• H#: HEAT Depletion Number
  • HA (Height Advantage): B10.31, K12.13
  • Half Hexes: A2.3
  • Half-Level Obstacles (Cactus Hedge, Cactus Patch, Dune Crest, Hedge, Hillock, Hillside Wall/Hedge, Roadblock, Rubble, Seawall, Wall): A6.21, K8.1
  • Half Squad: see HS: A1.122
  • Halftracks, Armored (ht): D6.6
  • Hammada: F3
  • Hamper (a Final Fire Clearance DR < 7 but > 2 which prevents a Flame from becoming a Blaze): B24.721
  • Hand-to-Hand CC: J2.31
  • Hara-Kiri: G1.641
  • Harassing Fire: C1.72
  • Hazardous Movement: A4.62
  • HD (Hull Down): D4.2
  • HD Maneuver Attempt: D4.22
  • h-d: See Horse-Drawn Transport: D12
  • HE (High Explosive; a type of attack including DC, aerial bombs and all forms of Indirect Fire):
  • HE Equivalency (use of AP/APCR/APDS/ATR/HEAT on IFT): C8.31
  • HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank): C8.3
  • Heat Haze: F11.62
  • Heat of Battle (see also Heat of Battle NA below): A15
  • Heat of Battle NA: A15.1
  • Heavy AA: E7.52
  • Heavy Dust: F11.73
  • Heavy Payload: C.7
  • Heavy Surf: G13.44
  • Heavy Wind: B25.63
  • Hedgerow: see Bocage: B9.5
  • Hedges: B9
  • Height Advantage: see HA: B10.31
  • Hero: A15.2
  • Hex (the area inside the six hexsides which compose a hex, including those hexsides and their vertices): K2.1
  • Hex Grain (any string of connected hexes in which a straight LOS drawn between the first and last hex center dots also bisects the hex center dot of every hex between them; all the red lines in the example below are drawn along a Hex Grain of the central hex, the blue lines represent the Alternate Hex Grain of the central hex):
  • Hexside (one of the six lines which combine to form a hex; each hexside also contains two vertices):
  • Hexspine (the hexside of an adjacent hex which combines with two hexsides of the subject hex as if forming six spokes of a wheel; hexside E8-E9 is a hexspine of hex F8 and hex D8): C3.2
  • HH (Hull Hit required)
  • Hidden Guns: A12.34
  • Hidden Initial Placement: see HIP: A12.3-A12.34
  • High Seawalls: G13.61
  • Hill: B10, K3.2
  • Hill Depressions: B19.5
  • Hillock: F6
  • Hillock Summit: F6.6
  • Hillside Walls and Hedges: F10, P6
  • Hindrance, LOS (Bridge, Brush, Crag, Grain, Graveyard, Marsh, Orchard, SMOKE, FPF, various weather effects): A6.7, K8.8, K9.24, K10.4-K10.5
  • Hindrance Level: B.4
  • Hinterland: G13.2
  • HIP (Hidden Initial Placement): A12.3-A12.34, K14.9
  • Hit:
  • Hit Location: C3.9
  • HMG (Heavy Machine Gun):
  • Hold Attitude (An ENEMY Prevailing Attitude): S3.2
  • Hold Attitude Activation:
  • Holding Box: P8.2
  • Hooking Up Guns: C10.11
  • Horse: A13.7
  • Horse-Drawn Transport (wagon, pulkka, sledge): D12
  • House Rules (any mutually agreed upon method for speeding up play, or adjusting the official rules for a particular group's own enjoyment or convenience): A.9
  • HS (Half Squad): A1.122
  • ht: halftrack: D6.6
  • Hull Down: See HD: D4.2
  • Hull Hit: C3.9
  • Human Wave: A25.23
  • Hungarian: A25.8 & A20.55
  • Huts: G5
  • HW (Heavy Weapon: Each SW that is ≥ 3 PP (when assembled), or a Gun. An ENEMY unit possessing a HW will usually have an Automatic Action): S6.313