D#: APDS Depletion Number. See APCR/APDS: C8.1-C8.2
Daisy Chain: B28.531
- [Japanese may convert all A-T mine factors to Daisy Chain: G1.613]
Damage Point (DP) for LC: see DP: G12.601, G12.69
Damaged Aircraft: E7.226
Dare-Death Squads: G18.6
Dash: A4.63, K6.6
Date: S17.21
DC (Demolition Charge): A23
DC Hero: G1.424
DD Tanks: D16
Debris: O1
Deep Snow: E3.73
Deep Water: G13.4
DEFENDER (the player whose Player Turn is not presently being played): A.13
Deirs: F4
Delay: D2.17
Deliberate Immobilization Attempt: C5.7
Demolition: A23.7
Dense Jungle: G2.2
Depleted: O11.2, P8.2
Depletion Numbers: C8.9
Deployment: A1.31
Depression Cliff: B11.1-B11.21
Depressions (Gully, Stream, Sunken Road): A6.3, K4.21
Depth: B21.122
Desert Boards: F.1
Desert Low Visibility (see DLV): F11.6
Desert Overlays: F12
Desert Victory Points (see DVP) : F.3
Desperation: C13.81
Desperation Morale: see DM: A10.62
Destruction, Self: see Self-Destruction
Destruction, SW: A9.73-A9.74
Detection: A12.15
- [NA in jungle, kunai, or bamboo Location against hidden, Stealthy Infantry DEFENDERS: G.4]
- [units in a Column: E11.522]
DF (Defensive Fire): A8
DFPh (Defensive Fire Phase): A3.4, K14.13
Difficult Terrain (any hex which costs ≥ four MF or all of a unit's available non-Double Time MF allotment to enter in MPh): A4.72, K5.12, K16.39, K17.4
Direct Fire: Any fire attack requiring a LOS from the firer which does not use Indirect Fire. See C.1 and C9.1
Direct Hit (a KIA/K result on the IFT Effects Final DR of any hit): C11.4
Directing Fire: A7.53
Direction, Random: B.8
Directional Aid Counter (any counter depicting a hex with each hexside numbered from 1 to 6 to aid in assessing the direction from that point on the mapboard in accordance with a dr such as Sniper Target Selection, AR, Parachute Drift, SR, FFE)]
Directly Attached (A unit/Weapon that is part of the FRIENDLY CG company): S17.131
Disabled (Vehicular armament which has malfunctioned and cannot be repaired is marked with a Disabled counter because it cannot be removed separate from the vehicle): D3.7
Disbandment, Column: E11.53
- [Sniper Attack against Column causes unit to Disband: E11.53]
Disembarking: see Unloading: D6.5
Dispersed Smoke: A24.5 & .61
Disruption: A19.12, K20.3
- [Heat of Battle Surrender: A15.5]
- [Japanese NA: G1.62]
- [U.S. Marine NA: G17.1]
DLV (Desert Low Visibility): F11.6
DM (Desperation Morale): A10.62, K20.9-K20.10
- [BU Halftrack: D6.66]
- [Commissar EXC: A25.222]
- [ENEMY Removal: S7.2]
- [Interdiction: A10.53]
- [blocked LOS NA: A6.11]
- [at night may only Low Crawl: E1.54]
- [at night may Low Crawl ADJACENT to a Known Enemy Unit provided it's no closer to that unit: E1.54]
- [Self Rally: A18.11]
dm (Dismantled): A9.8
- [76-82mm MTR Passenger PP Reduction: C10.13]
- [76-82mm MTR Rider PP Reduction: D6.2]
- [Animal Pack: G10.32]
Double-Crests: B10.52
Doubles (same number on each dr of a DR):
- [Bombardment Casualty Reduction: C1.8]
- [Cowering: A7.9]
- [Multiple Hits: C3.8]
Double Break (an already broken unit that breaks again: A10.3): S17.31]
Double Time: A4.5, K5.12, K6.1, S6.222
Downhill Ski Movement: E4.31
Down-Slope: P2.2
Dozers: B24.7-B24.71, G15
DP (Damage Points) for LC: G12.601, G12.69
DR (dice roll; a roll of two or more dice): A.1, K11.2
dr (die roll; a roll of one die): A.1
Drained Rice Paddies: G8.11
Drifts (Snow): E3.75
DRM (dice roll modifier):
drm (die roll modifier):
Drop Point: E9.12
Dropping SW: see SW, Dropping: A4.43
Drowning: E6.21
Dud: C7.35
Dug-In AFV: D9.54
Dummy (a "?" counter representing a fake, unknown unit): A12.1-A12.11
- [Dummies are eliminated BEFORE the Ambush dr, and do not qualify for the -2 drm: ASOP 8.11B]
- [CC: A11.19]
- [DYO: at Night, bonus set up is in addition to H1.6: E1.2, E1.411]
- [vs OVR: A12.41]
Dummy Minefields: F.7B, P7.2
Dune Crest: F7.51
Dust: F11.7
DVP (Desert Victory Points): F.3
DYO (Design Your Own): H