• C# (Canister Depletion Number) See Canister: C8.4
  • CA (Covered Arc, if used in reference to a vehicle, it refers to VCA/TCA): C3.2
  • Cactus Hedge: F13.3
  • Cactus Patch: F13.4
  • CAFP (Covered Arc Focal Point; the vertex of a hexside in front of a straddling VBM vehicle): D2.32
  • Caliber Size: see Gun Caliber Size: C2.21
  • Camouflage:
  • Campaign Game: see CG: O11.2, P8.2
  • Campaign Purchase Points: see CPP: O11.2, P8.2
  • Campaign Roster Sheet: S17.15
  • Canal: B21.11
  • Canister: C8.4
  • Capture
  • Captured AFV
  • Captured Equipment: A21
  • Carriers: D6.8-D6.84
  • Casualty MC: A10.31
  • Casualty Reduction (A combat result which eliminates a HS or crew, and wounds any SMC it afflicts. A squad is Reduced to a HS.): A7.302, K11.13, K20.2, K22.11
  • Casualty Victory Points (CVP): See VP: A26.2
  • Cavalry (Personnel on horseback-not those on Wagons): A13
  • Cave: G11
  • Cave Complex(es): G11.2
  • Cave Complex Setup Sheet (CCSS): G11.32
  • Cave Elimination: G11.88
  • Cave Entry: G11.7
  • CC (Close Combat): A11, K16.38, K17.5
  • CC Reaction Fire: D7.2
  • CCPh (Close Combat Phase): A3.8
  • CCSS (Cave Complex Setup Sheet): G11.32
  • CCT (Close Combat Table): A11.11
  • CCV (Close Combat Value; CC Kill Number vs vehicles: squad 5, crew: 4, HS: 3, SMC: 2, ): A11.5
  • CE (Crew Exposed): D5.3-D5.342
  • CE TEM: D5.31 & DD9.1
  • Cellars: B23.41, O6
  • CG (Campaign Game): O11.2, P8.2, S17
  • CG Date: P8.2
  • CG Day (One day of CG): O11.2
  • CG End: P8.2
  • CG Roster: O11.2, P8.2
  • CG-LVP Total: P8.2
  • CG-Scenario End: P8.2
  • CH (Critical Hit): C3.7
  • Charge (Special Cavalry Attack): A13.6
  • Chinese: G18
  • Civilian Interrogation:E2.4
  • Class, Personnel Types (E: Elite; 1: 1st Line; 2: 2nd Line; G/C: Green/Conscript): A1.25
  • Clear: E3.2
  • Clearance (of rubble, mines, Wire, roadblock, Set DC, Flame): B24.7
  • Cliffs: B11, K4.18
  • Climbing (the act of ascending or descending a Cliff hexside): B11.4
  • Cloaking: E1.4
  • Close Combat: see CC: A11
  • Close Defense Weapon System (Nahverteidigungswaffe): A11.622
  • Cloud Cover (DYO): E1.11
  • CMD DR (A FRIENDLY unit must pass a Command DR (CMD DR) or be within the Command Influence range of a FRIENDLY leader that has passed his CMD DR in order to be in Command Control): S16.3-S16.4
  • CMD# (The number a FRIENDLY unit must roll ≤ in order to be in Command Control): S16.2
  • CMG (Coaxial MG): D1.82
  • Coin (as overlay):
  • Collapse: B25.66
  • Collateral Attack: A.14
  • Column:
  • Command Control: S16.1
  • Command Influence (Each FRIENDLY leader that has passed his CMD DR (or is within the Command Influence range of a better-rated FRIENDLY leader) has a Command Influence range of two hexes): S16.4
  • Commando: H1.24
  • Commissar: A25.22
  • Company Improvement
  • Concealment: A12, K14.9, K23.9
  • Concealment Loss: A12.14, K24.9-K24.10
  • Concealment Terrain, Initial (bamboo, broken ground, brush, building, cactus patch, cave, cave complex, dense jungle, grain, hut, kunai, light jungle, marsh, olive grove, orchard, paddy (in-season), palm trees, rubble, scrub, swamp, vineyard, woods): A12.12, K23.13
  • Concentration FFE (an OBA Fire Mission with a seven hex Blast Area): C1.5
  • Conditional ROF: C2.5
  • Conscripts: A19.2-A19.3
  • Contact:
  • Continuous Slope: B.5
  • Control: A26.1, K2.10
  • Control Markers:
  • Convoys: E11
  • Coral Soil: G13.82
  • Correcting Fire: C1.4
  • COT (Cost of Terrain): B.2
  • Counter (any of the die-cut square pieces of the game)
  • Countermix (Counter Limits): H1.11
  • Covered Arc: see CA: C3.2
  • Cowering: A7.9, K14.10
  • Coy (Company): O11.2
  • CPP (Campaign Purchase Points): O11.2, P8.2
  • CPP Replenishment:
  • Crag: B17, K10.8
  • Crash dr: E8.23
  • Creeping Barrage: E12.7
  • Crest Line: B10.11
  • Crest Status: B20.9, K4.21, K13.9
  • Crew: A1.123 & C2.1
  • Crew Small Arms: A11.621
  • Critical Hit: see CH: C3.7
  • CS# (Crew Survival Number for all PRC): D5.6 & D6.9
  • cs# (Survival Number for Passengers/Riders only): D5.6 & D6.9
  • CT (Closed Topped; a fully-armored AFV which is not OT): D1.24
  • Culin Hedgerow Device: B9.541
  • Culvert: O7
  • Cumulative Terrain Effects: A2.4
  • Cupola: see Armored Cupola: D9.5
  • Current: B21.121
  • Current-LVP Total: P8.2
  • CVP (Casualty Victory Points): See VP: A26.2
  • CX (Counter Exhaustion): A4.51, K5.12-K5.13, K14.4
  • Cycle (a motorcycle without a sidecar): D15.1