s: see SMOKE: A24 & C8.5
S? (Suspect: A non-Activated ENEMY unit, the actual identity of which is not known until an AC is made for the S?. A S? is not considered a Known unit): S3.1
- [ENEMY Overstacking: S6.223]
- [has 6 MF, or 8 MF if in Human Wave, +1 Road Bonus applies: S3.321]
- [Placement: S4]
Same-Hex Fire: see Firing Within Hex: A7.212 & A7.21 & C5.5
SAN (Sniper Activation Number): A14.1
SAN Adjustment
Sand: F7
Sand Dunes: F7.5
Sandbars: G13.31
Sangar: F8
Sappers: B28.8
SASL: Solitaire ASL system
Scaling: B23.424
Scarce Ammunition, OBA: C1.211
Scenario Attacker/Defender: The Scenario Defender is the side that sets up wholly or partly on-board and does not have to capture terrain (on other than its setup board(s)) in order to fulfill its Victory Conditions, while facing an opposing side that enters wholly from offboard. This latter side is termed the Scenario Attacker. The Scenario Defender and Attacker both exist or neither does; a scenario cannot have one without having the other. In scenarios where nether exists, the use of rules pertaining specifically to their respective roles is not allowed.
Schuerzen (Sz): D11.2
- [DYO: H1.42]
- [in KGP all PzKpfw IVH and IVJ have Schuerzen: KGP SSR 14]
- [S? Activation: S5.713]
Scrub: F2
SCW (Shaped-Charge Weapons; PF/PFk, PSK, PIAT, BAZ): C13.9
sD (Vehicular Smoke Discharger): D13.1 & D13.31
- [Depletion Number NA: C8.9]
Seaborne Assaults: G14
Seaborne Evacuation: G14.4
Searching: A12.152
- [Bamboo counts as Searching two hexes: G3.22]
- [Gunflashes: E1.86]
- [HIP units in jungle, kunai, or bamboo Location: G.4]
- [Minefield: A12.33]
- [Panji: G9.48]
- [PTO, the opponent of the Japanese receives a +2 drm unless Searching building/rubble: G1.63]
- [Rooftop: B23.82]
- [Trip Flares: G.8C]
- [vs a hidden Cave: G11.33]
Season (monthly variations):
Seawalls: G13.6
Secret DR/dr: D.5
Sect (Section): P8.2
Security Area: C1.23
Self Preservation: S6.311
Self-Rally (the capability of a broken unit to rally itself): A10.63, K22.11, K22.13, S6.317
Sequence of Play, Basic: A3, Advanced: Armory Chapter N divider
Set DC: A23.7
Setup Area: P8.2
Setup Limitations: A2.9
Sewers: B8
- [In RB, a unit can cross from one side of a gully to the other only if it ends its movement in a Sewer Location of a gully-Manhole hex: RB SSR 2]
- [In RB, Control of a Rooftop/Sewer Location never counts as Controlling a building Location: RB SSR 3]
- [cannot connect to any other type of subterranean Location: G11.934]
- [Fortified Buildings: 0.2]
- [In RB, a unit entrenched in a manhole location may not enter that hex's Sewer Location: RB SSR 2]
- [RB: CG18]
- [Rice Paddy hex NA: G8.73]
- [In RB, Russians may use freely, German leader must pass 4TC {B8.4}: RB SSR 2]
- [Rubble: O.6]
- [SCW Fire: C13.8]
- [Stacking: A5.6]
SF (counter abbreviation for side-mounted FT): D3.6
SFCP (Shore Fire-Control Party): G14.61
Shadows: E1.941
Shallow Water: E5.532, G13.4
Shellholes: B2, K14.1
- [Elevation Advantage: B9.33]
- [Gullies: O.3A]
- [Hut terrain in that hex no longer exists: G2.6, G5.7]
- [Jungle terrain in that hex no longer exists: G2.6]
- [Motorcycle Wreck Check: D15.46]
- [Movement K3.10]
- [Rice Paddy: G8.72]
Shift: P8.2
Shipboard Observer: G14.68
Shock (the condition of any AFV crew/Passenger currently beneath a Shock or Unconfirmed Kill counter): C7.4-C7.42
Shore Fire-Control Party (see SFCP): G14.61
Shore Hex: O11.2
Shoreline (Non-Beach): G13.41
Sidecar (a motorcycle with a Passenger pod): D15.1
Sighting TC: E7.3
Single Hex Two-Story Building: O4, P5.3
Single Lane Roads:
- [in KGP all unpaved Sunken roads and roads through woods is considered a Single Lane: KGP SSR 7]
Single Story House: B23.21
Sinking: E5.53
Sissi: A25.73
Size: see Target Size: C6.7
Ski Mode: E4.2
Ski Movement: E4.3
Ski Troops: E4
Skis: E4.21
Sledge: D12.5
Slightly Sloped Beach: G13.21
Slope (Continuous Slope): B.5
Slope Hexsides: P2
Slow Turret Traverse: see ST: D1.32
sM (Smoke Mortar): D13.1 & D13.32
Small Arms Fire (the inherent FP of any personnel counter)
Small Rafts: E5.121
SMC (Single Man Counter): A1.11, K1.8
- [Captured AFV use: A21.22]
- [CC: A11.14]
- [Firing crew-served Weapon: A21.13]
- [Japanese: G1.4]
- [Night, Good Order SMC considered Stealthy: E1.62]
SMG (Submachine Gun): An Infantry weapon inherently represented by a squad's Assault Fire and Spraying Fire capabilities.
SMOKE (s) (Collective term for Smoke & WP): A24 & C8.5
- [Acquisition: C6.56]
- [Aerial LOS Hindrances: E.6]
- [Assault Engineers get +2 to their SMOKE exponent: H1.22]
- [Automatic Action if unit has a smoke exponent and is entering OG in LOS of armed FRIENDLY unit: S6.316]
- [from a Barrage is allowed: E12.51]
- [Blaze: B25.2]
- [vs Cave: G11.85]
- [Creeping Barrage NA: E12.75]
- [Deep Snow: E3.734]
- [Depletion Numbers: C8.9]
- [ENEMY FFE: S8.721]
- [Fired Round: C8.5]
- [Gusts: B25.651]
- [Japanese: G1.17]
- [MOL-Projector: O10.45]
- [Narrow Street: P5.131]
- [OBA: C1.71]
- [Ocean NA: G13.47]
- [Rain: E3.53]
- [RB Roofless Factories: O5.441]
- [In RB, neither Russians nor Germans may use 150+ mm OBA or Rocket OBA to fire Smoke: RB SSR 12]
- [S? Activation: S5.74]
- [affects Snap Shot: A8.15, K15.3]
- [Strength & Placement phases: A24.5 & C8.5]
- [TH# Modification: C4.4]
- [Wind Force: B25.63]
Smoke Dischargers: see sD: D13.1 & D13.31
Smoke Dispensers (sD, sM, sP, sN): D13, F.10
- [Using & "?" Loss: A12.2]
Smoke Grenades: A24.1
Smoke Mortar: see sM: D13.1 & D13.32
Smoke Placement Exponent (the FP exponent of a squad which determines placement of smoke grenades): A1.21 & A24.1
- [SMOKE Generation on S? Activation: S5.74]
Smoke Pot: see sP: D13.1 & D13.33
sN (Nahverteidigungswaffe; German AFV Close Defense Weapon System): A11.622 & D13.34
Snap Shot: A8.15, K15.3
- [Depression: B19.4 EX]
- [Entrance of/rebuffed from Enemy hex: A12.15]
- [Loss of Concealment: A12.141]
- [Residual FP NA: A8.223]
- [In RB, Snap Shot NA against Infantry moving through Trenches connecting building/rubble Locations: RB SSR 6]
- [through Wall/Hedge: B9.2]
Sniper: A14
- [Ammunition Shortage NA: A19.131]
- [DM: A10.62]
- [ENEMY: S8.8]
- [RB Factory: O.4]
- [against LC: G12.603]
- [KGP: CG15]
- [In RB, all locations (exc. Aerial, IN a Sewer or Culvert) are eligible sniper target Locations: RB SSR 10]
- [Mistaken Fire: E1.76]
- [Night: E1.72]
- [RB: CG8]
- [TEM in factory: O.4A]
- [unit IN a Culvert Location is considered a non-target: O7.5]
Sniper Check: A14.4
Snow: E3.7
Soft Ground:
- [in KGP Vehicles must expend an additional MP per hexside unless on a paved-road or stream hexside, or entering a building/woods/rubble obstacle: KGP SSR 5]
Solitaire Campaign: S17
Solitaire Tables: S.1
sP (Smoke Pots): D13.1 & D13.33
Special Ammunition: C8
Special Forces Integrity: S12.22
Split Level Building: B23.72, K5.6
Splitting Cycles: D15.44
Spotted Fire: C9.31
Spotters: C9.3
Spraying Fire: A9.5-A9.52
Squad: A1.121
Squad Equivalent (two non-Inherent-crews/HS or one non-Inherent-crew/HS and five SMC): A5.5
Squad Seasoning
SR (Spotting Round): C1.31
- [not considered Gunflashes, seen by Observer only: E1.87]
SS: A25.11
- [in KGP all German units are SS: KGP SSR 11]
- [Massacre: A20.4]
SSR (Scenario Special Rule): Always takes precedence over Game System rules.
ST (Slow Turret Traverse): D1.32
Stabilized CMG: D11.13
Stabilized Gun (any AFV equipped with a Gyrostabilizer): D11.1-D11.12
Stacking Limits: A5
Stairwell: B23.2, K2.10
Stall: Rules are given in a chapter H Vehicle Note if a nationality's AFV are subject to Stall; for example, German Vehicle Note H.
Starshells: E1.92
Starshell Usage DR: E1.921
Starting: D2.12
Stationary Bypass: D2.34
- [Horse/Animal Drawn Transport: D.2]
Stealth (ANZAC, Commandos, Gurkhas, Finns, Heroes, and Partisans are Stealthy unless Green) A11.17, K18.11:
Steeply Sloped Beach: G13.23
Steeple: P5.2
Step Reduction: G1.11
Steppe Terrain: F13.2
Sticks: E9.11
Stone Location: O11.2
Stopping: D2.13
Storage Tanks: O9
Strafing: E7.401
Strategic Location: O11.2, P8.2
Straying: E1.53
Stream: B20
- [Exit; Underbelly Hit: D4.3]
- [Motorcycle Wreck: D15.46]
- [Low Crawl NA in non-dry: A10.52]
- [Stream Hex Terrain: P4]
- [Stream Culvert: P4.2]
- [SW Possession: A4.43]
Street Fighting: A11.8
- [Narrow Street: P5.132]
- [Reaction Fire: D7.2]
- [In RB, Rubble is considered a building for Ambush (A11.4) and Street Fighting purposes: RB SSR 8]
Strength: O11.2, P8.2
Strength Factor: A1.2
- [Leaders: Morale Leadership]
- [MMC & Hero: FP-Range-Morale]
Stuka: E7.403
Stun: D5.34
- [Carrier EXC: D6.84]
- [Halftrack Passengers NA: D6.62]
- [in KGP German Vehicles: KGP SSR 12]
- [LC: G12.111]
- [Vehicle in RePh: P8.6141]
- [Vehicle of Assaulting/Evacuating side: G14.33]
Submerged Reef: G13.431
Subsequent First Fire: A8.3, K13.16
Sun Blindness: F11.61
Sunken Lane: B4.43
Sunken Road: B4
Superior Turret (AF in square): D1.63
Surr (counter abbreviation for Surrender) see Surrender: A15.5
Surrender: A15.5
- [Japanese are exempt in the RtPh: A20.21 & G1.62]
- [Night, only during CC or Mopping Up: E1.54]
- [refusal NA in North Africa: F.5]
Survival: D6.9, D5.6
Sustained Fire: A9.3
- [AFPh Restriction: A4.41]
- [B#/X#: A.11]
- [Final Fire Restriction: A8.41]
- [Subsequent First Fire: A8.3]
SW (Support Weapon; any weapon depicted on a half inch counter):
SW, Dropping: A4.43
SW/Gun dm/Elimination:
SW Malfunction: A9.7
SW Possession: see Possession, SW: A4.43
SW Recovery: see Recovery, SW: A4.44
SW Removal: see Removal, SW: D6.631
SW Self-Destruction: A9.73
SW Team: S17.14
SW Usage: A7.35
Swamp: G7
Swamping DR: G13.4222
Swimming: E6
Sz (Schuerzen): D11.2