VBM along at least one hexside of that hex, the Base Level is that of the highest building level in that hex; EX: The Base Level of 20C7 is 2.5; that of 20D7 is 0.): C1.32
Base NVR: E1.1
Basic Tables: S.1A
Battery Access: C1.21
Battle Hardening: A15.3
Battlefield Integrity: A16
- [Japanese: G1.622]
- [NA in SASL: S0]
- [Seaborne Assaults NA: G14.24]
- [Prisoner Rejection: A20.3]
BAZ (Bazooka): C13.4
- [HE Equivalency: C8.31]
- [S? Activation in non-factory building/pillbox: S5.754]
- [SW Team fire without non-qualified use penalty: S17.141]
Beach: G13
Beach Elevation and Slope: G13.2
Beach-Hinterland Hexside: G13.2
Beach Obstacles (mines, Panjis, tetrahedrons, wire): G14.5
Beach-OCEAN Hexside: G13.2
Beach Slope: G13.2
Beach Width
Beaching: E5.23
Berserk: A15.4
- [Automatic Action: S6.301]
- [Boat Entry NA: E5.54]
- [CMD DR NA: S16.32]
- [Commissar: A25.223]
- [Concealment NA: A12.12, .14]
- [ENEMY Berserkers move first: S9.1]
- [FG participation NA: A7.54]
- [Fortified Building: B23.922]
- [Hand-to-Hand CC: J2.31]
- [Heat of Battle NA: A15.1]
- [Human Wave NA: A15.1]
- [Inexperienced: A19.31]
- [Infantry in a Cave become Battle Hardened on a Final Heat of Battle DR ≥ 9: G11.97]
- [Massacre: A20.4]
- [Night, always Lax, not subject to Straying E1.533]
- [OCEAN: G13.491]
- [units in Ocean are not considered Known for Berserk creation/charge: G13.492]
- [Opportunity Fire NA: A15.432]
- [Panic Action: S6.211]
- [Pillbox: B30.44]
- [Pin EXC: C13.31]
- [wearing Skis: E4.7]
- [Straying NA: E1.533]
BF (counter abbreviation for Bow Flamethrower)
Bicycles: D15.8
Blast Area: C1.5
- [Barrage: E12.11]
- [NOBA: G14.65]
- [unit becomes TI if next Location is a HE/WP FFE Blast Area and/or contains an ADJACENT minefield: E1.53]
Blast Height (two levels higher than Base Level of hex): C1.32
Blaze (fully-developed Fire): B25.1
Blaze Spread
Blind Hex: A6.4, K7.10
BMG (Bow MG): D1.81
Bnd (F) F: counter abbreviation for Bounding (First) Fire
Boats: E5
Bocage: B9.5, K8.5
- [at Night not considered Concealment Terrain for On Foot Movement: E1.51]
- [LV DRM NA: E1.7]
- [Underbelly Hit: D4.3]
Bog: D8.2-D8.4
Bombardment: C1.8
Bombs, Aerial: E7.42
Bonus Infantry, DYO: H1.71 & H1.73
Booby Traps: B28.9
- [Deactivation in RePh: O11.6123]
- [Motorcyclists NA: D15.54]
- [In RB, Russians always have Level C, may increase to level A or B by purchase in CG. Mine factors may not be exchanged for Booby Trap: RB SSR 14]
- [Wading Infantry/Cavalry NA: G13.421]
Bore Sighting: C6.4
- [Fire Lane at Night: E1.71]
- [KGP Setup: CG12, RB Setup: CG5]
- [Ocean hex may be Bore Sighted if it is Shallow: G13.45]
- [RCL: C12.24]
- [Residual FP: A8.26]
- [Underbelly Hit: D4.3]
Bounding Fire (fire by a vehicle in the AFPh after movement to a new hex during the MPh): C5.3
Bounding First Fire (fire by a vehicle during its own MPh which enables a vehicle to both move and fire in the same phase): C5.13 & D3.3
Bow MG: see BMG: D1.81
BPV (Basic Point Value; the relative value of one unit or OBA battery for DYO/Battlefield Integrity purposes):
Braced Table References ({n}): S.1C (Refer to Table n of Chapter S)
Bracketed dr Numbers ([1-3]): S.1D (Subsequent dr numbers to fully determine a generated unit)
Bracketing: C6.52
Breakdown: see B#: A9.7
Bren Carriers: see Carriers: D6.8-D6.84
Brew Ups: D5.7
Bridge: B6, K5.2
Bridge Collapse: B6.42
Bridge Demolition: A23.71
British: A25.4
Broached Wreck: G13.4421
Broken Terrain: F13.1
Broken Units: A10.4
Brush: B12, K3.4
BU (Buttoned Up): D5.2
Buildings: B23
Built-Up Map (Any standard ASL mapboard with ≥ 19 building hexes): S4.12
Bulldozers: see Dozers: B24.7-B24.71, G15
Bunkers: B30.8
- [Movement DR NA if moving within/ADJACENT to connection Trenches/Bunkers or a TB: E1.531]
- [DYO Chinese vs Japanese: G18.81]
Burnable Terrain (bamboo, brush, buildings, cactus patch, dense jungle, grain, hut, kunai, light jungle, olive grove, orchard, paddy (in-season), palm trees, pier, rubble, vineyard, woods): B25.1
Burnt-Out Wreck:
- [in KGP cannot be Scrounged, set Ablaze, or removed from play as per D10.4: KGP SSR 10]
Burning Wreck: B25.14
Buttoned Up: see BU: D5.2
Bypass, Infantry: A4.3, K6.2-K6.3
- [allowed on Barbed Wire hexside: P3.4]
- [Beach/Ocean overlay hexside NA: G13.81]
- [Concealed enemy: A12.151]
- [Dense Jungle NA: G2.212]
- [NA through a Drift: E3.752]
- [Exit Playing Area: A2.6]
- [Grid Coordinates: A2.2]
- [Horses/Animal-Drawn: D.2]
- [Panji NA: G9.46]
- [Roadblock revealed if non-Dummy ground unit enters its hex: E1.16]
- [Residual FP: A8.21]
- [S? NA: S3.321]
- [Stream remnants NA: B20.1]
- [In RB, NA for Infantry moving through Trenches connecting building/rubble Locations: RB SSR 6]
Bypass, Vehicular: see VBM: D2.3